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OFFICIAL: UT3 GameSpy Patch (No comments)
Posted by Wishful Thinking! @ 05:10 CDT, 28 May 2014 - iMsg
On 31St May 2014 GameSpy is pulling the plug on supporting Unreal Tournament 3, this means all player statistics/account information/friends/history and most importantly the server list from the server browser will all be permanently removed.

To fix this, EPIC has released a patch that will point the game to look at their master server and not gamespy's of which will be offline. To read more, comment and download the patch, please visit the official forum over at EPIC Games


People who don't update won't see any servers online in the game's server browser, though direct IP connect will work. EPIC will no longer be tracking statistics. If you're a server provider, you will have to use an alternative to track your players statistics (ie: GameTracker, and/or a mutator that does that).

Final note:

If you have any big stats, you might wanna take a screenshot before it all reads 0 :)...
Edited by Wishful Thinking! at 05:12 CDT, 28 May 2014 - 18633 Hits
Safe to turn Q3 servers on? (2 comments)
Posted by Wishful Thinking! @ 09:47 CDT, 29 March 2012 - iMsg
Due to the getstaus bug going around, I have turned off my Quake 3 Arena servers so save my bandwidth and qouta, now that the Master Server is back online, I see alot of other new servers on there.

I'm wondering if it would be safe to allow Q3 back through the firewall and not get the issue that has been world-wide for the last few months. The other server-owners don't seem to have an issue, but I would like to make sure before taking down the main guard :P
3998 Hits
Australian Public UT3 Servers, With TS3 (3 comments)
Posted by Wishful Thinking! @ 09:44 CDT, 29 March 2012 - iMsg
g'day all,

Hosted from Melbourne in Australia's Southern State of Victoria is this dedicated UT3 service, the service provider peers with some of the country's well known network providers such as Pipe Networks.

Running both default and hundreds of custom maps, with all third party content available through a fast off-site Australian content redirection site.

We use TeamSpeak 3 for VoIP Communications with subjects ranging from: Computers, Server Hosting/Administration, Telecommunications, Technology, in Software, Firmware, and Hardware in both Classic/Vintage to the most current of technology, TV Shows, Movies, Music, Audio and Video production and much more.

If you've got a custom map you would like on the UT3 server, you can contact us via TS3 or email

Server Statistics generated by
Edited by Wishful Thinking! at 03:43 CST, 31 December 2013 - 11235 Hits
Loss of Connection (Movie) (5 comments)
Posted by Wishful Thinking! @ 00:16 CST, 19 February 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.3 (2 votes)
This is a frag highlights video for QuakeLive, video is mostly showcasing mid-air rocket content,
The original idea for a video of the sort was back in 2008, but never got around to completing the project.

The atmosphere I show in this video is meant to have a dark theme, you can expect alot of mid-air content.
The music I picked out as they are fast and match a frag sequence.

Enjoy this fusion of color and sound and prepare for an outer body experience.

some link: Etc:
Edited by xou at 01:02 CST, 19 February 2011 - 3765 Hits
Loss of Connection (Movie) (11 comments)
Posted by Wishful Thinking! @ 06:30 CST, 16 February 2011 - iMsg
This is a frag highlights video for QuakeLive, video is mostly showcasing mid-air rocket content,
The original idea for a video of the sort was back in 2008, but never got around to completing the project.

The atmosphere I show in this video is meant to have a dark theme, you can expect alot of mid-air content.
The music I picked out as they are fast and match a frag sequence.

Enjoy this fusion of color and sound and prepare for an outer body experience.


High Quality (401MB) - MegaUpload -
Low Quality (161MB) - MegaUpload -
Low Quality (161MB) - GameFront -
Stream - Youtube -
Stream - -

Comments Etc:
Edited by xou at 11:08 CST, 16 February 2011 - 4651 Hits
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