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Homeworld 3? (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 16:02 CDT, 14 March 2015 - iMsg
With gearbox entertainment resurrecting homeworld by remaking homeworld 1 and 2 with modernized graphics (I recently played through both games) is it possible that there are plans on creating a third homeworld at some point in the next few years?

There is already a third installment into the homeworld universe (but still not

Perhaps a homeworld 3 could be the next big thing in the competitive RTS gaming scene.
2162 Hits
COD Adv Warfare multiplayer doesn't work (14 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 11:19 CST, 15 February 2015 - iMsg
75% of the time that I (try) to login to Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare multiplayer, I get an error message that says "service is not available at this time, please try again later".

Like I said, 3/4 of the time, I cannot log into multiplayer.

This is really frustrating.
6910 Hits
Original quake 2 question (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 11:28 CST, 5 January 2015 - iMsg
Did the original version of quake 2 (released in 1997) use WASD or the arrow keys for player movement?
3911 Hits
CoD advaced warfare rips off Elysium (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 05:54 CST, 30 December 2014 - iMsg
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ripped of the movie Elysium.
7118 Hits
Video tribute to Heathyr Hoffman (6 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 14:48 CST, 26 December 2014 - iMsg
I made a beautiful video tribute to the lovely Heathyr Hoffman from the 2009 SyFy channel reality show "ghost hunters academy".

She is the love of my life! PLUS nude photos of her recently leaked to the internet!
4399 Hits
Far Cry 4 microstuttering nightmare! (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:39 CST, 28 November 2014 - iMsg
I just bought and installed Far Cry 4 for my PC and started playing it last night.

Unfortunately, I am experiencing a severe microstuttering and frame-skipping problem that makes the game unplayable at times.

Is there any way to fix this? According to what I've read on other websites, many people are experiencing this problem. This game needs to be patched ASAP!

I'm running a Core i7 3770K @4.0GHz w/16GB RAM and dual SLI GTX 680's.

Far Cry 3 had this exact same problem. Apparently it must be an inherent issue with the Dunia engine.
5336 Hits
Heathyr Hofffman from ghost hunters (4 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 11:17 CST, 7 November 2014 - iMsg
I'm sure that none of you know who she is, but Heathyr Hoffman is a sexy petite blonde who was on a SyFy channel reality show in 2009 called "ghost hunters academy".

And I just so happen to be madly infatuated with Heathyr.

Topless photos of her have leaked to the internet.

I can't post nudity on this forum, so I have censored them.

3266 Hits
Battlefield Bad Company 3? (7 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 12:02 CDT, 19 August 2014 - iMsg
Do you think battlefield bad company 3 will be an in-between from BF Hardline and Battlefield 5?
2754 Hits
New first-person silent hill game (14 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:40 CDT, 14 August 2014 - iMsg
The new silent hill game will be fist-person and will also feature almost photorealistic graphics.
7244 Hits
Help computer! (2 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:33 CDT, 8 August 2014 - iMsg
Hey kid, I'm a computer, stop all the downloadin'
1678 Hits
Most awkward moments of minecon 2013 (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:19 CDT, 15 July 2014 - iMsg
3938 Hits
Man sits in chair for two years straight (11 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:37 CDT, 8 July 2014 - iMsg
I thought I'd seen everything until I saw this.
4447 Hits
GTA 5 coming to XBOXONE/PS4/PC (22 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:49 CDT, 11 June 2014 - iMsg
Grand Theft Auto 5 is finally coming to the xbox one, playstation 4, and the PC.

This will allow the game's beautiful graphics engine to fully flex it's muscles, especially for enthusiast-level hardware for the PC.
6647 Hits
$9,000 surge protector (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 10:28 CDT, 9 June 2014 - iMsg
This is a $9,000 surge protector for computers and just about anything that has an electrical plug attached to it.

Who the hell would pay that much for a fancy and luxurious outlet box? Unless you are stupid rich and can't think of what to do with all of your money.
2838 Hits
Personal quantum computers? (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:27 CDT, 5 June 2014 - iMsg
Will quantum computing/processors ever be available for the PC at any point in the not too distant future?

