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In Time. (36 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 20:40 CDT, 20 June 2017 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.8 (69 votes)
A Quake Live fragmovie made by Canada Alexander "V12TEN" Vortex featuring young prodigy Belarus Nikita "clawz" Marchinsky.

Edited by h8m3 at 22:09 CDT, 20 June 2017 - 20967 Hits
Deathmatch TV St. Petersburg QL LAN 2016 (103 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 09:31 CDT, 13 October 2016 - iMsg
Scheduled: 02:00 CST, 3 December 2016 to 18:00 CST, 4 December 2016
Schedule: Passed

Deathmatch TV are proud to present their first offline event - the Quake Live LAN party in Russia Saint Petersburg. Two days tournament is going to take place on 3rd & 4th of December 2016 in the historic centre of the city at the recently refreshed 5&3 Internet Cafe. It will be featuring Duel, CA 3x3, TDM draft and CTF draft competitions.

Base prize pool for the whole tournament is 25000 RUB(~400$) covered by Deathmatch TV plus the money received from donations, so feel free to donate. This should help to build up more prize money for the competition and attract more players to sign up!

Streams: twitch Deathmatch TV, twitch h8m3, YouTube Deathmatch TV, twitch 102
Links: Official website,Official VK page, Official Discord server
Edited by Teen Queen at 18:09 CST, 4 December 2016 - 53202 Hits
chasing dragons (125 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 10:42 CST, 26 January 2016 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.2 (144 votes)
A Quake Live fragmovie made by Russia wntt featuring various TDM/Duel/CTF frags from QL community.

Edited by brandan at 03:27 CDT, 2 October 2023 - 70488 Hits
Carnage!! CTF League #2 Group Stage (41 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 13:37 CDT, 21 September 2015 - iMsg
With a total of 12 registered teams the Carnage!! CTF League Season #2 starts this week.

Links:, Carnage!! vk, Schedule, coverage
Edited by h8m3 at 14:42 CDT, 29 September 2015 - 27538 Hits
MOSCOW QUAKE LAN PARTY #22 (90 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 21:14 CDT, 9 September 2015 - iMsg
Scheduled: 04:00 CDT, 26 September 2015 to 14:00 CDT, 26 September 2015
Schedule: Passed

Autumn has started and it's time for another Moscow Quake LAN Party. Last editions #20 & #21 had an unusual draft tournament system where mixed teams competed in team formats. This time Moscow Quake LAN Party is back to it's roots featuring QL Duel and QL CA 3x3 as a second team mode. Almost the same format happened a year ago at LAN Party #19 and gathered almost all top players from Russia. Event will happen in the same place as the last few times: The CyberSport Laboratory in Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism.

Due to the absence of sponsors currently there's no prize money(players only pay 7$ entrance fee for PC rent), so the tournament is open for donations. This should help to build some prize money for the competition and to attract/motivate more players/teams to sign up!

Streams: Russia 102, Russia Nitrino
Links: Official coverage page by Danmer
Edited by h8m3 at 21:01 CDT, 27 September 2015 - 46811 Hits
Salvia (42 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 09:28 CDT, 22 June 2015 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.4 (58 votes)
A Quake Live minimovie by Russia wntt featuring old/unreleased frags from Russia fearZZz
Edited by twister_ at 10:42 CDT, 24 June 2015 - 33031 Hits
Plus Forward launched (105 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 20:09 CDT, 2 June 2015 - iMsg
After a lot of work Austria noctis is proud to finally present, a community driven website designed to help cover all things related to competitive Arena FPS.

As a project, Plus Forward started about 2 years ago on a much smaller scale out of the desire to create a coverage platform for QuakeLive TDM. With the cancellation of the second Prague LAN and the general trend of inactivity in clan based QL TDM it was decided to expand the scope of the site to also include other games, and modes, whilst continuing to add more and more features.

As is expected from a news website Plus Forward provides various post types, and categories to help structure the content contributed by users and admins. The different post types can be found in Site Guide along with a lot of other information about the site and its usage.

