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svr -vs- pupz (53 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 11:56 CDT, 26 March 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: Q3 1.32 CPMA 1.40
How to play back Q3 demos

This is one half of the semi finals in the produel, weekend Quake 3 Europe CPMA cpm tournament, this match is between pupz and svr , winner to face lugia in the grand finals. ( sorry missing other semi final between lugia and fluff ) , the maps are cpm24 - luGia's pick and 3a svr's pick .. Enjoy
Edited by spyteman at 12:53 CDT, 26 March 2007 - 11783 Hits
LuGia -vs- pupz (29 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 11:38 CDT, 26 March 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: Q3 1.32 CPMA 1.40
How to play back Q3 demos

The Grand Finals of the European Quake 3 CPMA CPM tournament. This tournament was held on Sunday and was open to 8 players, the finals featured LuGia and Pupz ( single elimination ).
Map 1 came off cpm3a and was LuGia's pick, map 2 was cpm22 pupz map pick, and map 3 was cpm24 , phrantic .. I've said too much.. enjoy
Edited by spyteman at 12:22 CDT, 26 March 2007 - 8285 Hits
bio -vs- jfw (6 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 21:10 CST, 5 March 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: pro-q3tourney4 - Vertical Vengeance
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: multi
Version info: cpma 1.4
How to play back Q3 demos

Produels - pro-q3tourney4 tournament . this is the lower bracket game between bio( lost witnes ) and jfw ( Goldfinger ), some more exciting pro-q3tourney4 games, best of 1 map winners moves on , loser watches on gtv.
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 23:42 CST, 5 March 2007 - 4739 Hits
Viju -vs- chance (15 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 21:06 CST, 5 March 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: pro-q3tourney4 - Vertical Vengeance
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: Multi
Version info: cpma 1.4
How to play back Q3 demos

Produels pro-q3tourney4 tournament - This is the upper bracket finals between viju and Chance on pro-q3tourney4 .. best of 1 map . Later on in the tournament a rematch was supposed to happen in the grand finals however due to network issue's viju was forced to give that game up. :( none the less we have the consolation prize of the upper bracket finals and some solid game play, another enjoyable demo! =) enjoy
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 23:42 CST, 5 March 2007 - 7606 Hits
bio -vs- viju (1 comment)
Posted by hyze @ 21:00 CST, 5 March 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: pro-q3tourney4 - Vertical Vengeance
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: multi
Version info: cpma 1.4
How to play back Q3 demos

Produels on the fly pro-q3tourney4 tournament, ... this is lb semi's between viju and bio on pro-q3tourney4 winner advances loser is out , best of 1 map - good game worth watching if your Quake fan =)

and yes thats not a typo we brought in pro-q3tourney4 for this tournament !!! Enjoy
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 23:42 CST, 5 March 2007 - 1493 Hits
chance -vs- scar(rapha) (3 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 10:42 CST, 5 March 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: chance
How to play back Q3 demos

Produels Grand Finals of the quake 3 North American Tournament for march 3rd. Chance the upper bracket winner vs rapha/Scar the lower bracket winner. maps came off chance - pukka3tourney2 , scar - ztn3tourney1, and the third map was hub3aeroq3 ...
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 23:43 CST, 5 March 2007 - 3875 Hits
Scar(rapha) -vs- Vamp1re (4 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 03:37 CST, 5 March 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: rapha
Version info: cpma
How to play back Q3 demos

Produels March 3rd, North America Quake 3 Tournament ::

This is Rapha's pov of the upper bracket game with scar and vamp1re and also Lower Bracket Finals ... vs rapha(scar) and vamp1re some good game play .. going to three maps in the lb with the final being pro t7 - the rest of the demo's from this great night of quake will be coming as we receive em.
side note - you can tell via the demo names and times (included in the filename) as to which games are up bracket and lb

if you need to get the maps::
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 23:44 CST, 5 March 2007 - 2366 Hits
viju -vs- scar (32 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 05:40 CST, 26 February 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: CPMA 1.40
How to play back Q3 demos

The Grand Finals of the Produels North American Quake Masters Tournament - Q3 - features Upper bracket winner scar vs lower bracket winner viju. The first best of 3 series, the maps came off: Scar - ospdm7 , Viju - ztn3tourney1 , 3rd map was hub3aeroq3.

