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Quakelive impersonator warning (37 comments)
Posted by g3nesis @ 00:27 CDT, 26 April 2009 - iMsg
It was come to my attention that jon "judge" leathery (aka sa_Judge and dT|Judge) has been impersonating various people on irc and in quakelive by accepting scrims on different names and pretending to be in clans that he is not in. He has also managed to exploit a bug in quakelive, that allows him to use any custom name in game. It is very important that you stop this man from impersonating you or pretending to be in your clan by informing server and irc channel admins of his malicious acts.

He has impersonated several players: f27-wreck, EG|Django, DetonatoR, clamp-OK, smf-dradik, and cM|ultra. He has pretended to be in clans f27, smf, FoJ and team e.

Since i personally have received so many complaints about this impersonator. I decided to set him up a trap myself, so i had asked for a scrim on irc and I got this msg:

<judge`> scrim?
<g3nesis> what clan
<judge`> suave
<g3nesis> k
<g3nesis> sure
<judge`> what server
<g3nesis> is ur name judge on qlive
<judge`> no, dradik
<g3nesis> k
<judge`> what server u guys on
<judge`> we can do east/cent
<g3nesis> come check what u guys ping here

30 minutes later

<judge`> oh i see now

1 hour later

<judge`> yeah we're otw sry
+judge` (~sa_judge@dT|Judge.user.gamesurge) Quit (Quit)

So i went to ask suave if judge was actually part of their clan:

<g3nesis> is judge in this clan?
<g3nesis> guy is claiming that hes in ur clan and accepting scrims and never showing up
<@syncore> uhh
<@syncore> never heard of judge

He is now officially banned from competing in several leagues/tournaments.
Edited by g3nesis at 18:17 CDT, 26 April 2009 - 12171 Hits
Quake 4 CTF Lessons (No comments)
Posted by g3nesis @ 09:06 CDT, 14 July 2008 - iMsg
I am the legendary Quake 4 CTF player, Thomas "genesis" Clark. I was born in Orlando City, Florida state of the United States of America on October 3rd, 1985.

I have mastered the game of Quake 4 ever since its release. I have authored many books and guides on how to become a master Quake 4 rapist.

I am currently an official solo Quake 4 instructor, I was awarded this license by ID Software after dominating the Quake 4 CTF scene at Quakecon 2004-2007. I charge 50 USD/hour for an individual (1 person) lesson and 100 USD/hour for a group/clan lesson. My Quake 4 guide, costs 150 USD a copy and is mandatory to have when we the traning is in session.

My clan 'Devastation' has stomped on all clans and has taken the #1 title from BlackDragons in 2004. The #1 spot was always held by Team Dev in all leagues and tournaments ever since. I have provided lessons to several USA clans for several years now. I have trained clans such as BlackDragons, TRW, FlagPirates, etc.

Upon completion of my program and successful graduation from my institute, you will be awarded the doctorate level degree from my instute signed by me as a proof to have attended my lessons.

I would like to take the opportunity to dedicate my Quake 4 lessons and guides, and my quake 4 career and all that i was, i am and i am to be, to my clan Devastation.


"You killed the game with your amazing skills, if i could get u to teach me quake 24/7, i would" - ceppy

"I'm horrible at Quake, but i can tell whos good and whos not and the word 'good' can't describe how much you fuckin rape" - Icelore

"I never knew that my clan [BlackDragons] could ever be dominated until you came around" - DaHang

"You are literally the best player to have ever lived" - mik3d

"I wouldn't have made it anywhere if it wasn't for your training" - shizem

"You are truely a legend, your domination made me step my game up and my level is still no where near yours" - cdogg

"I have always thought to be a decent player, until i saw you play" - NIGHT

"I dont believe that a person can be that good at a game" - freeform
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