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[BETA] pukka3ctf2 (13 comments)
Posted by sumatra @ 14:56 CST, 8 December 2010 - iMsg
Hey, as some of you may have considered, I'm working on a CTF map for Quake Live / Q3 for quite a long time now.
Finally I finished a playable beta version. I'm really eager for your thougts/ideas on the current state.

I changed many parts since the last alpha version. I tried to scale down the distance between the bases/flags and decrease the complexity of the connections. I removed the third tier in the mid as well.
I hope I found the right balance beetween Attack and Defense.

I'm looking forward on feedback regarding the following points:

- Layout (I dont want to change big structures, but I willingly improve small parts/areas)
- Items (The items are not decided yet, counting on competitive feedback especially by QL CTF players)
- Visuals/Theme (Everything you have to suggest to improve the overall style and making the map easier to learn)

My To-Do-List:

- Clipping
- Lighting
- Fixing/Improving Areas
- Detailing (Just a bit, to make different areas more recognizable)

Q3 Version:

Quake Live Version:

Thanks for any helpful comments in advance!
Hopefully I get more on topic feedback this time...

Edited by Nukm at 15:20 CST, 8 December 2010 - 13644 Hits
CTF Alpha map (25 comments)
Posted by sumatra @ 13:09 CST, 15 November 2010 - iMsg

Have this alpha on my HDD for quite a long time now.
I'm wondering what you think of the layout.
The items aren't set wisely yet, but I just wanted to get some feedback on the general potential of this layout.

Version UPDATED:


Download QL-Version:

Download Q3-VERSION:

Feedback highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Edited by sumatra at 07:57 CST, 24 November 2010 - 9810 Hits
[Q3/QL] Final map release pukka3tourney7 (27 comments)
Posted by sumatra @ 09:48 CDT, 26 August 2010 - iMsg
Finally I finished the map. I have to focus on other things in the next few weeks, so I wanted to complete the map already.
Hope you enjoy the result.

There are two itemsets implemented:

Duel: RA, 2x YA, MH, 2x RL, RG, LG, SG, GL
FFA, TDM/2v2: RA, YA, MH, RL, RG, LG, PG, SG, GL


TORTURED for Quake Live (~20MB)

Cheers sum




8346 Hits
[BETA] pukka3tourney7 (11 comments)
Posted by sumatra @ 12:26 CDT, 23 July 2010 - iMsg
Some pukka flavour on the way...

I'm finished Beta 008 of my upcoming duel map.
Unfortunately I was too late to enter the NoGhost Contest.

I'm curious about your view on the current state.
Maybe I'll release a 2v2 itemset with PU as well.

Still few things to do:

- clipping!
- terrain blending
- replacing few textures
- lighting (bright enough)
- adding detail to certain areas (RA i.e.)
- polishing
- items

Download Beta 008
5841 Hits
pukka3tourney6 Release Candidate 2 (18 comments)
Posted by sumatra @ 11:38 CDT, 22 August 2009 - iMsg

it's the first time I post here.
You can read the previous post regarding this mapproject here:



I can come up with a second Release Candidate of my 6th tourney map.

Download ~ 13 MB


Things I've done for the latest:
- tried to improve the lighting, make it more interesting
- fixed all errors
- removed some structural brushes
- improved the textures for "prosettings"
- little item changes
- added some more detail/plants (maybe I add some more before I release the map)

I think, thats it overall.

I would like to have some further feedback to the current state.
Thanks in advance.

Edited by Badb0y at 21:11 CDT, 31 August 2009 - 4291 Hits
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