Links: Announcement, mIRC #plusforward
Edited by xou at 03:40 CDT, 3 June 2015 - 36326 Hits
ASUS ROG Sica (15 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 14:03 CDT, 7 May 2015 - iMsg
Has anyone else tried it yet?
I really like the shape so far. Front is a lot like aurora(a bit less wide, slightly more \_/ shaped) while back is a mix of g100s and abyssus, fits my palm really well.
Sensor feels good, can easily do over 5m/s, etc.
The only negatives so far are rather thick cable(I've swapped mine to old razer thin one) and high button latency around 20ms(although that has never been a problem for me). The latter is most likely caused by the fact that the mouse features easy-swap switch sockets and they made a huge debouncing delay to be sure there're no problems with any microswitches. Could be fixed with a firmware update in the future, my mouse already updated once after driver installation.
Overall the mouse seems like a proper abyssus update.
Here's my comparison photogallery with other popular symmetrical mice:
The mouse has been selling in Taiwan for a couple of weeks, so it should arrive everywhere worldwide soon. For anyone eager to try one now -, delivery takes 4-5 days.
10969 Hits
MOSCOW QUAKE LAN PARTY #21 (21 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 18:56 CDT, 16 April 2015 - iMsg
Scheduled: 05:00 CDT, 18 April 2015 to 16:00 CDT, 18 April 2015
Schedule: Passed

The last Moscow Quake LAN Party #20 happened 4 months ago in quite an unusual draft format and featured 24 players battling in 6 team game modes. Due to everyone really enjoying that fun event and QuakeCon 2015 Tri-Master Tournament announcement, another MQLP series Fun Draft LAN was decided to be held in April (being followed by more conventional Duel LAN in late summer). The official discipline list is slightly shortened to CA, CTF and TDM which were the most popular ones last time.

Event will happen in the same place as the last time: The CyberSport Laboratory in Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism.

Streams: Russiatwitch deliberatemurder, United Kingdomtwitch flairtv
Links: Coverage, Announcement
Edited by h8m3 at 06:46 CDT, 18 April 2015 - 23475 Hits
ROCCAT backs 102 to QuakeCon 2015 (166 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 11:39 CDT, 9 April 2015 - iMsg
ROCCAT Studios, the Hamburg-based manufacturer of competition gaming peripherals, today announces that Team 102 headed by famous Russian Quaker Anton "CoolleR" Singov will participate in the 20th anniversary QuakeCon under the tag of Team ROCCAT.102. Team 102 announced recently that those interested in supporting them on their road to QuakeCon 2015 could do so through the crowd-funding resourced Indiegogo.

"The Russian ROCCAT team picked up on this straight away" - says Rene Korte, founder and CEO of ROCCAT, - "and without even a second thought we decided to support CoolleR and his team at QuakeCon 2015 in Dallas. CoolleR is a legendary gamer well known internationally, and we’re delighted to follow the performances of Team ROCCAT.102 at this renowned event. It’s great to see such a gaming institution continue to host such top level Quake action."

The partnership will not be limited to just a tag; most of the players on the team will also play with ROCCAT devices that they’ve picked themselves. Donators who supported the team on Indiegogo will still all receive their perks

Team ROCCAT.102 QuakeCon lineup:
Russia Anton "CoolleR" Singov
Russia Alexander "Latrommi" Dolgov
Russia Michael "421" Lozhkin
Russia Pavel "Pavel" Fomkin
Links: Press release,,,, facebook/roccat
Edited by Badb0y at 00:06 CDT, 10 April 2015 - 69115 Hits
Team 8PLAY going to QuakeCon 2015 (106 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 19:40 CDT, 31 March 2015 - iMsg
After this year QuakeCon announcement there have been a lot of interesting team formations on the professional Quakelive scene. And Russia is now proud to present it's roster for this year Quakecon. Russia evil who has been playing for 8play for more than a year will come back to Dallas for revenge this year. To play the team Tri-Master Tournament he will be joined by experienced french CTF and TDM duo France l1nkin and France winz who have attended several LAN team competitions as a part of Europe UNKNOWN and Europe colwn. The last person to form a full roster is talented swedish player Sweden ph0enX who has played in numerous top CTF European teams. With such a lineup the team is ready to practice for all disciplines and win every of them.

Lineup: Russia evil, France l1nkin, France winz, Sweden ph0enX

Edited by Lam at 02:22 CDT, 2 April 2015 - 46799 Hits
Help Team 102 to get to QuakeCon 2015 (146 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 17:13 CDT, 29 March 2015 - iMsg
The QuakeCon 2015 Quake Live Tri-Master Tournament is taking place in Dallas on the 23rd-25th of July. Russia Deliberate murder (Cooller, Pavel, Latrommi and 421) are calling for your help to secure their attendance at this international event!