What would be the advantage of having a quantum computer sitting on your desk?

Could this be applied to GPU's as well?

Just imagine what a multiple qubit quantum processor could render in video games and future graphics engines.
10795 Hits
Do any big-name pro gamers play QL pubs? (23 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 12:34 CDT, 3 June 2014 - iMsg
Do any big-name professional gamers play on any Quake Live public servers?

If so, which ones?
7330 Hits
I'm ranked #4 in the world for BF4 (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 12:18 CDT, 2 June 2014 - iMsg
Almost 92 million points, I am #4 in the world for score.
4012 Hits
Fat man sits in chair for two years (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:17 CDT, 19 May 2014 - iMsg
5437 Hits
Age of Empires 4? (13 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 16:12 CDT, 9 May 2014 - iMsg
Is Microsoft really making an age of empires 4?

I saw this trailer, but I'm not sure if it's real.
3864 Hits
Nvidia launches $3,000 Titan Z (36 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 05:15 CDT, 4 May 2014 - iMsg
Nvidia has launched a absurdly overpriced "TItan Z" which is roughly $3,000 per unit.

Evidently is was designed specifically to run games at 4K resolution and has 12GB of memory.
6373 Hits
I had a dream about quake 5 (20 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:05 CDT, 11 April 2014 - iMsg
I had a dream I was playing quake 5,, but it's too bad that it was only a dream.

Hey, it even had a singleplayer campaign!
3918 Hits
I'm ranked #10 in the world for BF4 (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 17:26 CST, 12 February 2014 - iMsg
I am ranked #10 in the world in general score for PC version of battlefield 4.
7739 Hits
BF4 veteran battlepack (13 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:28 CST, 2 February 2014 - iMsg
How do i receive the veteran battlepack in BF4?

I heard that all you have to do is play one round of BF3 with the same origin account you play BF4 with and it should give you the veteran battlepack the next time you play BF4, but I'm not sure if that's how you do it.

Can anyone tell me what the criteria is for acquiring the vet BP?
3757 Hits
What should we expect from Maxwell? (4 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:38 CST, 14 January 2014 - iMsg
What should we expect from the Nvidia GeForce GTX 800 "Maxwell" line of GPU's?

Should the GTX 880 be ~50% faster than the Titan?
1822 Hits
Crysis 3 song (4 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:51 CST, 5 January 2014 - iMsg
I've played through Crysis 3 from beginning to end several times and I did not hear this song at any point in the game.

Is this song really from Crysis 3?
1628 Hits
Soundcard improves CPU perforamance? (10 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 07:44 CST, 23 December 2013 - iMsg
I read that having a dedicated sound card removes the audio processing load off the CPU and slightly improves performance in games and other applications, is this true?

Should I see perhaps a 3-5 fps increase in battlefield 4?
1663 Hits
This game needs to be remade! (16 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 16:34 CST, 12 December 2013 - iMsg
"Summoner" for the playstation 2 needs to be remade for the PS4 with modern graphics and gameplay features.

Next to metal gear solid 2 and final fantasy X, this was my favorite game for the PS2!
2496 Hits
Fatality plays battlefield 4! (21 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:31 CST, 13 November 2013 - iMsg
Johnathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel plays Battlefield 4 for the first time.

Shame he won't add me as a friend, I would love to play with him.
4869 Hits
DirectX12? (22 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:30 CDT, 18 October 2013 - iMsg
When will we see DX12?

I'm guessing that we have to wait three or four GPU generations? I'm guessing around the year 2018 or 2020?
3906 Hits
WIll the full version of BF4 run better? (64 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:03 CDT, 13 October 2013 - iMsg
I've been playing the beta version of battlefield 4 for the past week or so, and it is full of awkward graphical bugs as well as physics/collision glitches.

Also, I get only 35-50 fps on "Ultra" detail @1920x1080 using two GTX 680's in SLI.

Will the full version of the game run smoother and look better than the beta?

It just seems that the Beta is a buggy piece of shit.
7155 Hits
Quake live pub servers top pro gamers (32 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 04:37 CDT, 17 September 2013 - iMsg
Which quake live public servers do the top pro gamers play on?

