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I need the lightest mouse (33 comments)
Posted by RaTaSuM @ 21:37 CST, 6 March 2009 - iMsg
Title says it. I'm looking for recommendations for a very lightweight mouse. Some other things I'm looking for:

-Small but not laptop-mice-size small. Those things are for babies.
-Relatively cheap, <$20 or so.

Thanks for any advice.
Edited by RaTaSuM at 21:38 CST, 6 March 2009 - 11316 Hits
Quake Live + Windows 7? (31 comments)
Posted by RaTaSuM @ 01:47 CST, 14 January 2009 - iMsg
Is this crap working for you guys?

I get kicked by PunkBuster every time I'm in a server since I got Windows 7. Says "PnkBstrb.exe initialization failed." Anyone else getting this?

Using 64-bit btw.
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