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LG, com_maxfps, cl_maxpackets and You (23 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 15:08 CST, 10 December 2009 - iMsg
Isn't com_maxfps and cl_maxpackets both set to 100 most optimal for a smooth LG?

Assume you have 100 on both and given that the reload time of the LG is 50 ms you'll fire 20 shots on each second and synced with the frames and the packets you send out? That is on every 5th packet and frame you'll send out one LG slug to the server.
If you have 125 on both your LG wouldn't be in sync as much? How does this really work? Where does sv_fps come into play?
Edited by Lejoon at 15:15 CST, 10 December 2009 - 14022 Hits
The Unofficial ESR Quake Live Wishlist (141 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 02:43 CST, 9 December 2009 - iMsg
Explanation: A streamlined GTV-like service in Quake Live for live viewing of competitive matches.
Priority: High

Explanation: Quake Live is in dire need of new and refreshing maps across all game modes. Ideally furnished by hosting mapping competitions and or allowing community maps to be played to some extent.
Priority: Very High

Tournament Mode Servers
Explanation: Create specific servers that run as tournament mode servers. These servers host automated mini tournaments with several maps playing simultaneously on the same server.
Priority: N/A

Premium Accounts
Explanation: The ability to start and manage private games and additional features for competition play.
Priority: N/A

Framerate Improvements
Explanation: Quake Live is built on over 10 year old source code and should run smoothly as demanded by todays competitive players. Still today people with high-end computer experience unstable and sometimes low FPS when they shouldn't.
Priority: N/A

Audio Improvements
Explanation: The current sound engine lacks giving positional sound informating. It should be possible to determine if the enemy is above or below you, and the distance. Also there's a sound dropping issue.
Priority: Medium

Minor Issues
Proper wide-screen support
One-line chat window

Minor Additions
More statistical data & analysis.
Armor stats
Better public game team balancing
Vote-kick to free last spectator slot on public servers.
Comprehensive GUI
Better browser demo support
Edited by Lejoon at 13:41 CST, 18 December 2009 - 37381 Hits
Post Your sv_skillrating (117 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 15:33 CST, 28 November 2009 - iMsg

1. Join an empty skill matched duel server
2. Write /serverinfo in the console
3. Read off the sv_skillrating variable

The result is an approximation to your Quake Live ELO rating.
Edited by Lejoon at 17:22 CST, 28 November 2009 - 38605 Hits
FPS drops with 23/11 update? (8 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 11:47 CST, 25 November 2009 - iMsg
Has anyone encountered FPS problems with the new patch?

Normally I play with 125 fps all maps but Siberia and Quarantine. After Mondays patch however I get 60-80 FPS on qzctf7 by the powerup. Even when there are only 1-2 enemies around. The benchmark demo four ( gives the same FPS before as after the update, however.

Is it just me?
2738 Hits
fnatic -vs- 2.0/DP/Virus (8 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 08:03 CST, 24 November 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.5 (5 votes)
Gametype: Capture The Flag
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: Stermy
How to play back QL demos


Edited by Lejoon at 08:11 CST, 24 November 2009 - 5247 Hits
id says good bye to 8 player CTF (19 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 15:20 CDT, 28 October 2009 - iMsg
Since the last patch you might have noticed that there are no more 8 player CTF servers. The explanation is simple, qzdm16 no longer restricts the server to 8 players but 6 or 10.

Was this intentional?
4410 Hits
3 Players in a Duel Bug (16 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 12:50 CDT, 20 October 2009 - iMsg

I just encountered a strange bug. Basically it allows the spectator to join a duel.

* Picture one is when I shot the two players playing, as spectator lejoon.

* Picture two shows a spot on the map that one of the players shot at and got a hit sound. He then repeatedly shot at the same spot until it stopped resulting in me, the spectator, spawning in the LG/YA room.

* Last picture shows me interacting with the environment by shooting on the wall.

Edited by Lejoon at 13:23 CDT, 20 October 2009 - 5436 Hits
Your Quake Live Mouse Settings (152 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 16:25 CDT, 15 October 2009 - iMsg
Mouse: Microsoft Intellimouse 1.1
Mousepad: Razer Goliathus

cl_sensitivity 2.25
in_mouse 2
m_pitch 0.020
m_yaw 0.020
cl_mouseaccel 0

Windows Sensitivity: 5/11
Mouse Software: Windows
Mouse Hz: 500 hz
Mouse DPI: Standard 400.
Monitor Hz: 75 hz (since this influences the sensitivity)

