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Efficiency.. (7 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 17:50 CDT, 6 October 2015 - iMsg key

6430 Hits
Looking for an AM3 socket mainboard (1 comment)
Posted by cityy @ 08:27 CST, 13 January 2015 - iMsg
I'm looking for a working 2nd hand AM3 socket mainboard. If anyone has one laying around and can make a special price for an esr friend I'd really appreciate that!

Location: Germany (...or EU)
1807 Hits
Collection of useful websites (8 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 07:02 CST, 28 December 2014 - iMsg
Seeing how I keep running into useful/interesting websites that everybody except me seems to know I was wondering if we could have a list of websites you find useful! The context can be anything, gaming, programming, painting, music.. w/e.

Cloud Storage: - 15GB free, client, 5GB per referral, up to 25GB - 2GB free, client, 500MB per referral

Courses/Tutorials: - Thousands of courses on Design, Business and more (25USD / month)

Software: - Install multiple common windows apps at once - apt-get like package manager for windows

Fonts: - "make your own font"-web interface - quickly wrap vector images as web fonts

Programming/Web: - different programming tutorials for dummies - interactive teaching of html/css/js

Design and Graphics:
Google Material Design Guidelines - huge lib of texture references, free for commercial use - Free High-Resolution Stock Photos

Google Document taken from Reddit

Please post, I'll update the list!
Edited by cityy at 09:21 CST, 28 December 2014 - 8043 Hits
DDK best top #3 pro gramer EU (25 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 01:39 CDT, 3 June 2014 - iMsg
16894 Hits
Things Quake players don't say (237 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 13:24 CDT, 7 April 2014 - iMsg
"My sensitivity didn't change after last update."

Your turn.
87207 Hits
Back to top link in comments (3 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 12:41 CST, 30 January 2014 - iMsg
Can I haz?
2108 Hits
Discontinued QLpickup.US Promotion Video (17 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 12:05 CDT, 22 October 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.4 (11 votes)
This is an unfinished promotion movie for the american QL pickup channel I made towards the end of 2011. Finally took my time to encode it and put it up because there is no chance I am going to finish this. Frags by: 4t, cfebns, davis, leaf, mocc, MrGreen, Pthy and skz (forgot who shot what, sorry guys!)

Music: Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven (Gramatik Remix)
Edited by cityy at 12:15 CDT, 22 October 2013 - 3572 Hits
CTF: New Cerberon Beta 1 by EmeraldTiger (7 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 04:53 CDT, 22 October 2013 - iMsg
I'm cross posting this from the QL forum because I think this is a map that could use some further input. Hope EmeraldTiger does not mind me bringing this up here.
Anyone who still gives a fuck about QL ctf should look at this and express their thoughts/join the discussion with Q50 and tg.

QL forum thread (<---- PICS HERE!!11)

Edit: Posted in the wrong forum because I'm a genius.
Edited by wn at 18:00 CDT, 22 October 2013 - 3140 Hits
ISPs with good routing? (germany) (14 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 15:53 CDT, 22 August 2013 - iMsg
Considering to change my ISP later this year.
I'm with telecolumbus right now and my routing is a complete disaster (ita/nor/uk 40 ping, poland/kiev 60, rest 65-70).
Any tips?
3652 Hits
Hammerwatch (14 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 09:02 CDT, 21 August 2013 - iMsg
3971 Hits
State of the German Quake Live community (52 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 08:33 CDT, 5 August 2013 - iMsg
I know there are still quite a few germos playing this game but not a single german team being signed up for prague so far and the community being spread out with no central place to go is quite meh.
DerQuaker IRC was kind of the last place where a few people gathered but since that died there does not seem to be any sense of belonging for germo quakers.
I was wondering if there is any interest in having a central german community hot spot again? Be it just an IRC channel or a news site like DQ..
9512 Hits
QLPrism 4.39 Released (80 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 03:46 CDT, 15 July 2013 - iMsg
On Saturday, a new version of the community-created QuakeLive Launcher QLPrism was released. Many changes were made and new features/additions include: a reworked design, the integration of a ping display for the server browser and a news bar with the latest ESR news, live streams and upcoming FaceIt cups. Besides that, the Official Website is now wrapped in a shiny new design.

