Since we are still waiting for the new
Rocket Arena 3 version ( 1.8 ) and the official developer site tells us for months: "We are progressing. Assets are being made, coffee is being consumed. Expect teasers soon(tm)", we had the idea to benefit at least from the new improved and bugfixed maps. So we used the ra81.8beta2 maps and created a litte
ra318beta2-mappack which contains only the new maps.
There's no need to make backups of your files, we've provided .bat and .sh files for switching between 1.76 and 1.8 beta2 maps. Rocket Arena 1.76 must be installed/
- Download:
1. Extract all files in your Quake III directory
2. Execute mappack-beta.bat or .sh dependig on your operating system (.bat for windows/.sh for linux)
3. Your old maps won't be harmed at all, they will just get renamed with the ending .176
4. Restore your old 1.76 maps by running mappack-normal.bat or .sh
In order to make this work we all have to switch to the new mappack, although the switching between the versions is very easy, its still annoying. In order to accomplish this, we already talked to most server and leagues admins, as well as the most famous pickup channels:, and All we spoke to are fine with the idea. #chaos.crew [public 200/100] [1] map1 mappack 1.8b2 #chaos.crew [public 200/100] [2] map11 mappack 1.8b2 #chaos.crew [public 200/100] [3] mappack 1.8b2 [HkdM Testserver1] [HkdM Testserver 2] Molgan" #O'boymolgan.compmode.sePUB (UPDATED MAPS) V75 RA3 Server #1 Public (200/100) updated ra3 maps Clan M. - - #frclan_m - RA3-1 - mappack 1.8b2 - By #frclan_m - - RA3-2 - mappack 1.8b2 RA3 1.8 BETA MapPack @
QUAKE III ROCKET ARENA 1.76 MAPPACK by anubis & yakuzza
Date: 17 July 08
First of all: This is NOT an official mappack! It contains maps, which came along with the latest release of 1.8 beta2 on 26th of July in 2005.
The basic idea: To benefit from improved and bugfixed maps.
Just to mention some fixes: Invisible boxes and edges got removed, missing textures replaced, adjusted gamma and illumination and so on ...
There's no need to make backups of your files, we've provided .bat and .sh files for switching between 1.76 and 1.8 beta2 maps.
Rocket Arena 1.76 must be installed first!
- Download:
1. Extract all files in your Quake III directory
2. Execute mappack-beta.bat or .sh dependig on your operating system (.bat for windows/.sh for linux)
3. Your old maps won't be harmed at all, they will just get renamed with the ending .176
4. Restore your old 1.76 maps by running mappack-normal.bat or .sh
Testserver: #chaos.crew [public 200/100] [3] maptest
Zuallererst: Dies ist KEIN offizielles Mappack! Dieses beinhaltet lediglich Maps, welche mit dem letzten offiziellen Release der 1.8 beta2 am 26.07.2005 veröffentlicht wurden.
Der Grundgedanke hinter diesem Release besteht darin, von den verbesserten und fehlerkorrigierten Maps profitieren zu können.
Um einige Änderungen zu nennen: Es wurden unsichtbare Kanten entfernt, fehlende Texturen ersetzt, sowie Gamma und Ausleuchtung angepasst uvm ...
Ein backup der alten Maps ist nicht von nöten. Wir haben .bat und .sh Files beigefügt um den Wechsel zwischen den 1.76 und 1.8beta2 Maps zu erleichtern.
Rocket Arena 1.76 muss im Vorfeld installiert sein!
- Download:
1. Entpacke alle Files in den Quake III Ordner
2. Führe entweder mappack-beta.bat für Windows oder für Linux aus
3. Die alten Maps werden nur mit der Endung .176 umbenannt
4. Um dieses wieder rückgängig zu machen, führe Mappack-normal.bat oder .sh aus
Testserver: #chaos.crew [public 200/100] [3] maptest