The Second best of 3 series, maps came off - Hub3aeroq3 And Pukka3tourney5
Download pukka3tourney5

This is definitely recommended viewing, Especially the first set which featured a ztn3tourney1 game which needed double overtime to decide a winner!!! Outstanding game play and fun to watch - hope you enjoy
Edited by spyteman at 17:53 CST, 1 March 2007 - 12855 Hits
forever -vs- ahzaz (10 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 16:06 CST, 25 February 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4.4 (8 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: dynamic POV
How to play back Q4 demos

This is the Quake 4 GRAND FINALS - of the Produels Quake Masters Tournament, Featuring the lower bracket winner ahzaz vs the upper bracket champ forever - NOTE THIS IS A LAGGY DEMO FOR WHATEVER REASON -

im unsure the order in wich they came off , But enjoy none the less
Side note - Quake 4 North America will be live tonight with q4tv 7pm EST and demo's will be uploaded following the conclusion.
Edited by hyze at 10:50 CST, 27 February 2007 - 6593 Hits
fooki -vs- spartie (8 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 15:02 CST, 25 February 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: CPMA 1.40
How to play back Q3 demos

This is the GRAND FINALS - of the Quake Masters Tournament. Spartie ( Lower bracket winner ) vs Fooki (upper bracket winner)

Three maps were needed to decide this one. Maps came off::
1. Fooki's map choice Ztn3tourney1
2. Spartie's map choice hub3aeroq3
3. Third map after tosses was pukka3tourney5

And for all you people interested and watching the games live - Tonight (Feb 25th 19:00 CDT) we continue with the N.America tourney's with q4tv and gtv avail demo's to be added soon #duel / #produels on respective networks..
Edited by spyteman at 17:52 CST, 1 March 2007 - 6188 Hits
Fooki -vs- Spartie (80 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 01:40 CST, 25 February 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.7 (2 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Multi
Version info: 1.32 - cpma 1.4 [ all 3 maps ]
How to play back Q3 demos

>> <<
(6302KB, 646 DLs)

This is the Winners Bracket Final in the Produels Quake Masters Tournament.
Spartie vs Fooki - Maps came off spartie: hub fooki: cpm29 and they tossed to come to the third map , pukka3tourney5 ( yes ztn3tourney1 was tossed!! )

Well this was fun to watch live, hope you enjoy .. The grand finals is going tomorrow[Feb 25th 7pm CET] for any you early birds.
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 16:24 CST, 25 February 2007 - 34605 Hits
chance -vs- griffin (19 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 01:48 CST, 1 February 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: mixed
How to play back Q4 demos

Produels Quake 4 invite tourny i
This is the Grand Finals series which featured 3 highly contested maps.

***Player POV demos will Be uploaded soon****

Maps and choice: torment [chance] , placebo[griffin] , Monsoon | #duel (on ETG) | #produels (on Qnet).
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 06:52 CST, 26 February 2007 - 9887 Hits
palarity -vs- geoff (3 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 02:23 CST, 14 January 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: N/A
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: mvd
How to play back Q3 demos

#duel - ( #produels - on quakenet )

The grand finals of produels, q3 1v1 tournament XVI - Palarity is the upper bracket winner and geoff coming from lower bracket,
The first game is geoffs map pick hub3aeroq3 / the second is palarity's map choice in cpm29
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 06:54 CST, 26 February 2007 - 1709 Hits
palarity -vs- geoff (1 comment)
Posted by hyze @ 02:20 CST, 14 January 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: N/A
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: MVD
How to play back Q3 demos

#duel -

The Grand Finals Between Palarity and Geoff. Palarity was the upperbracket winner and geoff came from the lower bracket. The map is cpm29
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 06:54 CST, 26 February 2007 - 1285 Hits
#duel - q3 1v1 tournament XVI (4 comments)
Posted by hyze @ 07:57 CST, 13 January 2007 - iMsg
Another Weekend, another tournament from your BEST FRIENDS over at #duel (on etg and gs ). This saturday - sunday tournament is 32 person, we're still open for signing up. Join #duel and msg an op. Brackets and further information will be provided in the channel on gameday, both GTV and ShoutCasting will be provided. - next week we will be skipping the q3 1v1 tournament to bring the q3 tdm and q4 1v1 tournament to ya.

#duel - (under dev)
Edited by Yeltsin at 08:27 CST, 13 January 2007 - 1366 Hits
#duel - q3 tdm tournament (1 comment)
Posted by hyze @ 06:56 CST, 13 January 2007 - iMsg
#duel - ( under dev )

Our First TDM tournament, set to kick off jan, 20th.
Registration is still open, drop by the irc channel if you'd like to enter a team. GTV and ShoutCasting will there, address however will be provided on the 20th, in #duel and #duel.tdm on etg.

Team List

1. D|S - syn , (tba)
2. iAm - hyze , pey (tba)
3. DFM - kgb , (tba)
4. k9 - boo , fake_id, (tba)
5. destrophy - (tba)
6. Equality - bLt, mik3d, stunt, stid and staind
7. CCCP - soul, schnucks, lsv, cyzer, cdogg
8. The Cyclone Ballsack Rangers - WARLOCK, d4rpa, ej_, xzist
9. Nn - bio dj geoff and daler
10.(?) - stinger shadow tkjones (tba)
11. LUIS - vamp1re lsv apheleon gellehsak hoens
Edited by Yeltsin at 08:28 CST, 13 January 2007 - 878 Hits
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