Links:, QLPrism Forum
Edited by Badb0y at 17:01 CDT, 15 July 2013 - 29174 Hits
Mac Pro 2013 (19 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 05:20 CDT, 5 July 2013 - iMsg
Sweet piece of tech.
4925 Hits
TwitchTV Chrome Plugins (1 comment)
Posted by cityy @ 03:09 CDT, 2 July 2013 - iMsg
Been searching for some useful chrome plugins for twitchtv lately, thought I'd share.

Twitch Live - Displayes the online status of the twitch channels you subscribed to in the top right corner of the browser

TwitchTV popout plus - hides the twitch player bar in popout windows and makes it fade in when you hover the window

Better TwitchTV - bunch of "improvements" such as site dimming, chat options

Hope it will be of use for someone.
1799 Hits
FaceIt Daily Cups (5 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 08:29 CDT, 6 June 2013 - iMsg
We need them in the scheduled listings or on twitter/facebook - I always forget.. :-(
2115 Hits
Rapha -vs- id_ (20 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 17:37 CDT, 7 May 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 3.7 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Rapha
Version info: DM_73
How to play back QL demos

Friendly match between Rapha and id_ on Cure. (I think this was Rapha's first game on the map)
Edited by cityy at 17:39 CDT, 7 May 2013 - 10607 Hits
Cure Video Presentation (54 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 15:23 CDT, 28 April 2013 - iMsg
In this short video I'm running through my duel map cure which is going to be released with the QLPP17 next week. This is mostly just a short layout presentation and I am by far not covering all aspects of the map. :)

- Video (YouTube)
- Top down view

7810 Hits
Map Making Youtube Content (24 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 08:40 CDT, 13 March 2013 - iMsg
Some time has passed since the official QL forums were extended by a map making section and some community members have been getting started with creating their own levels.
As a part of posting good content to the forums I decided to not only do some mapping oriented tutorials but also some sort of short review for every new map posted, containing my first time playing experience and a little commentary as I go. The idea of this is also to bring the maps to the attention of people who don't have the time/motivation to download and test them themselves.
All of the videos will be posted on my youtube channel.

Edited by cityy at 08:44 CDT, 13 March 2013 - 9478 Hits
Cold Cathode Discussion Thread (18 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 04:52 CST, 21 February 2013 - iMsg
Please go ahead.
5249 Hits
QuakeLive adds map making forum (121 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 10:10 CST, 13 January 2013 - iMsg
With the recent release of GTKradiant 1.6.3 and the newly-added QuakeLive support, making maps is now easily accessible to anyone. As a result, the official QuakeLive forums now have been extended by a map-making section, where the community can present, discuss, and learn everything related to the topic.

If you've ever thought about learning how to make your own levels for your favorite game - now is the time to do it!

Links: QuakeLive Mapping Forum, mIRC #radiant (web)
Edited by wn at 10:16 CST, 13 January 2013 - 38857 Hits
Monitor: HANNS-G HS233H3B (120Hz) (3 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 17:09 CST, 6 December 2012 - iMsg

120Hz monitor for 180€. Anyone got his hands on one of these?
3986 Hits
Strenx back to Fnatic (19 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 18:36 CST, 12 November 2012 - iMsg
Motivated by the high number of ShootMania tournaments, Fnatic decided to add a ShootMania team consisting of France Kévin "Strenx" Baéza, Netherlands Maikel "LeKaiM" Peeters and Netherlands Jean Pierre "JiePie" Janssen.

After parting from team FNATIC in mid-2011, Strenx is now back to play for the pro gaming organization. Whether FNATIC will sponsor Strenx for QuakeLive events remains to be found out.