The team have funds to pay for part of their trip to America, but acquiring the remaining funds would mean the world to them. 102 wants to show the community that they have the top TDM and Duel players and that they are capable of taking the Tri-Masters trophy back to them.

An Indiegogo campaign has been set up with a number of different perks available for different donation amounts. The list ranges from lessons with Cooller to being part of a Bo3 TDM showmatch.

It is important to note that the Deliberate murder team is going to America in order to become champion. If 102 are able to win the Tri-Masters event then money donated will be refunded!

Links: 102's Indiegogo campaign
Edited by xou at 07:19 CDT, 30 March 2015 - 60490 Hits
QuakeCon 2014 Demos (9 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 10:56 CDT, 10 March 2015 - iMsg
So apparently only existed for a couple of months and all demos which were not downloaded were lost? Faceit were going to rehost it but didn't download it in time and the website went down. Did anyone save anything from duel/ctf playoffs or is it all really lost? :(
4235 Hits
Carnage CTF League (40 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 18:14 CST, 5 March 2015 - iMsg
Since European CTF League died before even happening Carnage is proud to make it's first attempt at organizing a Russian CTF league starting on 9th of March. The league suprisingly gathered quite a few teams, some of them barely ever played CTF, but being motivated by QuakeCon CTF Tournament they decided to practice this mode.

Links: Coverage, Schedule and brackets, Announcement
Streams: nixon, 102, klyb, nitrino, apollo440, fazz, h8m3, ash.
Edited by h8m3 at 09:42 CST, 6 March 2015 - 26077 Hits
L I N C O L N S H I R E (95 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 06:37 CST, 30 December 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.6 (108 votes)
A fragmovie made by Russia wntt, starring Russia fearzzz, United States of America davis and United Kingdom MaGGoTkil

Previous wntt works: moopoint, singularity
Edited by h8m3 at 20:04 CST, 4 January 2015 - 54570 Hits
MOSCOW QUAKE LAN PARTY #20 (75 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 14:53 CST, 15 December 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 01:00 CST, 10 January 2015 to 11:00 CST, 10 January 2015
Schedule: Passed

Right after the success of the Moscow Quake LAN Party #19, which took a place in August and gathered over 40 players, the MQLP series is back to being twice a year. This anniversary LAN however was decided to be held in an unusual format. For the first time in its history, it's gonna be a no duels team-modes only LAN.

Moreover, to raise the fun and competition level, it was decided to make it a draft tournament. Chosen captains are going to pick players and play six official 4x4 disciplines being CA, CTF, TDM, FT, Dom and A&D. Event will happen in the same place as the last time: The CyberSport Laboratory in Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism .

Russia Streams: elder , deliberatemurder
Links: Coverage, Brackets, Announcement
Edited by h8m3 at 08:11 CST, 10 January 2015 - 42548 Hits
fearZZz / behind the scenes (20 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 06:35 CST, 14 November 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.7 (49 votes)
Short quakelive tdm random/funny moments movie created by Russia wntt starring Russia fearzzz.
Edited by h8m3 at 07:20 CST, 14 November 2014 - 14566 Hits
MOSCOW QUAKE LAN PARTY #19 (218 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 15:57 CDT, 4 August 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 03:00 CDT, 23 August 2014 to 15:00 CDT, 23 August 2014
Schedule: Passed

It's been a while since the previous Moscow Quake LAN Party #18 took a place in October 2013. This series of LAN cups was usually held twice a year but it was agreed to make it annual to make it better. That includes a higher amount of players and finally a decent coverage in English. This time the 2 official disciplines will be QL Duel and QL CA 2x2. Event will happen in the same place as the last time: The CyberSport Laboratory in Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism .

Streams: United Kingdom Zlive, Russia elder_ru
Links: Announcement, Duel brackets, CA brackets
Edited by wn at 14:05 CDT, 23 August 2014 - 67407 Hits
Posted by h8m3 @ 16:32 CDT, 23 July 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.1 (272 votes)
A fragmovie made by Russia Sergey "Morgot" Sirkin featuring the best QL duel player Belarus Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevskiy

Edited by twister_ at 12:06 CDT, 24 July 2014 - 111527 Hits
singularity (136 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 20:47 CDT, 4 May 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.4 (178 votes)
A fragmovie made by Russia wntt, starring Russia fearzzz, Sweden fazz, Austria noctis and Sweden tyba1t

Previous wntt works: moopoint
Edited by h8m3 at 05:52 CST, 17 November 2014 - 74317 Hits
Cooller's mousepad (46 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 15:16 CST, 28 February 2014 - iMsg
Edited by h8m3 at 15:20 CST, 28 February 2014 - 19529 Hits
Sochi 2014 thread (218 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 16:37 CST, 5 February 2014 - iMsg
post your impressions, thoughts, predictions, who you cheer for, etc!
67060 Hits
New Major Quake Tournament Sneak Peek (104 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 05:42 CDT, 13 October 2013 - iMsg
Right now there's a really huge probability of it happening in case negotiation is finished successfully the upcoming days.

