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QL PROTIPS #1 (14 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 12:05 CDT, 23 March 2013 - iMsg

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Rating: 6 (13 votes)
In this video we will cover the basics of "poledancing", which is an important skill to master on maps like Furious Heights.

Additionally we will employ some standard Quake Live duel thinking, which is used against full-time railer Norway plazma.

I'll be looking for more topics to cover, to make YOU a better dueler!))
2780 Hits
KillaloT 2012 (15 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 14:34 CST, 2 February 2013 - iMsg

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Rating: 6.7 (30 votes)
Frag highlights by Denmark KillaloT, recorded during 2012 and put together for the last fews days. Enjoy!

Music: Utopia - Scan Me
Edited by KillaloT at 14:39 CST, 2 February 2013 - 6525 Hits
Suckalot #1 (12 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 13:34 CST, 5 November 2012 - iMsg

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Rating: 7.9 (22 votes)
A fail compilation by Denmark KillaloT. This is the first video in the Suckalot-series, which hopefully will be the last aswell! Trustworthy and non-biased review of the video:
<riddler618> solid fail compliation, always provide the highest entertainment level

Music: Emmanuel Splice - Meatball
Edited by KillaloT at 13:36 CST, 5 November 2012 - 5664 Hits
In response to the recent Doom-hype (6 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 13:39 CDT, 13 August 2012 - iMsg
Here is a video of me playing the latest version of Doom that i have got my hands on.

More information is available in the video-description.
3186 Hits
Team eNigma - KillaloT (5 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 08:58 CDT, 5 October 2011 - iMsg

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Rating: 5.3 (11 votes)
New montage by Denmark KillaloT with frags from duels and TDM matches.

Please leave comments on how to improve my video editing! Thanks in advance.
Edited by KillaloT at 09:01 CDT, 5 October 2011 - 1996 Hits
2 New maps? Maybe! (23 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 18:10 CDT, 23 August 2011 - iMsg
Just went through the "Arenas" tab on quake live and saw 2 maps without thumbnails. The 2 maps are called "Blast radius" and "Reflux". I tried to find them in the practice aswell, but they are not there at all. Could this be some kind of a mistake from id, making the system ready for new maps coming up - but not actually adding them to the game yet?

Image #1

I'm sorry if there has been some statement anywhere about this, but i have not been able to find anything about these 2 maps - other than Blast Radius being an old Q3 CTF map.
6325 Hits
FRAGTURE by KillaloT (3 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 13:36 CDT, 4 June 2011 - iMsg

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Rating: 6 (6 votes)
New movie called "Fragture" with frags and editing by Denmark KillaloT. Footage from duels and CTF matches/pickups, played between february and may 2011.

Edited by Nukm at 13:59 CDT, 4 June 2011 - 4923 Hits
Recycle (24 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 10:51 CDT, 3 May 2011 - iMsg
Just stumpled upon this link and youtube-video of e-sport pros.

E-sportproffsen pantar mera

Will this make you recycle more?
Edited by KillaloT at 11:01 CDT, 3 May 2011 - 7371 Hits
Beginner's luck by KillaloT (11 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 15:05 CST, 7 March 2011 - iMsg

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Rating: 5.8 (11 votes)
I started playing Quake Live a few years ago, and even though I'm not really good at this game, I'm slowly beginning to have a feel for the game. I've put together frags that I've made during the period of november 2010 - january 2011, and since I'm not a top tier player, the frags might not be as spectacular as you might see elsewhere. However, this is the first Quake Live movie that I've ever made, and I am eager to learn and improve! So leave any comments you might have, what you liked about it, and what i should work on for the next movie.

Thanks in advance
Edited by xou at 01:45 CDT, 17 June 2011 - 5370 Hits
Is this carmac (5 comments)
Posted by KillaloT @ 07:34 CDT, 22 September 2010 - iMsg
I was surfing around on reddit today, when i suddenly found this picture. Am i the only one who thinks it looks like Carmac? :D
2283 Hits
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