Links: Anouncement // Facebook strenx
Edited by wn at 18:59 CST, 12 November 2012 - 5526 Hits
Setting up your QL mapping environment (32 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 16:51 CST, 8 November 2012 - iMsg
With this article I want to provide a quick guide to setting up GTKradiant and Wolfcam for mapping as many people were willing to try it out but had problems getting started.

Video Tutorial


1. Setting up Wolfcam
In order to be able to quickly test your maps without having to put together a .pk3 file after each compile you need to set up wolfcam. To do this, download and unzip the wolfcam archive linked above to any desired location on your harddrive (I suggest you make a special folder for all mapping related files) and copy all the .pk3 files from your quakelive\baseq3\ directory to wolfcam\baseq3\.
Can't find your QuakeLive folder? Click here.

2. Setting up GTKradiant 1.6.3
GTKradiant is the editor used to create maps for several id tech 3 engine games. To make it work with QuakeLive you need to download the archive linked above and unzip it to your new map creation folder from step 1 or any other desired location.
If you launch the radiant executeable now, a popup will appear and you will be asked to specify the game you are looking to work with and enter the path to the game's engine directory.
Select QuakeLive and point the path to your wolfcam directory containing the wolfcam.exe (DO NOT ENTER THE PATH TO WOLFCAM\BASEQ3; CHOOSE THE WOLFCAM ROOT DIRECTORY).
When you are done, confirm your choice clicking the OK button; radiant will now load the game's shaders, textures and entities.

3. Learning the editor
Learning how to make maps requires patience at the beginning but once you learned the basics and got comfortable with the editor it will be a really fluid and fast paces process.
GTKradiant 1.6.3 is still a very young version of GTKradiant so there aren't any tutorials working with it. However, tutorials using version 1.4 and Quake III translate almost 100% to 1.6.3 so you can read those without any concerns.

GTKradiant Tutorials:
- tutorial
- Bubba's GTKradiant tutorial mirrored by Delirium
- Tutorials by Victor Karp (GERMAN)

4. Getting help
If you are getting stuck, feel free to ask more experienced map makers for help. Good places to ask are the Quake3World LEM forum, the #radiant Quakenet channel or this thread.

Hope this helps. If you got questions, post below or join #radiant on Quakenet.
Edited by cityy at 13:38 CST, 12 December 2012 - 20433 Hits
Setting your QL mapping environment (1 comment)
Posted by cityy @ 16:47 CST, 8 November 2012 - iMsg
With this article I want to provide a quick guide to setting up GTKradiant and Wolfcam for mapping as many people were willing to try it out but had problems getting started.


1. Setting up Wolfcam
In order to be able to quickly test your maps without having to put together a .pk3 file after each compile you need to set up wolfcam. To do this, download and unzip the wolfcam archive linked above to any desired location on your harddrive (I suggest you make a special folder for all mapping related files) and copy all the .pk3 files from your quakelive\baseq3\ directory to wolfcam\baseq3\.
Can't find your QuakeLive folder? Click here.

2. Setting up GTKradiant 1.6.3
GTKradiant is the editor used to create maps for several id tech 3 engine games. To make it work with QuakeLive you need to download the archive linked above and unzip it to your new map creation folder from step 1 or any other desired location.
If you launch the radiant executeable now, a popup will appear and you will be asked to specify the game you are looking to work with and enter the path to the game's engine directory.
Select QuakeLive and point the path to your wolfcam directory containing the wolfcam.exe (DO NOT ENTER THE PATH TO WOLFCAM\BASEQ3; CHOOSE THE WOLFCAM ROOT DIRECTORY).
When you are done, confirm your choice clicking the OK button; radiant will now load the game's shaders, textures and entities.

3. Learning the editor
Learning how to make maps requires patience at the beginning but once you learned the basics and got comfortable with the editor it will be a really fluid and fast paces process.
GTKradiant 1.6.3 is still a very young version of GTKradiant so there aren't any tutorials working with it. However, tutorials using version 1.4 and Quake III translate almost 100% to 1.6.3 so you can read those without any concerns.