Approximate format:

- QL duel
- Seasonal event
4 seasons per year ~2 months long each
- Divisional leagues
Several divisions, top div around 16 players. Promotion and relegation matches between seasons. Worst 2 players go to lower division, being replaced by top1-2 from the lower div finishers. Top13-14 play top3-4 players from the lower div in relegation-promotion matches to decide who plays where next season.
- Forced schedule for good viewer experience
First month in each league there's an online round-robin tournament with non-overlapping ~4 games each day(that's only top div, 15 matches each player, 120 games total) streamed in Russian and English by the most popular quake streamers. Lower div games might also be streamed.
- LAN finals
A couple weeks after a month of this online league top4(from div1) fight at LAN event in double elim tournament with a bo5 finals(held at a fairly convenient location for any European QL player).
-Solid prizepool

23141 Hits
MOSCOW QUAKE LAN PARTY #18 (129 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 06:42 CDT, 23 September 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 03:00 CDT, 12 October 2013 to 13:00 CDT, 12 October 2013
Schedule: Passed

The Moscow Quake LAN Party cups happen twice a year - in Winter and Summer. The previous winter LAN Party happened in the end of January, whereas the Summer LAN dates have been postponed several times due to different reasons and finally were settled on 12th of October. This time the 3 official disciplines are QL Duel, QL TDM 2v2 and QL FFA, some unofficial TDM 4v4 and CA games might happen aswell. Furthermore, this event will be played in the brand new place: The CyberSport Laboratory in Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism .

Prizes: Nothing serious, since this is more of a fun LAN than a serious competition.

Streams: Team 102, 4cejkee
Links: Announcement, Duel brackets, TDM brackets
Edited by h8m3 at 15:25 CDT, 12 October 2013 - 36342 Hits
Cypher QL Demo Request (10 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 10:17 CDT, 14 August 2013 - iMsg
Morgot( decided to make 'CYPHER' fragmovie, but sadly the player doesn't gather any demos himself. Could you post your most memorable and epic demos/moments/vods of Alexey to be featured in the movie?
Edited by brandan at 17:35 CDT, 15 August 2013 - 3429 Hits
Why is reyka banned? (66 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 00:28 CDT, 4 August 2013 - iMsg
Why is ex-karroider/mc_vagina/dimkk banned? I 've heard his previous account mc_vagina was banned due to somewhat offensive nickname(which is kinda arguable..), but why is he banned now after raged ca kid serious sent a tdmpickup demo of him getting raped to id? Sponge and Syncerror are currently busy with qcon and can't answer nor most likely have any idea but this is getting retarded that this was not even investigated by THEM but someone else who aint even on IRC. For me this demo looks absolutely fine and anyone in russian community can vouch for him - a team Russia member who plays for ages and dominates at lans even stronger than online. Can anyone from Id finally reply?

Video by debtorrr, some other info in description/comments:
Edited by h8m3 at 00:33 CDT, 4 August 2013 - 23175 Hits Russia Cup 2013 Finals (28 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 18:53 CDT, 12 July 2013 - iMsg
Forgotten to be announced internationally the Russia Cup 2013 Finals will take place on 01:00 CDT, 13 July 2013. The cup will be played in a Semi-LAN environment: all players must play from their local LAN-areas/clubs observed by official referees, i.e all players living near Moscow play in one Moscow cybercafe, players living in St.Petersburg play from some St.Petersburg cybercafe and so on.

Links: United Kingdom NoProblemTV, Brackets
Edited by butcher_kgp at 16:28 CDT, 13 July 2013 - 8959 Hits
Edited by wn at 19:19 CDT, 23 July 2013 - 126771 Hits
deliberate murder 2012 (145 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 11:44 CDT, 6 April 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (151 votes)
Fragmovie by Aidaho. Featuring Russia team 102: pavel, 421, starosta, Latrommi, ash, evil and fearz.

Premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances. Done with special cruelty; dangerous to the lives of many people; committed on preliminary arrangement by group of persons. USSR Criminal Code, St.102. 1960.

Links:, mIRC #102
Edited by Badb0y at 14:19 CDT, 6 April 2013 - 37239 Hits
Gazprom St.Petersbuburg Invitational LAN (145 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 19:01 CDT, 31 March 2013 - iMsg
After showing a recent great boost in activity with Renaissance Cup and 125 FPS Monthly League the Russian community is now proud to announce a LAN event. The world’s most competitive Quake Live players will come together to go head-to-head at Gazprom St. Petersburg Quake Live Masters Invitational LAN Tournament, being held on 15th-18th of August 2013 at the AZIMUT Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Vying for their share of over 500 000 RUB (~$16 000) in prize money, gathered for the tournament with the help of Alexey A. and his colleague Alexey M. from Gazprom company 24 top Quake Live professionals will compete in the Quake Live Duel Masters Invitational Championship.

Schedule, rules and more information are coming soon.

Stream: United Kingdom English stream with Russia h8m3, Russia ShadyAK and guest starring United Kingdom nVc
Links: Gazprom website, Official group
Edited by wn at 14:48 CDT, 30 May 2017 - 39479 Hits
Moscow Quake LAN Party #17 (299 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 15:47 CST, 24 January 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 02:00 CST, 26 January 2013 to 14:00 CST, 26 January 2013
Schedule: Passed

The Moscow Quake LAN Party cups happen twice a year - in Winter and Summer. The previous summer LAN Party happened in the end of August, so it's time for the next LAN! This time the official disciplines are QL Duel and QL TDM 2v2, with other unofficial game modes appearing on the following day. Furthermore, this event will be played in one of the most old school Internet cafes: FlashBack.

Prizes: Nothing serious, since this is more of a fun LAN than a serious competition.

Streams: Russia Empire|Forcejkee (duel), Team 102 (tdm 2v2)
Links: Duel brackets, TDM 2v2 brackets (constructed as players arrive)
Edited by wn at 16:28 CST, 26 January 2013 - 77456 Hits
moopoint (137 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 01:41 CST, 29 December 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (172 votes)
A quakelive tdm/duel movie created by Russia wntt starring Russia fearzzz.

Youtube fucked up quality a bit so you'd better download the original file.

Edited by h8m3 at 09:43 CST, 29 December 2012 - 61965 Hits
NRG CUP #2 with Visa QIWI Wallet (84 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 20:21 CST, 21 December 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 04:00 CST, 5 January 2013 to 10:00 CST, 5 January 2013
Schedule: Passed

Format: TDM 2v2
Prize pool: ~330$
Date: 04:00 CST, 5 January 2013
Check-in start: 03:00 CST, 5 January 2013 at the website or mIRC #resp.quake.
System: Single Elimination BO3, finals are BO5.

Stream: Empire.Forcja
Links: Russia Registration, information, rules, Russia More information // mIRC #resp.quake
Edited by twister_ at 12:22 CST, 5 January 2013 - 33185 Hits
ERAZEMEDIA MOVIE CONTEST 2012-2013 (14 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 15:03 CST, 6 December 2012 - iMsg
Might be interesting for moviemakers, more participants = more prizemoney, hoping for lots of quake movies! :)
Edited by h8m3 at 15:04 CST, 6 December 2012 - 2688 Hits
Deliberate Murder Adroits LAN Report (9 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 08:55 CDT, 26 October 2012 - iMsg
It's in russian, but contains many photos & videos
Edited by h8m3 at 08:55 CDT, 26 October 2012 - 2925 Hits
Moscow Quake LAN Party Cup #16 (136 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 12:39 CDT, 24 August 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 03:00 CDT, 25 August 2012 to 17:00 CDT, 25 August 2012
Schedule: Passed

Moscow Quake LAN Party Cups happen twice a year - in winter and summer. Finally, at the end of this summer, the godfather of this series Russia Zubich (with the help of Russia baSe) announced another cup. This time the official disciplines are QL Duel and QL TDM 2v2, also followed by unofficial QL CA & CPM CA competitions and probably some QL TDM/CTF 4v4 show matches. The location has also been changed; this time the LAN will be played in one of the most oldschool Internet cafes: PlayGround.

