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TDM Super-runs! purg, dm20, ospdm5, dp (18 comments)
Posted by grrrdian @ 18:04 CDT, 6 October 2016 - iMsg
Watch good players beast it up in TDM! Clips of some of the best players from around the world getting 10+ kills in a single life.

Watch for entertainment value, or for educational purposes - (how to set up and hold red armour, how to prepare for quad, how to use quad when you get it, routes to take around maps to ensure you get health and ammo as you kill people, etc).

Purgatory and Dreadful Place edition. Hidden Fortress added. Deep Inside (ospdm5) from q3 added.

Demos used and players whose POV is included for Purgatory:

Demos used and players whose POV is included for Dreadful Place:

For the record, I've barely followed international TDM scene after the Prague Lan in 2013 (that was when Australia had their last TDM competition), so I didn't use any demos from any LANs or major competitions after that. Feel free to point me towards major demo repositories from any comps/lans that happened after that LAN, so I can try and use for the next compilation. Hopefully Hidden Fortress.

edit 1: hidden fortress added.
edit 2: Deep Inside (ospdm5) from q3 added.
Edited by grrrdian at 15:08 CDT, 11 October 2016 - 11635 Hits
LF frag vid maker (11 comments)
Posted by grrrdian @ 08:51 CDT, 3 August 2014 - iMsg
Have been collecting frags and sequences for a while now. Looking for someone to make it into a frag vid :O

I think the frags are fairly decent (can see my youtube channel for random samples ; grrrmbleql ). Also includes a couple of WR fastcaps (spider + ironworks w/ weaps). frags mainly from CTF and CA, with a few from tdm.

I guess monetary compensation isn't out of the question, but would rather not pay :E

for what it's worth, aidaho was making the vid, then he totally disappeared on me. haven't seen him on skype for yonks now.

edit: have roughly ~120 clips. can produce more on demand, tbh. would just need to "fragforward 1 1" through some demos.

have already spliced up demos, so all frags/clips are ~50kb dm_73 files (have original demo files, if needed).
Edited by grrrdian at 08:54 CDT, 3 August 2014 - 5176 Hits
Concept: TDM multi-view vid with radar (18 comments)
Posted by grrrdian @ 00:34 CST, 1 January 2014 - iMsg
A new concept by me;

(sorry, dunno if you can embed here?)

Would anyone be interested in this sort of thing?

The video above is a concept production, so it has some pretty obvious flaws.

Things I would fix in actual production vid:
- all 4 players' POV (maybe 2 players + radar on bottom half of screen, and 2 players on top half)
- simpler HUDs, perhaps slightly larger too? current hud seems fine too though.
- better streaming cfg - i accidently used my playing CFG, which is good, but streaming one would be clearer
- a modified hud showing players name for each screen
- audio, either a commentary (even a post game commentary by whoever would be willing) or, where possible, team communications for the game
- 1080p (not sure why this one isn't 1080p - youtube might have fucked it up, or it's still processing it, coz it's definitely 1080p on my hdd)
- radar view more in sync - will enable timer for it to help with the sync'ing.

open to constructive criticism and advice on ways to improve it.
Edited by grrrdian at 06:41 CST, 1 January 2014 - 5588 Hits
[Tutorial vid] basics of dodging (43 comments)
Posted by grrrdian @ 12:32 CST, 5 January 2013 - iMsg
Vaguely following on from "Top duellers think out loud during duel" , after recieving a lot of requests for something on dodging/aiming, we (ie some members of the Australian QL community) did a quick "basics of dodging" intro video yesterday.

transcript and quick concept demonstration by myself
narration by fermentednug

its real basic shit, don't bother watching if you're half-decent tbh.

and its quite dry, don't think it'll be that useful tbh, but it'll serve as a reference point for future vids. as in, its knowledge without any real application of knowledge.

which leads me to my next point: its first of a few vids. in future vids, i'll try and do pub-CA self-commentaries (myself, as well as other players), where we focus on dodging and explain why we do what we do. pub-ca because it lends itself to this particular type of commentary, dont have to bother with items and shit, its just pure dodging and pure aiming etc. might have a couple of TDM ones too, we'll see how it goes.

constructive criticism and suggestions welcome.
Original thread on 4sg
Edited by grrrdian at 12:47 CST, 5 January 2013 - 13071 Hits
Fraze think-out-loud duel vids (111 comments)
Posted by grrrdian @ 13:04 CST, 11 December 2012 - iMsg
Have started a project where i record some of Australia's top duellers playing, while they think out loud.

(edit* for what its worth, am also doing something similar for CTF, here: - with CTF game analysis to come, as well as vids of players playing different positions on each CTF map WITH team commentary)

I think it's a really good resource, intended primarily for the new to intermediate-advanced players. We realise the level of duelling in Australia does not necessarily reach the standard of cypher/rapha etc, but for the purposes of teaching this bracket, the resource is very good.

Please note that the games themselves are not necessarily between the highest level of duellers... thats not the point of this project. I may record such games in the future, but its quite distracting to play while thinking out loud and explaining things, so not sure how successful that will be.

I am planning on doing something similar to the ESL Classics Rapha and Cooller vids, except with some of Australia's top players. Feel free to request demos from Adroits/DH that you would want analysed.

For what its worth, I PM'd some of the better international duellers that i found on IRC, but have not yet recieved a positive response. Am willing to wake up at odd hours to record top European / US players for a map or two.

I will try and keep this post updated with the vids as they get put up.
For now:

Camma [pov] vs Josh
zlr [pov] vs shadow
fraze [pov] vs disruption

zlr [pov] vs siilva

fraze [pov] vs disruption

fraze [pov] vs hatski

furious heights
fraze [pov] vs disruption
fraze [pov] vs hatski

First time making a thread on ESR, hopefully the main contents and the formatting doesn't stuff up :B

edit: 13 december 2012-
adding in more stuff:
Playing out of control:
fraze camma t7 -
fraze camma toxicity -
fraze disruption hub (out of control) -
fraze disruption t7 (out of control) -
fraze disruption ztn (out of control) -
fraze analysis of rapha cypher t7 game from DHW11 -

edit: 01 march 2013
Fraze in Europe - playing against etty and rehepapp-

edit: 6 march 2013
Fraze in Europe - playing against Gekko

edit: 27 June 2013
How to maintain and play in control
ztn vs fridgey:
aerowalk vs mylesman (how to stay in control):
toxicity vs mylesman (how to stay in control):
furious heights vs inertia (how to stay in control):

edit: addded more (23 december 2013 - fraze in europe) - t7 out of control - good watch - Sinister (first vid) - Sinister (second vid) - Cure (first vid)

added more (31 May 2014 - fraze in europe, playing vs Spartie)
Edited by grrrdian at 04:03 CDT, 31 May 2014 - 48487 Hits
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