GTKradiant Tutorials

- tutorial
- Bubba's GTKradiant tutorial mirrored by Delirium
-Tutorials by Victor Karp (GERMAN)

4. Getting help
If you are getting stuck, feel free to ask more experienced map makers for help. Good places to ask are the Quake3World LEM forum[/u], the #radiant Quakenet channel or this thread.

Hope this helps. If you got questions, post below or join #radiant on Quakenet.
2052 Hits
SS Sensei MLG Edition (2 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 06:08 CDT, 9 August 2012 - iMsg

Features enhanced tournament grade laser sensor and button switches.

I'm curious what they changed about the sensor.. does anyone have infos on this one?
Edited by cityy at 06:08 CDT, 9 August 2012 - 669 Hits
Razer BlackWidow 2013 Keyboards (9 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 11:04 CDT, 27 July 2012 - iMsg
7043 Hits
Razer Ouroboros Mouse (7 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 07:51 CDT, 26 July 2012 - iMsg
4113 Hits
SS Kana without drivers? (win/lin) (3 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 16:57 CDT, 24 June 2012 - iMsg
World famous TDM player Poland Lam asked me to redirect this small text to the ESR community:

I'm thinking about getting the Kana. I know about feet replacement program and the need to update its firmware already. But I will use the mouse under Linux and a Windows PC where I can't install anything.

This means that I need confirmation that:
1. all of the buttons will be recognized by Linux and no-drivers Windows
2. firmware update is applied once and doesn't need drivers to upload it every reboot
3. the mouse will remember profile (like having lights disabled) when connected to a computer without drivers.

Is there a Kana Linux user? Or someone who could confirm this for me? Many thanks in advance!
3130 Hits
Searching knowledgeable web coders (20 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 09:17 CST, 13 November 2011 - iMsg
So I've had this idea of a web clan market/center in my head for a while and thought I could share the idea with everybody to see if anyone is interested in helping out.
The idea is to make finding a clan easier, enlarge the competetive community and allow people to maybe organize clans propperly without irc.

I know this is quite a big project which is why I am asking for people to help out. I don't have much coding knowledge myself so I can't get in on the project. So far there is only syncore, who made QLprism and the QLpickup.US bot and site backend to potentially work on the project.
If this gets picked up depends on the amount of helpers we can get. Hosting should not be a problem.

If you want to get in touch send me an iM on ESR or message me on irc (
Edited by cityy at 09:21 CST, 13 November 2011 - 4212 Hits
#QLpickup.US Skyward CTF weekend (No comments)
Posted by cityy @ 09:20 CDT, 5 November 2011 - iMsg
Hey folks,
following last weeks reflux event we decided to host some Skyward ctf action this weekend. Skyward is a popular space ctf map that was extremely popular in Quake 3 ctf and capture strike. The map was originally created by ButterB and features two opposing floaters connected by accleration pads and a center platform.

So how do you get into this?
Head over to and sign in to the web irc. It will connect you directly to the pickup channel. Type !add skyward in the main chat window and wait till 8 people have gathered to play a match. You can check who is currently signed up by typing !who. You can cancle your signup by typing !remove.

We're looking forward to see you getting in on some fun. If you have further questions feel free to ask in the channel or reply to this thread.

PS: If you are not a premium user that's no reason to stay away from this. There are always one or two players with a pro subscription that can invite you to premium servers.
Edited by cityy at 09:23 CDT, 5 November 2011 - 1412 Hits
Solidarity by cityy (87 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 12:49 CDT, 1 November 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.4 (77 votes)
Solidarity is a QuakeLive fragmovie featuring players from HouseOfQuake and friends of the clan. The movie contains footage from April 2011 till present and is featuring the modes Duel,TDM, CA and FFA.