Date: 03:00 CDT, 25 August 2012 (probably delayed as always though :D)
Prizes: Nothing serious, since this is more of a fun LAN than a serious competition.

Links: Duel brackets, TDM 2v2 brackets (constructed as players arrive)
Streams: Russia deliberate murder, TBA
Edited by h8m3 at 18:13 CDT, 25 August 2012 - 32694 Hits
team deliberate murder dreamhack report (29 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 02:53 CDT, 22 June 2012 - iMsg
It's in russian but contains many photos, videos and other stuff
some of the photos and videos with descriptions are also here
Edited by h8m3 at 02:56 CDT, 22 June 2012 - 8326 Hits
Evening with Cooller and rapha (52 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 12:19 CDT, 13 October 2011 - iMsg
Today Russia Anton "Cooller" Singov presents another new live weekly radio show episode. This time the guest gonna be another allstar player United States of America Shane "rapha" Hendrixon.

The show has already started at 12:00 CDT, ask your questions right here in the comment section or at moscow5/cyberfight websites.

edit: VODs are up

Links: Stream, Moscow5, Cyberfight
Edited by h8m3 at 15:36 CDT, 13 October 2011 - 12556 Hits
cg_errordecay (3 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 11:54 CDT, 7 October 2011 - iMsg
Can someone explain what it does, does it work in QL(min: and max: values defined in console so seems like it does?), what's the best value to use on low/high ping and how does it effect timenudge
Edited by h8m3 at 11:56 CDT, 7 October 2011 - 5996 Hits
Edited by h8m3 at 16:40 CDT, 11 August 2011 - 57756 Hits
[M5] Cooller :o (85 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 14:08 CDT, 4 July 2011 - iMsg
Edited by h8m3 at 14:12 CDT, 4 July 2011 - 29748 Hits
Strenx 2010 (99 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 11:06 CST, 2 March 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.3 (83 votes)
Quake Live movie about Sweden fnatic.MSI QL squad player - France Kevin "strenx" Baeza.

Directed and edited by Russia Dmitry "MMd" Lomonosov.
Music by Bloc Party - Ares (Villains Remix)

Kevin's 2010 achievements:
4th Extreme Masters IV Euro Finals
7th Extreme Masters IV World Finals
1st ESWC France 2010
5th ESWC 2010
3rd DreamHack Summer 2010
7th QuakeCon 2010
5th EM Global Challenge Gamescom
3rd MSI Beat It
4th DreamHack Winter 2010
Edited by xou at 11:06 CST, 2 March 2011 - 38768 Hits
Nitrino (33 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 14:52 CST, 1 March 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.9 (45 votes)
Nitrino OSP/VQ3 movie

Starring: Russia Aleksey "Nitrino" Kartashev

Featuring: cypher, jibo, k1llmaster, makaveli, morfez, cny, spg and other players

Made by: Russia Sergey "Morgot" Sirkin
Edited by xou at 15:50 CDT, 1 October 2011 - 13722 Hits
KING IS BACK! (26 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 16:21 CST, 23 January 2011 - iMsg
10695 Hits
Another even bigger competitive drama? (11 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 09:49 CST, 30 November 2010 - iMsg
from Cooller's formspring:
And btw, when i was in Germany i was ready to play a match for the first place in IEM group versus Stermy, but he made up some excuse like he's having problems with internet to postpone our match till i am back to Moscow. He's now disqualified from tourney.
Edited by h8m3 at 10:21 CST, 30 November 2010 - 7496 Hits
Best games DH&BeatIT (10 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 22:05 CST, 27 November 2010 - iMsg
since i missed like 80% of the games - what were the most epic ones in your opinion? What were the most epic moments/frags? links on VODs preffered
3047 Hits
ask cypher (118 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 11:46 CDT, 17 March 2010 - iMsg
New online top player questioning is planned on this Friday. And after Cooller the person to ask will be Cypher. Since it's done in Russian many ppl cant participate but here's esreality's chance: top 3 most [+]'d questions in this thread will be translated, sent and the answers will be posted here.
36123 Hits
av3k is pathetic (59 comments)
Posted by h8m3 @ 07:40 CST, 24 January 2010 - iMsg
100% [+]?
Edited by h8m3 at 09:24 CST, 24 January 2010 - 13003 Hits
* N U K E D * (13 comments)
Posted by Nuked User @ 12:37 CDT, 21 September 2009 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

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