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17:10 CDT - 1021 users online
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low graphics (12 comments)
Posted by rexobb @ 08:06 CDT, 26 August 2008 - iMsg - just watched this and i have no idea how the maker of the vid got the cfg looking so awesome ,if u know how he did it or also have sum cool tips for graphics then post =)
4031 Hits
I Need Quake live beta (43 comments)
Posted by rexobb @ 13:25 CDT, 12 August 2008 - iMsg
if anyone has the beta and is willing to send me an invite then i will be very happy. i play quake 3 and cant wait to play ql.

plz be kind and send me an invite :(

^ mums email minr has to much jumk in it and i delete it all :>
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