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WTF happened to XFIRE?! (9 comments)
Posted by SeRPeNToR @ 06:33 CDT, 17 March 2008 - iMsg
Well today, after I started my pc and connected to internet, when I tried to loging in into my xfire account, I kept recieving this stupid message: System Malfunction and I was like: "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Then I tried to check xfire forums to see if anythings wrong or something, and I realized that my account does not exist!?!?!?! and I was like: What the FUCK?!

So I need to check with my friends if they have the same problem and all of them just confirmed it... now seriously WTF has happened to xfire?!

has it been hacked or something?!
6781 Hits
You're banned due to headshotting admins (No comments)
Posted by SeRPeNToR @ 13:11 CST, 29 February 2008 - iMsg
Well, recently after 2 years finally my ping got better with some Turkish CS servers. Then there was this "ZeYtnBurNu Clan" Server where I found it interesting because most of the clan members and some other good player were playin' there. well I'm not a VERY good player, but from what I learned, I must be that good to get banned from a SECURE server, Because some of the admins got headshots by my scout rifle. WTF man?! since when you ban people because they're good with scout rifle? I mean well yes most of my scout shots had hit the target I admit that, but MAN I'm 25 years old, I've no reason to use hacks or what ever ppl using! I've been playing this game for almost 10 years now, I've been in tournaments, events, well not world wide, but I have enough experience! And since when people cheat with their steam accounts on a VAC server. I'm so bombed about this.

please don't be a loser, there are some people out there who can shoot for real.

PS: Janbe dashte bashid baba...
Edited by SeRPeNToR at 13:31 CST, 29 February 2008 - 981 Hits
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