Have you ever encountered any of them when playing QL?
6440 Hits
Quake 5? (73 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 10:50 CDT, 28 August 2013 - iMsg
Will there ever be a quake 5?

ID has shelved Rage 2 and is currently working on Doom 4.
13250 Hits
Man complains to city about helicopters (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:03 CDT, 29 July 2013 - iMsg
This guy is fucking nuts!
1656 Hits
Will my rig hack BF4 on Ultra @1920x1080 (15 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 06:13 CDT, 29 July 2013 - iMsg
Will my rig hack Battlefield 4 on "Ultra" settings and at 1920x1080 and get 30-60 fps?

I can run Crysis 3 on everything set as high as it can go and get a stable 35-60 fps.

Here is my rig.

Core i7 3770K
16GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM
Two GTX 680's (2GB) in SLI
1000W power supply
4135 Hits
1855 Hits
Why does GTA IV run so poorly? (24 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:28 CDT, 16 July 2013 - iMsg
Why does the PC version of Grand Theft Auto 4 run so poorly even on enthusiast gaming computers with multiple graphics cards?

It get 30-50 fps with two GTX 680's in SLI with everything maxed out on 1920x1080.

Also, there are a lot of buggy and blinking lights and textures.

This game is all sorts of messed up.
3187 Hits
Was the BF4 demo run at 2560x1600? (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:28 CDT, 9 July 2013 - iMsg
Was the official Battlefield 4 "fishing in baku" gameplay demo ran at 1920x1080 or 2560x1600 resolution?

I would imagine EA/DICE would want their game demo run at the highest possible settings and resolutions.
1744 Hits
What if they made a soundcard like this? (29 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 11:50 CDT, 4 July 2013 - iMsg
What if they made a soundcard that was so computationally powerful, it plugged into a PCIe 3.0 x16 slot, consumed 250W of power, and included a HUGE heatsink and cooling fans like the ones attached to enthusiast graphics cards?

I'm talking about several TFLOPS of audio computing power.
5042 Hits
Will my rig max out BF4? (26 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 10:32 CDT, 24 June 2013 - iMsg
Will my rig play Battlefield 4 on all "Ultra" settings at 1920x1080 and get a constant 30-60 fps?

I can max out Battlefield 3 and get 80-120+ fps. And I can also max out Crysis 3 and get 30-60 fps.

Here is my setup.

Core i7 3770K @4.0 GHz
MSI Big Bang Mpower Z77 enthusiast motherboard
Two MSI Lightning GeForce GTX 680 2GB in SLI
1000W Seasonic platinum power supply
27" 1920x1080 monitor
8116 Hits
Tribes Ascend (No comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:12 CDT, 5 June 2013 - iMsg
Does anyone else play the online PC game Tribes Ascend?

I am totally addicted to this game! My username is "Kutt".

If you play this, feel free to hit me up and add me as a friend.
771 Hits
High speed van crash in Russia (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:22 CDT, 21 May 2013 - iMsg
A speeding van in Russia loses control, hits a dirt embankment, and flies 20 feet into the air.

The driver of the van was killed and the one passenger is in critical condition with a head injury.

Not even the general lee ever flew that high I don't think.
7478 Hits
Where can I buy this GPU online? (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:19 CDT, 8 May 2013 - iMsg
Where can I get the MSI GeForce GTX 680 Lightning online?

Everywhere I have looked it is either "out of stock," "unavailable," or "discontinued."

Can you please find a legitimate and reputable online vendor that has this particular GPU in stock and for sale?
2662 Hits
Creepiest things kids have said (6 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:38 CDT, 6 May 2013 - iMsg
Popular Reddit thread with very many posts

Here are some of my favorite.

"I was on a bus recently and we were stopped outside a walk-in clinic. A little girl in the seat in front of me turned to her dad and said, "Death is the poor man's doctor." And that was that."

"Why are you crying?
"Bad man"
What bad man?
"There." Points behind me at a dark corner of the room
Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.
She slept in our bed that night"

"My toddler went through a phase where she would just constantly say 'hi' to things. "Hi hi hi hi hi hi"
One day, it came out sounding more like "Die die die die die"
So I say to her "What's that you're saying?"
And she turns to face me and just whispers "Diiiieeeeeee......."

