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iphone question (6 comments)
Posted by fADEn @ 05:56 CDT, 5 June 2011 - iMsg
so i bought an iphone 3gs from this guy, it was jailbroken, worked fine until i tried to reboot it.... it got stuck on the itunes connect screen, so i tried to restore it using itunes but didn't work - got the 1015 error.

tried recovering it with a custom FW, 4.2.1, 4.3.3 using redsnow, but i still get that damn 1015 error.

was thinking about taking it to a service, but if you guys have any other ideas, please tell.

4089 Hits
strenx sk iview ROFL (6 comments)
Posted by fADEn @ 13:43 CST, 2 March 2011 - iMsg

you guys gotta watch this.... it's EPICQQQQKKKKKKKKKK
3536 Hits
gdata/zotac (9 comments)
Posted by fADEn @ 06:13 CDT, 11 September 2010 - iMsg
what happened to our beloved weekend cups? i saw zotac held a SC2 cup last weekend, so wth?!
2955 Hits
Command wanted! (28 comments)
Posted by fADEn @ 10:18 CDT, 2 June 2010 - iMsg
Hi guys, i've been browsing through various pro configs and I came across cypher's very odd cfg... my questions is - wtf command makes your screen smaller like in the JPG attached?
Edited by fADEn at 10:28 CDT, 2 June 2010 - 4688 Hits
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