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call a sickie (2 comments)
Posted by ios @ 12:14 CST, 11 January 2023 - iMsg

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Rating: 6 (1 vote)

some clan arena frags from 2022
Edited by ios at 12:58 CST, 11 January 2023 - 1185 Hits
what a bizarre thing (2 comments)
Posted by ios @ 18:16 CDT, 19 September 2022 - iMsg

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Rating: 5.3 (3 votes)

player: arsenic, emir4nt, islandofstonia
2009-2022 demos
1540 Hits
dorftrottel skins and textures by KOS (19 comments)
Posted by ios @ 14:22 CDT, 9 August 2011 - iMsg
So yeah, here it is.

I guess there is not too much to say about this pack, but people tend to ask all kind of questions so I felt like writing a FAQ won't hurt.
So if something doesn't work out as expected, I'd recommend to read this first : P


This pack contains HQ textures and all kind of stuff I made only for the purpose of recording movies and not to make it a perfect looking playable pack!
There are texture misalignments which I did not fix for a simple reason; buggy places are not shown in my latest movie.
Which simply means that it's rather a film stage instead of a map.

One of the reasons I release it, is that people can use it for anything they want and even fix some bugs if it bothers them.


- a modified pak0
Which has some custom projectile models and missing textures filling the gaps in maps.
Also hq explosions, simple items and some other stuff.
There are some weapon models repaints too, I made for the Speedcapture Promo back in the days.

- zzz models
Simply Keel and Visor repaints.

- cpm3a, 22 and 24

- mme config from 'dorftrottel'

- some skyboxes from the Speedcapture Promo


1. Whenever I try to open up one of the maps in CPMA/DEFRAG/WHATEVER MOD it gives me a Z_Malloc error.

- For some reason MME doesn't have this restriction. I'm sure some experienced mapper can fix this easily.
My bet is that all textures combined are simply too big and that I accidently saved some of the textures as Progressive instead of Baseline.
Batch resizing them to 1k should help. (Hopefully.)

2. Why are the cpm22 textures smaller than on the other maps?

- Because the scrateches had too much detail and gave me awful jitter artifacts. Downsizing them manually solved the problem.

3. Cpm24 works, but whenever I try to open it up a second time without restarting Quake it crashes.

- I guess the skyplate is too big. Downsize it to something reasonable and it should work.

4. Can I use these in my projects?

- You totally can. From my side there is absolutely nothing in your way.
If you want to be perfectly save copyright wise, I should mention that I used some stock textures to add details or objects like vents.
So you can still use those even on commercial projects up to a feature film level
you are not allowed to sell the actual image files on stock sites.

5. What is the normals sky box for?

- If you happen to use comp tools like Fusion/NUke or AE with the right Plug-Ins you can relight a sky if captured seperately as a sky-pass.

6. There are textures missing.

- In worst case yes, my HDDs crashed close to the end of the project.

That should be it.

Special thanks on this one go to Bliccer for fixing the lava shaders on cpm3a and cpm24 o/
Edited by emir4nt at 15:21 CDT, 13 September 2011 - 26991 Hits
Strum - A Promode minimovie (78 comments)
Posted by ios @ 14:59 CST, 25 January 2010 - iMsg

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Rating: 7.6 (81 votes)
This minimovie was originally intented for Tek-9 contest, but I was busy at that period so I didn't manage to deliver to deadline but here it finally is!

It's a short frag movie which lasts just under two minutes.
Movie features frags from ph1l, Memphis & emir4nt all coming from different CPM modes such as Duel, Tdm, Ctf / Ntf and CA.

I'd like to thank god, my mom and local porn line.

(Stream is MUCH lower quality)
Edited by Badb0y at 05:42 CST, 30 January 2010 - 40443 Hits
Control (defrag/cpma promode movie) (63 comments)
Posted by ios @ 06:10 CDT, 2 April 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (38 votes)
Control is a movie about 2 mods: Defrag and CPMA. The cast features NoGhost (PR 1.16) mod players that started playing on 1.32 and somewhat became successful with that.

- Part 1, Defrag, features crazy fast caps & runs, times of those are highly ranked.
- Part 2, CPMA, probably not hardcore frags but bearable I guess. Most of frags are from flag modes (CTF & NTF) but still managed to pop in some TDM & 1v1 footage.

Creator comments:
So for some time I've been wanting to make a Q3 movie. After realizing that my footage is pretty crap.. I needed someone to help me out with that. Fortunately, Nightmare was willing to do it and sent me loads of footage on 08/01/09 (when project started). I know I'm not the best when it comes to editing and/or fragging but I had loads of fun while making this movie and hopefully I get to make another one soon :)
Edited by xou at 06:13 CDT, 2 April 2009 - 18900 Hits
22 (9 comments)
Posted by ios @ 21:35 CDT, 28 August 2008 - iMsg
Edited by ios at 07:04 CST, 10 February 2017 - 3771 Hits
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