"I was tucking in my two year old. He said "Good bye dad." I said, "No, we say good night." He said "I know. But this time its good bye."
Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still there."

"I don't have kids, but once, visiting some friends on a farm, my buddy's youngest girl (5 or 6) at the time, was afraid of the chickens. I tried to explain to her that the chickens weren't there to hurt us but she wasn't having it.
So I'm sitting around the fire pit, looking at one of the chickens a few feet in front of me when I feel hot breath in my ear as she whispers:
"See. He's always watching."
Horrific and hysterical all at once."

"Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied "Oh, nobody 'scroofs' me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I'm here." She said this like it was nothing."
2867 Hits
RandomNight/Day cycle and weather in BF4 (7 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:18 CDT, 1 May 2013 - iMsg
I read that there will be a random night/day and dusk/dawn cycle in BF4, as well as random weather efffects such as rain, snow, fog, wind, severe lightning and dust storms. Also, there should be night vision goggles for infantry to use in night maps and very dark rooms.

This sounds like a really cool idea.

What do you think?
1683 Hits
What is a ram disk and how does it work? (21 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:46 CDT, 17 April 2013 - iMsg
What is a ram disk and how does it work?

Is 16GB of memory considered a ram disk?

How do you benefit from a ram disk?
6000 Hits
So I got this power supply for my new PC (23 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:30 CDT, 6 April 2013 - iMsg
I got the seasonic 1000W Platinum for my dual SLI GTX 680's, a Core i7 3770k, and 16GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM.

Also, I intend on heavily overclocking my system.

Did I make a good choice for PSU?
5367 Hits
My tribute to Susan Slaughter from SyFy (12 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:37 CDT, 2 April 2013 - iMsg
I made this video as a tribute to Susan Slaughter from the SyFy channel reality show ghost hunters international and ghost hunters academy.

She is the biggest celebrity crush I have ever had!
2374 Hits
What is a "pub?" (24 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 13:56 CDT, 30 March 2013 - iMsg
In online gaming speak, what exactly is a "pub?"

To me, a pub has always been an Irish bar, but it has a different meaning as well. Please fill me in.
3871 Hits
Best Battlefield 3 player in the world (16 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:09 CDT, 29 March 2013 - iMsg

Best Battlefield 3 player in the entire world, bar-none.
5076 Hits
What do you think of this build? (43 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:10 CDT, 24 March 2013 - iMsg
I've finally got all the parts, but I haven't put it together yet.

I hope I can fully max out Crysis 3 on 1920x1080 and always get 30-60fps.

*Core i7 3770K
*4x4 GB 16GB DDR3 1600MHz cl9 RAM 1.5V
*MSI BIg Bang Mpower Z77 motherboard
*Dual SLI GTX 680 2GB MSI LIghtning edition
*Corsair AX860i 860W power supply
*ZALMAN CNPS9900X MAX red CPU cooler
*1TB WD Caviar Black 7200RPM 64MB Cache HDD
*Corsair Vengeance C70 mid-tower case military green
*Four ventilation case fans (two 120mm and two 140mm)
*128GB Corsair SSD
*Windows 7 HP 64-bit
5861 Hits
Battlefield 3 in the pro-gaming circuit? (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 17:03 CDT, 23 March 2013 - iMsg
Are there ANY Battlefield 3 tournaments in the professional gaming circuit?
3589 Hits
Fatal1ty (26 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 07:46 CDT, 23 March 2013 - iMsg
Has anyone ever played against or beat Johnathan "Fata1ty" Wendel? Does he ever play on public quake 3/4 servers?
4665 Hits
Please recommend a good PSU for this rig (34 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 17:44 CST, 9 March 2013 - iMsg
Please recommend a high quality power supply (at least 1KW) for this new gaming build. I haven't finished it yet, but it should be complete within the next few months..

