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Razer orochi or Spectre as salmosa rplcm (8 comments)
Posted by Calcifar @ 17:35 CST, 5 January 2012 - iMsg
Hey there,

So ive been a Salmosa user for quite some time now.
Best mouse ive ever bought, love the shape and weight, long buttons, it fits my finger tip style PERFECTLY.

And now it broke.

And now they dont make those anymore.

And i need sidebuttons.

After quite some research Ive narrowed it down to the orochi and Spectre. Im no Razer danboy, I also own a G9x ( yuck) and a Xai ( Bleh) but the orochi and spectre seem to come closest in terms of ergonomics plus they both feature sie buttons.

Red much hatred for the Spectre, did they change the sensor or is it still very bad? Hows the orochi, is it smaller than the Salmosa? Hows the sensor?
3756 Hits
Help me find the right Mouse (128 comments)
Posted by Calcifar @ 08:23 CDT, 28 April 2010 - iMsg
Hey there,

Id like to ask for some good advice on which mice could fit my needs for FPS gaming, been a forum lurker for a while here.

Used mx518 for 8 years, broke some time ago, then switched to my old Razer diamondback, inbetween tried the deathadder but didnt like it much due to the arced back ( yeah funny when considering that I used the mx 518 for so long) due to getting used to more control with the diamondback.

MY Problem is that the Razer Diamondback feels way too long, I use a fingertip/ claw grip and the long back of that mouse is just in the way, forcing me to sacrifice fingertip control.
Id like a Mouse that has got those two side mouse buttons ( mx 518, Diamondback) but offers a design more in terms of the Razer Salmosa/ Kinzu, sadly those two dont have got side buttons.

I thought bout the G9 but that thing just seems overpriced and others told me me so far only bad things bout it.
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