cm/360: 64 cm
Edited by Lejoon at 02:47 CDT, 16 October 2009 - 56337 Hits
Quake Live CTF Fast Caps (25 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 13:41 CDT, 8 October 2009 - iMsg
Idea is to post all your quick caps on different CTF maps with or without help from weapons!
8020 Hits
r_displayrefresh and mouse refreshrate (23 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 06:59 CDT, 7 October 2009 - iMsg
I own a BenQ T2210HD LCD and it supports 75 hz on 800 x 600. Should I set r_displayrefresh to 75 and com_maxfps to 125 when my mouse hz is set to 500?
11860 Hits
Quake Live Sept. 29th Update (180 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 03:19 CDT, 30 September 2009 - iMsg
The servers were down last night European time for the weekly update. Most notable are the locked cl_yawspeed and cl_pitchspeed for disabling "ninja scripts", the step code changes and the new speedometer command. The full changelog can be found below:

Source: Quake Live Developer Blog

The QUAKE Live Updated Update from September 30th

"We have applied a small update to correct an issue discovered with last night's update. This new update should further address the name change exploit.

In addition to this important fix is included a small client-side option, for those who really like to customize their personal game environment, that allows you to set the length of time weapon impact marks are drawn in the environment. Players who currently have marks enabled (cg_marks 1), can now shorten the length of time impact marks are drawn using cg_impactMarkTime. This value currently defaults to '10000', or 10 secs."
SyncError in the Quake Live Forum
Edited by Badb0y at 11:28 CDT, 1 October 2009 - 29289 Hits
Quake Live Competition Server Browser (154 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 10:49 CDT, 4 September 2009 - iMsg

Last update:

November 3rd 2009.

* 2.6.4 - When you've selected the browser to show private servers the server name will now be displayed instead of the map name.
* 2.6.4 - Removed the "Filter Panels" button since it doesn't provide ad removal anymore and is superfluous.
* 2.6.3 - Id has basically rewritten the functions that fetch the servers and as such the script would need to be rewritten in order to have all the "new" functionality. Such as faster live updating and more. For now I've added coda's "fix" to make this script work with the newest patch from October 27:th 2009.
* 2.6.2 - Cities with several different server locations are now marked as "Stockholm #1" and "Stockholm #2". An optional command line option added.
* 2.6 - Added a Filter Maps functionality. Filter the maps you don't want to show up in the server list.
* 2.5 - Changed a few names. Fixed table sorting, it should now properly sort according to number of players playing on a server. Also added a recommended game medal.
* 2.4 - Added a "Hide/Unhide Ads" configuration panel where you can hide ads and news to your liking.
* 2.3 - Removed several ads. Changed the tables design. Added new message prompts.


* No unnecessary panels displayed. Choose to block quick stats, news, ads and more
* Filter out servers of choice (eg. those with bad ping)
* Minimalistic fast loading design
* Easy to copy a server URL without having to join the server.
* Refresh button
* Resolution detect, you won't need any low-res versions of this server browser


* Install Greasemonkey which requires Firefox. After that press the install button on this page. If you wish to uninstall just enter the Greasemonkey settings and uncheck the script!

Using with Prism

* Download this file and put it somewhere convenient.
* Create a new Quake Live Prism application with "Show status messages and progress" checked.
* Open up Quake Live through prism and click on the gears icon in the lower right corner of the window. Select "Tools/Add-ons...".
* Drag the downloaded .xpi file into the Add-ons window area. An installation prompt should pop up.
* Once installed restart and click on the gears icon again. Select "Greasemonkey/Download User Script..." and enter the URL


Edited by becks at 06:47 CST, 17 December 2009 - 54941 Hits
Post your lightning settings! (22 comments)
Posted by Lejoon @ 05:42 CDT, 2 September 2009 - iMsg
For crosshair I have

cg_drawcrosshair 6; cg_crosshairsize 60;

Also I employ a faux thinshaft on my LG bind

cg_gunX -8; cg_gunY 2; cg_gunZ -10;. Also I have

Lastly I use the new thinshaft in addition

cg_truelightning "1"
cg_lightningStyle "4"
cg_lightningImpact "0"

It all turns out like in this screenshot

23594 Hits
Mozilla Prism Increases FPS? (1 comment)
Posted by Lejoon @ 04:22 CDT, 15 July 2009 - iMsg
I recently installed Prism before the latest patch and noticed a remarkable increase in FPS of about 10 overall and up to 50 depending on the situation. Now I almost always have 125 FPS on Siberia. Is it just my imagination?

(On a sidenote is there anyone with a 2008 MacBook who has a stable 125 FPS on Siberia?)
1219 Hits
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