*Core i7 3770K
*Corsair Dominator Platinum 8GB DDR3 1600MHz cl9 RAM
*MSI Big Bang Mpower Z77 motherboard
*Two-way SLI GTX 680 MSI Lightning graphics cards
*Western Digital 1TB 7200RPM HDD
*Corsair Vengeance C70 mid-tower case
*Corsair H100i liquid CPU cooling
*24x speed DVD ROM
4787 Hits
Jack Bauer invades Fallout New Vegas (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:09 CST, 4 March 2013 - iMsg
I was playing Fallout New Vegas for the PC and I came across some guy wandering the desert who looked so much like Kiefer Sutherland, I had to take a screenshot.

I wonder what business Jack Bauer had in the wasteland.

1868 Hits
Questions about Crysis 3 plotline (27 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:31 CST, 27 February 2013 - iMsg
I've got some questions about Crysis 3.

*What happened to Alcatraz from Crysis 2?
*If Prophet shot himself at the beginning of Crysis 2, how is he alive in Crysis 3?
*How did Prophet survive re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere at the end of Crysis 3?
*Will there be a Crysis 4?
3117 Hits
Chin down eyes up! (12 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:56 CST, 18 February 2013 - iMsg
2876 Hits
Graphical improvements in Crysis 3? (13 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 10:02 CST, 16 February 2013 - iMsg
Have any graphical improvements been made to Crysis 3 when compared to the previous game?

I must say, I was not impressed by Crysis 2's graphics until they released the DX11/High Resolution pack.

Did the CryEngine 3 receive a facelift? Or is it essentially Crysis 2 with identical graphics/gameplay, and a sequel story?
2937 Hits
Fallout 4? (24 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:56 CST, 10 February 2013 - iMsg
Is fallout 4 currently in development? I mean has there been any official news of whether of this?

Do you think it will use Skyrim's "creation" engine?
4929 Hits
Is there any place I could get this RAM? (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:19 CST, 8 February 2013 - iMsg
Newegg is currently out of stock and they don't have it anywhere on tigerdirect. It could be months before they have them back in stock.

I'm building a new PC and I have the MSI big bang mpower Z77 motherboard. I read that this memory kit was designed specifically for my mobo.

Is there any other place where I can order this particular memory kit online?

It must be from a trusted and reputable website.
1853 Hits
Best Metroid game? (49 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:16 CST, 7 February 2013 - iMsg
Super Metroid, bar-none!

What's your opinion?
6010 Hits
Is this real?... (12 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:21 CST, 26 January 2013 - iMsg

Is this a real demo of next-gen gaming graphics, or is it fake?

I don't think the PC hardware exists capable of running this graphics engine.
3799 Hits
2901 Hits
This game needs to be re-made (17 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:51 CST, 2 January 2013 - iMsg

I remember playing the shit out of this game with my old Pentium 2/.3DFX Voodoo 2 over 13 years ago!\

Definitely needs a remake!
5533 Hits
Sexiest female video game character? (38 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:38 CST, 18 December 2012 - iMsg
In your opinion, who do you think are the sexiest female video game characters?

Here is my list.

1. Aya Brea from Parasite Eve
2. Paine from Final Fantasy X2
3. Alyx Vance from Half Life 2
4. Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil series
33879 Hits
Is this the fastest memory for this mobo (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:48 CST, 14 December 2012 - iMsg
Is this the fastest memory for the MSI BIg Bang Mpower Z77 motherboard?

I was thinking of just getting 16GB of Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz, but then I saw this.
2019 Hits
Horrible micro-stuttering problem in FC3 (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:52 CST, 11 December 2012 - iMsg
I'm probably getting 10-15 fps in Far Cry 3. The game is extremely jittery and barely playable.

I even tried turning down the graphics settings to the lowest possible and I still have the problem.

I have a $2,500 enthusiast gaming PC with multiple graphics cards.

This is the worst micro-stuttering and frame skipping problem I have ever had with any PC game.
2388 Hits
Which motherboard should I get? (2 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 11:58 CST, 9 December 2012 - iMsg
Building a new Ivy-Bridge gaming PC.

In your opinion, which motherboard is better?

