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CPMA 1.48 Public BETA TEST (60 comments)
Posted by VoulCaine @ 08:16 CDT, 24 March 2010 - iMsg
Today it was decided to post a public CPMA beta. As we have collected many feature requests and bug reports, the 1.48 version is far from being released. But it has few changes and fixes, that must be tested by the community before released.

So we ask you to read changelog carefully and test everything thats done.

CPMA-PAK148.PK3 (Save As...)

Put this .pk3 into /quake3/cpma/ folder and do not remove z-cpma-pak147.pk3. So you will be able to join both 1.47 and 1.48beta servers.

Please, try to avoid crying about why it was decided to make and test new features. It was done to be tested for now.
Edited by VoulCaine at 11:27 CDT, 24 March 2010 - 17424 Hits
CPMA Voting System Improvement (43 comments)
Posted by VoulCaine @ 10:25 CDT, 28 April 2009 - iMsg
Due to some CPMA voting system improvement necessity, I bring this for your discussion: How should the voting system behave under certain conditions?

The most useful info we could get from your reports, describing some conditions, when the system acted wrong in your opinion (before and after the 1.47 release). For example, spectators' participation in \cv random 2. But if you owned a well thought-out and complex suggestion, it might become quite useful as well.

Also we would like to get some info about any voting system oversights, like hidden commands in \callvote and \referee lists, missing server variables for votables (ex. \vote_allow_roundwarmup). Or maybe you think that another game feature must become votable.

The more suggestions you post, the better voting system you will have. So do your best!

EDIT: OK. It appers that nobody cares about any voting problems. So I'm gonna post some suggestions by myself. Feel free to comment it.
Edited by VoulCaine at 09:51 CDT, 29 April 2009 - 6847 Hits
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