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Kana - final consensus (13 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 17:09 CST, 21 December 2012 - iMsg
What's the final consensus on this mouse? I have it. Seems alright but not sure if it has sensor issues.

I stopped using the WMO because at 35cm/360 you just hit the malfunction far too often. I have zowie AM and the LOD is a bit too low.

So I picked up the Kana and installed the latest firmware. I read everywhere that the sensor sucks though. Any truth to that? I know it sucks past 800dpi but besides that....
5894 Hits
HP p1230 (10 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 09:19 CST, 20 December 2011 - iMsg
Anyone own this? My 21" Crt is starting to blur and was going to pick up one of these brand new. A toss up between this and the new benq LED coming out. I kind of want to stay with crt though.
6214 Hits
too much dpi? (27 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 09:58 CST, 12 December 2011 - iMsg
I'm playing on wide screen again and having issues. Clearly at 1920x1080 I need more than 400 dpi. You can really feel the pixel skipping when you zoom. Anyways, is haVing too much dpi an opposite problem of having too little? I'm curios what dpi I should look for. Currently playing with black bars and 800x600 since it's so noticeable
11364 Hits
CRT issue - can no longer display 120hz (15 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 07:17 CST, 30 November 2011 - iMsg
I upgraded my video card and now my Dell p991 doesn't work in 120hz anymore at 800x600. When I switch to 120hz the left side is slightly cut off and it can't be adjusted to be perfect anymore. 110hz works perfectly but 120 no longer works.

Anyone know why this could be?
3585 Hits
Tribes Ascend (96 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 10:24 CST, 10 November 2011 - iMsg
Anyone playing this? Any good?
19107 Hits
Kinzu accel value (17 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 19:13 CDT, 17 October 2011 - iMsg
Hey. Weird question. I kind of like the kinzu nowadays. I try to disregard the sensor bashing and just realize it is pretty comfortable.

Anyways, has anyone determined how much cl_mouseaccel it has at 400dpi? Mine broke and I ordered a new one so I'm currently using my WMO in the meantime. Thanks.
2904 Hits
4:3 on a 16:9 monitor (37 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 16:55 CDT, 20 August 2011 - iMsg
How do you guys set this up? Do you turn on GPU scaling? I used gpu scaling but everything seemed so far away with the black bars. I think I'd rather have black bars than it stretched also. I also have an ATI card.

How do you guys use 800x600 on a 22"+ monitor?
15944 Hits
Stripping WMO cord? (50 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 12:12 CDT, 2 August 2011 - iMsg
This just occurred to me. The cord sucks.. Has anyone striped away the rubber and left bare wires?
16942 Hits
Abyssus fix? (21 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 16:02 CDT, 26 July 2011 - iMsg
I decided to pick up an abyssus to replace my wmo. I have to say the cord on the abyssus alone is reason to get one. that thick cord was one of my biggest gripes with the wmo.

Anyways, I got the lol edition and it jittered on my qck at 450 dpi, but perfectly fine at 1800 dpi. I fixed the LOD issue with some scotch tape and now it doesn't jitter at all at 450 dpi on either the goliathus speed or the qck. Anyone else notice that?

I'm definitely happy with the upgrade. 1800 dpi feels too sensitivite to me (even w/ the correct sens/accel) so i'm glad he 450dpi is working.
7818 Hits
Kinzuadder: I want one. (31 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 08:22 CDT, 25 July 2011 - iMsg
I am completely inept in anything electrical. Do people sell these somewhere? On ebay maybe? Is my only hope to make one myself? Help me out! Thanks
6490 Hits
Fov, yaw, & pitch on 16:9 (21 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 10:13 CDT, 25 May 2011 - iMsg
Hello, I'm struggling a little on quakelive with this 16:9 monitor. I feel like my vertical movements are slower than my horizontal. Is that normal with 16:9? Can anyone suggest a good yaw/pitch ratio?

Also 100 fov feels up close. I thought quakelive auto adjusts for aspect ratios?

Edited by jeffxx at 10:14 CDT, 25 May 2011 - 11832 Hits
Last monitor question - trigger pull (46 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 08:57 CDT, 29 July 2010 - iMsg
I'm considering two 120hz LCD monitors to buy. the Alienware AW2310 or the Samsung 2233rz. Any experiences with the AW2310? Haven't been able to read much on it.

Also, is 24" too big for gaming? (QL, TF2). I am currently on a 22" and although a 24" might look nicer.. is it too much?
12818 Hits
upgrade now or 226bw for life? (7 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 12:08 CDT, 26 July 2010 - iMsg
Well I'm currently revamping my whole system. I own a samsung 226bw and have been reading up on these new 120hz LCD's but I'm not sure if I should pull the trigger yet.

Invest the money into something else or should I upgrade? Should I hold onto the 226bw and wait for a better 120hz lcd?
3382 Hits
Need help upgrading comp.. (27 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 11:54 CDT, 22 July 2010 - iMsg
Hey guys I am just getting back into gaming again after a long hiatus. I have a decent comp.. its a dell xps 720..

2.4ghz quad core, 8800 gtx vid card, 4gb ram (only recognizes 3).

Anyways.. I plan on upgrading...

I plan on getting case, ram, mobo and processor at the same time and then video card at a different time.. These times will be atleast a month apart so I'm wondering where I will see the best increase? New video card first or get the new mobo/processor/ram first?
3587 Hits
QL and TF2 mouse settings.. (12 comments)
Posted by jeffxx @ 12:17 CDT, 21 July 2010 - iMsg
Ok this is going to be an odd question. I enjoy mouse accel. I like to have a low sensitivity with the ability to make big flick shots if I have to. I tried a higher sensitivity with no mouse accel and it just feels too jittery for me.

Now.. I have my QL settings somewhere around 3.5 sens and .40 accel. I think I'm going to change them to 4.5 sens and lower accel but anyways...

I need to get equal settings in TF2 and I am struggling. I know the sensitivities are pretty much the same but the accel values are completely different. Has anyone figured this out?
6616 Hits
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