MSI Big Bang M-power Z77 or the ASUS Sabertooth Z77
954 Hits
GTX 680 vs two-way CF HD 5870's? (11 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 15:24 CST, 4 December 2012 - iMsg
Would a single GTX 680 be faster than two HD 5870's in crossfire?

I'm building a new gaming rig and for the time being, I can only afford a single GTX 680. But I will add 2nd one as soon as I have the money.

Still, wouid 1 GTX 680 be faster than two HD 5870's?
4023 Hits
Battlefield 3 and professional gaming? (25 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 04:23 CST, 30 November 2012 - iMsg
To my knowledge, there aren't any pro-gaming circuits for any of the battlefield games.

Most FPS pro gaming tournaments involve the "quake" and "unreal" games.
2999 Hits
100 Skyrim graphics mods.... (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:33 CST, 28 November 2012 - iMsg

Apparently this was running on 100 different graphics and texture mods simultaneously.

And it probably ran at 5 frames per second (sarcasm).
5717 Hits
GTA 5 for the PC? (20 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:30 CST, 18 November 2012 - iMsg
Will Grand Theft Auto 5 be released for the PC and the consoles simultaneously, or will we have to wait many months for it to be ported over to the PC?

I know this is a very console-oriented game.

It would run much faster and look far better on the much more capable PC hardware. Plus the massive modding community would be very happy.
3448 Hits
Should I wait until Haswell? (2 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 16:37 CST, 9 November 2012 - iMsg
I read that the next-gen "Haswell" Intel processors are going to offer 50% more performance than the current Ivy-Bridge architecture.

The jump from Nehalem to SB and IB was 10-15% at best. I think it's time that Intel puts out a processor that offers a major performance gain like the Core 2 quad to the first-gen Core i7, which was around 50%.

I am hesitant to build a new 3770K gaming rig for Christmas knowing that the Haswell processors are right around the corner for Q1 2013.

Should I wait for the Haswell to build a new gaming rig?
1405 Hits
Creepy NES commercial (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:58 CDT, 3 November 2012 - iMsg
Creepy... I can't believe this actually aired on TV.
1394 Hits
Spitting image of old snake (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 06:45 CDT, 29 October 2012 - iMsg
This man is the spitting image of solid snake.
6357 Hits
Doom 4 (46 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:37 CDT, 29 October 2012 - iMsg
8405 Hits
PC games that use more than four threads (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:11 CDT, 24 October 2012 - iMsg
Are they any PC games that use more than four threads? I heard that flight simulator X can use up to 16 threads.
1196 Hits
GTA 5 physics and damage engine/ (7 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 04:53 CDT, 23 October 2012 - iMsg
Allegedly, this video is that of the physics and vehicle damage engine which will be included in grand theft auto 5.

This video may be a fake, but if it's real then I'm going to cry.

Nvidia might want to focus towards faster PhysX processing in the future.
3812 Hits
They need to remake the first Unreal (11 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 07:31 CDT, 18 October 2012 - iMsg
They need to remake the very first "unreal" game using the Unreal 5 engine.

That would be eyegasmic!
21208 Hits
Playing carmageddon on Windows 7 64-bit? (8 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:47 CDT, 18 October 2012 - iMsg
I downloaded a free version of the first carmageddon game and apparently it is only compatible with Windows XP service pack 2.

I am running windows 7 64-bit.

I've read that there is a trick to getting it to work.

Could anyone help me out?
4643 Hits
Two new builds (16 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:47 CDT, 17 October 2012 - iMsg
I was thinking of building a new PC but can't decide which to build. I've got about a ~$2100 budget.

