Gametype: Team Game
Map: qzca1 - Asylum
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: thetoptriad
Version info: 1
How to play back QL demos
How can you prove he is Napalm3D? I can just go say I'm some random player from ra3 that is retired and no one could tell if I was lying or not. That's not the point though, it's to see if this player either cheats or is extremely good, and if so why does he not compete in and leagues or competitions or every duel? He has the best aim out of EVERYONE in quake-live, that is if he does not cheat. Now please d/l demo and watch for yourselves. Notice, he does not take time to aim in the open, he just jumps out from behind cover shoots and gets back in safely behind it.
Map: qzca1 - Asylum
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: thetoptriad
Version info: 1
How to play back QL demos
>> 76102-TheTopTriad.dm_73 <<
(3333KB, 211 DLs)
(3333KB, 211 DLs)
How can you prove he is Napalm3D? I can just go say I'm some random player from ra3 that is retired and no one could tell if I was lying or not. That's not the point though, it's to see if this player either cheats or is extremely good, and if so why does he not compete in and leagues or competitions or every duel? He has the best aim out of EVERYONE in quake-live, that is if he does not cheat. Now please d/l demo and watch for yourselves. Notice, he does not take time to aim in the open, he just jumps out from behind cover shoots and gets back in safely behind it.
10270 Hits