Edited by cityy at 03:13 CDT, 2 November 2011 - 25660 Hits
Problem with changing mouse rate (6 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 12:09 CDT, 28 October 2011 - iMsg
So I got myself a wmo recently and tried to change the mouse rate from the default 125Hz to 500Hz. Though I could not seem to get it working.
I used this tutorial: (hidusbf, driver signature enforcement overrider, mouserate.exe)
I follow the instructions but the rate is still suck at 125Hz after I reboot.

What I do:
- enable test mode in dseo
- install the hidusbf thingie
- run the hidusbf setup as admin
- change the mouse rate of the wmo to 500Hz and close the setup
- sign the two system files
- close dseo
- reboot
- sadface

My predictions:
- my anti-virus tool is fucking up the dse overrider
- I got the mouse connected to my PC with a USB extension cable (does that cause problems?)
- shit just doesnt work anymore

Any help, please?

Edit: OS is win7 sp1
Edited by cityy at 12:10 CDT, 28 October 2011 - 8073 Hits
#QLPickup.US Pickup Challenge (27 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 09:01 CDT, 26 October 2011 - iMsg
HouseOfQuake and QLPickupUS present to you the first ever Quake Live Pickup Challenge! The idea is simple: Every time you !add up for a match in the irc channel your match gets registered. The first person to reach 200 Matches played will win $50 sponsored by HouseOfQuake.


Edited by cityy at 10:06 CDT, 26 October 2011 - 6146 Hits
#QLpickup.US - NA Pickup Channel (99 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 09:58 CDT, 3 October 2011 - iMsg
Following the recent thread about the state of the American QuakeLive community we decided to launch an US pickup channel on Quakenet.

The channel features Team Death Match (4on4 and 2on2), Capture The Flag, Clan Arena (4on4 and 2on2) and Free for all pickup modes. There is a Mumble server for people to use and a dedicated website with an embedded webchat for people that don't use irc/quakenet regularely.

All NA Quake players are invited to join us at mIRC and have a better experience playing the game. The NA quake scene is not dead.
Edited by Nukm at 10:03 CDT, 3 October 2011 - 17390 Hits
Never miss a game with #Live.QL (26 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 09:40 CDT, 1 October 2011 - iMsg
#Live.QL is a QuakeNet IRC channel that gathers all QuakeLive related live streams in one place. Live.QL features real time coverage upgrades provided in the IRC channel and on their twitter page. Furthermore all available streams are listed on their website so you'll never have trouble finding live coverage anymore. The site includes streams of well known sites like,,,, and many more!

Stick around in #Live.QL if you frequent QuakeNet regularly and follow their twitter to make sure you'll never miss a game of QuakeLive again!

Stay tuned for updates!

Edit: Be sure to check out wn's great Stream Notifier. It displays live streams directly on!

Links: Website, mIRC #live.ql, Twitter @LiveQL
Edited by cityy at 14:52 CDT, 1 October 2011 - 10055 Hits
State of the american QL community? (212 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 09:01 CDT, 22 September 2011 - iMsg
All I ever hear is how inactive and dead the american QL community is. What I asked myself is why this can't be changed.
For instance I don't know if there is an american pickup channel on IRC. Are there any active online leagues? If not why doesn't a group of people host one? There is no need for prizes, just get some competetive play going and strengthen the community awareness. I'm not into the american scene so I don't know what has been tried or is being tried to build this community up again - I just wonder why there is this all negative attitude that many american players have. Discuss.
76455 Hits
Userscript: Nicky ESR theme mod (63 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 16:11 CDT, 9 September 2011 - iMsg
This is a modification of Nicky's ESR theme. It makes the view more compact, adds fixed with for images in comments, removes the betting section in the sidebar and brings some fancy new graphics.

Big thanks to wn who pretty much wrote all of the script code - plus the guy if you see him around. Feedback is appreciated.