Jessica Mark I

*CPU/Core i7 3770K Ivy Bridge Quad Core processor
*Motherboard/ECSH2-AX Gold Edition
*Memory/G Skill RipJaws X Series 16GB (2x8GB) 1600MHz 240pin dual channel memory kit
*GPU/MSI GTX 680 TwinFrozr
*PSU/Corsair TX850 850W power supply
*Coolermaster HAF-XM Mid Tower Case
*Hard Drive/Seagate Barracuda 1TB 7200RPM 64MB Cache Internal Hard Drive
*Optial Drive/ASUS Blu-Ray Internal disk drive

Approximately $1,710.91

Susan Mark I

*CPU Intel Core i7 3820 Sandy Bridge 3.6GHz Quad-Core processor
*Motherboard MSI Big Bang X-Power II LGA 2011 X79
*Memory Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB (4x4 GB) 1866MHz Quad Channel memory kit
*Power Supply Corsair HX850 850W Power Supply
*GPU MSI GTX 680 TwinFrozr
*Hard Drive Seagate Barricuda 1TB 7200 RPM 64GB Cache
*Case Coolermaster HAF-X full tower case
*Optical drive Internal Blu-Ray

Total $1,854,93 approximately.
Edited by Monkey_Business at 01:47 CDT, 17 October 2012 - 3703 Hits
Are the new graphics cards compatible? (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:34 CDT, 16 October 2012 - iMsg
Are the new PCIe 3.0 graphics cards reverse-compatible with PCIe 2.0 slots?
6061 Hits
8-core processors (31 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:57 CDT, 15 October 2012 - iMsg
When are the long awaited 8-core processors from AMD and Intel going to be commercially available? Will they use current sockets and chipsets or require new ones?

What kind of applications would fully make use of an 8-core 16-thread processor? Certainly there aren't any PC games that would need or use so much CPU resources. Do I really need this much CPU power if I'm just playing games, viewing photos, and browsing the internet?

I can't remember, but does the Ivy Bridge use Intel socket 2011 or 1155?
3646 Hits
DX12? (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 04:18 CDT, 11 October 2012 - iMsg
I read that DirectX 12 will be featured in the future generation of graphics cards from AMD and Nvidia in circa 2014.

Are there any details yet about what might be included in the next version of DirectX? DX10 was a HUGE leap from DX9, while DX11 was essentially DX10 with bug fixes, better coding, and tesselation.

Hopefully DX12 will deliver something that will "wow" us PC gamers much like Crysis did with DX10. Do I smell a CryEngine 4?
1360 Hits
Upgrading graphics cards (25 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:00 CDT, 1 October 2012 - iMsg
Dual CF HD 5870's > Twin SLI GTX 670's.

Is this a good, solid upgrade? Will I see a significant improvement in performance in games like Battlefield 3, Crysis, Crysis 2, Skyrim, Metro 2033, and so forth?..

The 1GB of my HD 5870's is causing low fps and microstuttering in many situations. I have a 1920x1080 resolution monitor, and 2GB+ on your GPU(s) comes in handy.
7078 Hits
Diablo 3 expansions? (18 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:39 CDT, 16 August 2012 - iMsg
I thought that Diablo 3 was rather short and it needs expansion packs to add more acts and character classes.

Has Blizzard announced any plans to create Diablo 3 expansion packs?
4587 Hits
Rise of the triad remake! (143 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 06:57 CDT, 5 August 2012 - iMsg
OMFG!!! I remember playing the shit out of this game for some old IBM computer I had when I was a kid!
44931 Hits
Monthly fee to play Diablo III online? (24 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:10 CDT, 9 May 2012 - iMsg
Will charge a monthly fee to play Diablo III online as they do with world of warcraft?
4627 Hits
Skyrim MIG-29 mod? (6 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 14:17 CDT, 6 May 2012 - iMsg
I heard someone made a mod for Elder Scrolls V Skyrim where you can fly a fully armed MIG-29.

It must be fun killing dragons with that aircraft.

Dragons can't fly supersonic and they don't have heat-seeking missiles, JDAMS, and DU-firing cannons.

You can unleash hell on the ground with that plane as well.
2554 Hits
CoD MW 1-3 and "enemy intelligence" (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:34 CDT, 28 April 2012 - iMsg
What happens if you collect all of the "enemy intelligence" in the Call of Duty Modern Warfare series?

Does it give you a different ending?
1523 Hits
Susan Slaughter Utermark (10 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 06:04 CDT, 13 April 2012 - iMsg
I doubt anyone here knows who she is but Susan Slaughter Utermark is a co-host on the popular SyFy channel reality show "ghost hunters international" and I have an unhealthy obsession with her.

