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FPS Drops/Lags under Vista (6 comments)
Posted by regnarth @ 11:15 CDT, 20 August 2008 - iMsg
I'm trying to get Q3 running under Vista.
Most of the times my fps are between 117-123 fps + Lags.

I tried
- Only using one CPU Core
- Running as Administrator
- Disabling Sound
- All in_mouse settings
- vq3 and cpma
- win xp compatibility mode
- win 98 compatibility mode
- cnq3

My System:
vista x64 sp1
4gb ram
ati hd3870

p.s.: xp/linux is not the solution.
3747 Hits
Negative Accel? (3 comments)
Posted by regnarth @ 13:33 CDT, 30 May 2008 - iMsg
i've bought a new mouse (diamondback 3g).

When i move the mouse really fast, Quake4 doesn't keep up with the movements.
I don't experience this in Warsow.
I tried "emulating" 900dpi by changing the mouse in the control panel.

Diamondback 3g
1800DPi (no Driver)

Help plx :o
1880 Hits
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