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Cypher quits Quake Live!!! (19 comments)
Posted by SwarmDMX @ 10:31 CDT, 28 June 2013 - iMsg
Apparently Cypher is officially quitting Quake Live


I imagine this is because he has never been as good online as he has been at LANs, but these days the scene seems to all be about online cups and less and less LANs. So he has to keep losing to players he would destroy at LAN...

I hope he's not serious and we have many more retirements before his real retirement, because Quake is growing so much in EU at the moment it would be such a shame to lose Cypher's unique play style just when we're seeing a renaissance in competitive Quake.

If he is serious, then cu Cypher and thanks for all the OMG moments you've provided over the years - you're the best!
10316 Hits
Re: Evil Geniuses MSI Master's Coverage (2 comments)
Posted by SwarmDMX @ 05:28 CDT, 10 June 2010 - iMsg
So what if QL.TV get things wrong every now and then? Their coverage is easy going and inoffensive enough for viewers to make up their own minds about the matches. It's like whatching a sports match with friends in a bar - sometimes they make good points, other times they are just plain wrong and it's funny. Wheat on the other hand, I don't understand the hype really - I just want to slap him... 2GD is the ony really pro shout caster who knows his stuff - I feel that I've just attended a Quake advanced seminar after any of his sessions, but how many like him are you gonna find...? It's one thing understanding the game, it's another to be able to talk about it quickly and intelligently in an entertaining manner.

QL.TV: Keep up the good work :-)
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