Since nudity isn't allowed on this forum (or is it?), I am simply going to state that nude photos of this girl have been discovered on the internet and are spreading throughout dozens of websites on the web.

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw news of this and viewed the photos for the first time.

Here is some information about her and who she is.
8831 Hits
Crysis 3 (7 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:52 CDT, 11 April 2012 - iMsg
With the ending of Crysis 2 and as well as strong sales, Crysis 3 is inevitable, but NOTHING has been said by EA or Crytek, yet... We don't even know if the game is currently in development.

Hopefully the CryEngine 4 will be so advanced it will ONLY run on PC's and next-gen consoles.

Crysis 2 looked like a high-end PS3/XBOX360 game. Even on the computer.

Honestly, the graphics were not that impressing.

Although the DX11 and high resolution pack makes the game tons prettier.
3564 Hits
G. Skill Ripjaw 2,666MHz quad channel (No comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:22 CDT, 11 April 2012 - iMsg
Good lord! this is the fastest memory I've ever seen! How much does this memory kit cost?

Apparently it was designed specifically for the ASUS Rampage IV Extreme X79 enthusiast motherboard.

How do they run it at those speeds without it becoming unstable or overheating?

They must have huge heatsinks which require tons of airflow to keep them cool.
1475 Hits
When is the next hardware killer? (27 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:20 CDT, 9 April 2012 - iMsg
Back in 2007, the game "Crysis" brought every single hardware setup to it's knees.

Nowadays, a single flagship GPU like the GTX 680/HD 7970 can smoothly run Crysis on it's maximum settings and resolutions.

When is the next PC title that will make today's fastest PC's sweat and cry?

I heard a rumor that "Metro 2034" is going to benchmark the new hardware and give it a run for it's money.

Also, the PC port of Grand Theft Auto 5 will test systems to their limits.
5996 Hits
BF3 mod? (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 14:56 CST, 17 January 2012 - iMsg
I heard about someone made a mod for BF3 that replaces the Russian army with the Mexican army. Complete with the Spanish language.
1146 Hits
Post your BF3 player stats (13 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:47 CST, 16 January 2012 - iMsg
Does anyone here play Battlefield 3?

If you do, please post your player stats.

I didn't want to be named "womansworld" but that was the name of my EA account. I didn't feel like going through the hassle of creating another email and EA profile so I could have a different handle.

I figured that you could just choose a username like in BF2 and BFBC2. Battlelog is a bunch of bullshit.
5708 Hits
Skyrim keeps crashing (12 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 10:50 CST, 14 November 2011 - iMsg
I'm playing Skyrim for the PC and it keeps crashing to windows 7 desktop with no error message every 15-20 minutes or so.

This problem is getting very annoying as I have to save frequently and keep rebooting the game.

It only crashes when I'm outside in the skyrim open-world and it does not crash when I'm in dungeons or inside buildings.
6969 Hits
Six most creepy and funny game glitches (7 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:52 CDT, 27 October 2011 - iMsg

The sims 3 "demon baby" and the PS2 Rocky game are the best!
2183 Hits
Extremely poor performance in Rage (20 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:11 CDT, 8 October 2011 - iMsg
I played Rage on the PC and immediately noticed extremely laggy textures as well as constant framerates below 20 FPS.

I've got an extremely high-end ATI CrossfireX desktop and I'm not sure if the poor performance is being caused by game glitches or just the fact that this game is torturously taxing on even the fastest PC hardware possible. Even more so than Crysis, GTA4, and Metro 2033.

The game runs so poorly it isn't fun to play.

I certainly hope that ID software releases a patch fixing this pressing problem.
3292 Hits
Black Ops 2? (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:47 CDT, 20 September 2011 - iMsg

Apparently Treyarch is working on CoD Black Ops 2.

Hopefully the story will take place in much more modern times, and not the 1960's.
1295 Hits
Dog eats dan's new heart (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:56 CDT, 17 September 2011 - iMsg
Series grand finale to the TV show "one tree hill".

Absolutely gold!

Do you think a dog would eat a human heart in real life?
1763 Hits
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