Note: The theme removes the ads, if there is a problem with that let me know.
Edited by cityy at 09:07 CDT, 12 September 2011 - 24184 Hits
Posted by cityy @ 09:48 CDT, 5 September 2011 - iMsg
Edited by Nukm at 05:56 CDT, 6 September 2011 - 4683 Hits
QuakeLive Addictivity - score system (2 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 05:01 CDT, 3 June 2011 - iMsg
These days, many games come with some kind of level system. Hitting good shots, having kill streaks and simular stuff gets you points that after some time make your player level raise. I think this is one of the main reasons for people to play games like Call Of Duty. Even in casual play there is some kind of competition involved because everyone wants to be better than their friends.
However, I think this might be what QuakeLive needs to attract more players. I imagined it like this: Things like hitting an impressive or earning an excellent medal give you let's say +50 points. Your score is displayed on your profile so you can compare with other players. This system could even be extended if id added propper medals for airrockets, airnades, holy shit and maybe even for stuff like long shots. The scoring system should obviously not add weapon upgrades and other gameplay gimmicks - it's only purpose would be encouraging new players to stay dedicated to Quake Live.
It could even be used to fight some of the game's deficits. If quitting mid match would cost you 100 points maybe the number of quitters reduced.

This topic was brought up before on the QL forum:

2072 Hits
q3/QL map: Lost Hope beta1 by cityy (42 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 12:38 CST, 14 February 2011 - iMsg
Here we go:

The story:
Yesterday me and my team were attending an indoor football cup - it was great fun and I scored 2 goals. :cool: However, the bad thing about it is that I broke my ankle and got a ligament rupture. :D So here I am, unable to walk with a shitload of time - zing - perfect time to make a q3 map.

The map:
Hope is a small duel map consisting of 3 main areas with 2-3 height levels. The item layout is made up of 2 YAs, 1 GA and a MH (thus you will need cpma to play it). On the map you can find all weapons but the RG and the BFG.

The feedback:

- gameplay, gameplay, gameplay

The download:
Filesize: 8.2mb (Quake Live):

beta 1 - changes
- lower YA replaced with RA
- GL and upper RL swapped
- rough visual theme done except for RA room
alpha 4 - changes
- weapon layout changed again
- changed health placement
- redesigned high area of the lower YA
- enlarged dropdown

alpha 3 - changes
- item layout totally changed
- removed 1 pair of stairs from the old GL area
- enlarged old GA area
- minor changes

alpha 2 - changes
- map was renamed due to a conflict with another map
- curved staircase was replaced by a normal staircase
- MH lift removed/crates added

Edited by cityy at 17:30 CST, 22 February 2011 - 9927 Hits
Confessions (28 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 17:34 CST, 26 December 2010 - iMsg
<heartlesss> sometimes i feel like a girl lol
<heartlesss> but i'm no homo
<heartlesss> and i'm 21 lol
<heartlesss> what about you ?


Discuss. lol
8792 Hits
4on4 CTF: ct3ctf1 beta (12 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 10:50 CDT, 4 September 2010 - iMsg

- general thoughts about the design/theme
- item placement
- spawns
- mid layout

To be done:
- clipping
- better lighting
- mid spawns
- optimization with hints
- visual cleanup


Feedback is highly appreciated. Ty and hf. :)
Edited by cityy at 10:55 CDT, 4 September 2010 - 9212 Hits
Youtube.. (12 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 13:21 CDT, 5 August 2010 - iMsg
..needs to get rid of the damn grey panel, go back to the old layout and add a freaking loop feature so I can listen to this stupid bed intruder song all day. Also it needs more cowbell. Fo real, homeboys.
2906 Hits
ct3dm5 by cityy (beta 2) (11 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 12:24 CDT, 3 June 2010 - iMsg

This is an alpha version of my upcoming Duel map ct3dm5. It's gonna be my entry for the q3 mapping competition hosted by

- lighting
- texturing
- bot play
- performance
- health and ammo distribution
- clipping
- spawns


Edited by cityy at 08:10 CDT, 16 July 2010 - 6692 Hits
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