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How's the Roccat Kova[+]? (6 comments)
Posted by Phos @ 23:59 CDT, 22 April 2011 - iMsg
Roccat's usual goofiness and the whole "switching to some sensor I've never heard of" thing have me leery of it, but its shell reminds me a lot of the Razer Diamondback, which remains my favorite shell. I'm a fingertip player, so finding mice that fit me is tough.

Alternatively, I'm thinking of getting shapeways to print me out a custom DA shell (or maybe one for the Puretrack Valor). I'm pretty good with Blender. How does the DA 3.5 track on a QcK? I'd rather not risk killing one of the now kinda rare 3G DAs.
3092 Hits
Centralized mouse information? (2 comments)
Posted by Phos @ 22:44 CST, 2 January 2011 - iMsg
There's a lot of information about mice on these boards, but it's very decentralized and hard to follow, making it hard for anyone to find this information in any way aside from asking on these forums, and more importantly, Manufactures could more easily find it. So often I see people wondering why no manufactures know what a gaming mouse really needs, but it's know wonder that they don't when there is no centralized form of feedback.
1328 Hits
Trying to pick a mouse (11 comments)
Posted by Phos @ 21:16 CDT, 4 May 2010 - iMsg
I'm trying to find a good mouse to use, but it is proving to be pretty difficult, and this seems to be a good place to ask about it.

I'd like a mouse with some kind of on the fly adjustment to its sensitivity. I don't use this for games, I actually use it for other applications when I need extra precision.

I'd like something that tracks well on a QcK, and either has no or little prediction. I used to use Diamondback, and supposedly that has prediction, so I guess a little bit doesn't hurt.

I play with a pretty high sensitivity, about an 18cm/360. Pretty much the only FPS I play is Team Fortress 2, and that doesn't need very much precision.

Anyone have any suggestions? One I've been looking at is the Ikari Laser (because the optical allegedly has prediction), and want to know if it has any glaring flaws.

I'd appreciate any help.
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