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justin-player twitch vods without flash (29 comments)
Posted by fau @ 15:11 CDT, 18 May 2013 - iMsg

Another journal entry - another state-of-the-art bash script allowing you to avoid Adobe's excellent software.'s flash player has been terrible recently - huge cpu load, framedrops and slow buffering.

livestreamer (and the little script I wrote) fixed the situation when it comes to live streams but watching recorded vods was still pain in the a**. Until now.

Here are few ttyshots for you enjoyment:

There are still some features I have in mind but I've decided that it's enough for myself. If you are using it then let me know and I may release v1.1 one day.
There may be some bugs - I didn't test it enough. Please let me know about them.
I enjoyed writing it and learned few nice bash tricks in the progress. I hope you enjoy it too :-)

# Update: Version 1.1 with Cygwin compatibility is out
# Update: Version 1.2 with bugfixes and minor changes. I hope it's bugfree now. Next release with mentioned features will probably be rewritten in python.
# Update: Version 1.3 with managing and playing videos from disk. From now on justin-player is avaible on github:

Download links:
justin-player-1.3.tar.gz (zip)
Edited by fau at 05:02 CDT, 3 June 2013 - 18975 Hits
Steam for GNU/Linux (27 comments)
Posted by fau @ 23:28 CST, 14 February 2013 - iMsg
Is officially out!

At the moment there are 101 native linux games. All of them are 50%-80% off until 21 february.
The linux client doesn't work very cleanly but it does it's job.

Most of these games are indie titles but there are few big names like HL, Amnesia, CS, CS:S, Postal 2, TF2 and Serious Sam 3.

Too bad there are no quakes . Not that anyone needs original clients anyway but it would be nice to have them amongst linux games.
Unfortunately there aren't any Loki ports as well.

I don't play SP games very often nowadays but after going through the list briefly I bought:
World of Goo - played the demo few years ago and I loved it
The Journey Down: Chapter One - I miss point & click
Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP - looks cool
Total ~7 euro

I'll try them later and give a short review.

I'd really love to see it succeed. I feel that many ppl are held back from using GNU/Linux on desktop because there are not enough games. More users equal to more contributors, more and better software, better hardware support etc.

Few interesting links on linux gaming
Interview with Ryan "Icculus" Gordon on Linux gaming.
Blizzard plans to release Linux game in 2013
Richard Stallman on non-free DRM games

What do you think? Do you play quake or other games on linux? Could you give us short reviews of linux games you bought on stream please?
Edited by fau at 07:47 CST, 15 February 2013 - 3732 Hits
Scissor switches 3kro keyboard or mech (4 comments)
Posted by fau @ 02:12 CST, 3 January 2013 - iMsg
I'm looking for a scissor switches keyboard with confirmed 3kro (or more).
I've had such keyboard for over 10 years and I'm very fond of it. The problem is that it's large and I decided to leave it at my parents' place this christmas. All low profile keyboards I tested were 2kro and it was very irritating in quake.

High profile ruber domes keyboard is out of question.

Perhaps I should try one of these new cheap mech keyboards like this instead. Can I get them somewhere in eu?
I need tactile feedback and it can't be too loud so it leaves me only with brown cherry switches I guess (or topre switches but they are too expensive).
Besides gaming I do some writing, coding and most of software I use is controlled solely by keyboard.
Any suggestions? I'm not willing to pay more than 100$.

PS It was supposed to be purely scissor switches topic but it went out of control with mechanical as always. I know I could post it on deskthority or geekhack but whatever. Maybe I'll repost later.
Edited by fau at 02:13 CST, 3 January 2013 - 9045 Hits
Reborn concept art / screenshots (225 comments)
Posted by fau @ 17:46 CST, 11 December 2012 - iMsg

"Robot" model from today's 2gd studio.
2gd said that he wants to make only few models but good ones with customizable "armours" (like on one of the screens) and skins.
Edited by butcher_kgp at 00:20 CST, 12 December 2012 - 90608 Hits
qmm mod API documentation (No comments)
Posted by fau @ 13:09 CDT, 25 July 2012 - iMsg
I can't find it and I need to write simple plugin. Help please. (I'm too lazy to figure it out myself).
1740 Hits
Quake III Source Code Review (6 comments)
Posted by fau @ 05:10 CDT, 1 July 2012 - iMsg
6841 Hits
Mouse input lag under linux (11 comments)
Posted by fau @ 09:43 CDT, 23 June 2012 - iMsg
I've posted it already to ql board but I guess they don't have linux developer atm so I'm posting it here too. Next in a row is icculus and freedesktop bugzillas (although every bug report I posted to freedesktop bugzilla so far took at least half a year to get response).

There is mouse input lag under linux compared to windows xp on my system (or display delay)b.

Here are the results of tests I've made so far.

1. Windows - no perceived input lag in any game
2. Linux QL - mouse input lag
3. Linux quake3 icculus - exactly the same input lag as in ql
4. Linux quake2 icculus - much better than linux-q3, I haven't compared it directly to windows-ql yet but I think it's the same or very similiar (I thought that q2 engine had internal 20ms mouse input lag?)

Here are my system's specs:
Intel GMA M4500HD graphics card (mobile)
WMO mouse running at 250 Hz (in both OS)
120 Hz CRT monitor connected by analog VGA cable

linux kernel 3.4.3
xorg-server 1.12.2
xf86-video-intel 2.19.0
mesa 8.0.3

I've been experiencing it for at least a year with various software configurations.
It may be as trivial as some kernel config option or some xinput setting. But it may need a fix in ql/q3 code or even upstream. If you have idea why does it happen in q3 but not in q2 or any propositions pls let me know.

Here is the thread on ql forums.
10641 Hits
Monospace tag (18 comments)
Posted by fau @ 03:47 CDT, 15 June 2012 - iMsg
Could you add a monospace tag for regular users please?
I'm actually astonished it hasn't been done before. There is a potential for an ascii-art renaissance in this site.
Or perhaps it was removed because of spam?
I expect tons of spam in DH news anyway :-)
Edited by twister_ at 12:36 CDT, 22 July 2012 - 2986 Hits
TEST Why can't I delete journal entry... (13 comments)
Posted by fau @ 20:52 CDT, 14 June 2012 - iMsg
...and why did private draft turn up as normal entry?

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Edited by fau at 23:40 CDT, 15 June 2012 - 4564 Hits
Watch in external player (19 comments)
Posted by fau @ 15:36 CDT, 14 May 2012 - iMsg
Another semi-useful script in my journal :-)

All you need is bash, curl and rtmpdump.
You need to have latest git version of rtmpdump because older ones don't allow --jtv option and there is no other way to send authentication token.

The attached script sends stream to stdout so you can pipe it to any media player. (in most cases adding '-' will make them read from stdin). Also notice that proper channel name can be found in channel's url. Name displayed on the webpage can be different.

./ zronvc | mplayer -
./ zronvc | vlc -

I've also found a windows script but I didn't test it. You may need to update flash player url if it doesn't work.

EDIT: There are few great alternatives for windows and linux in comments so check them out!
Edited by fau at 13:07 CDT, 10 June 2012 - 22342 Hits
QL chat in external IM - bash script (11 comments)
Posted by fau @ 07:04 CDT, 7 April 2012 - iMsg
I know it's old but this is a linux solution.
All you need is a xmpp (jabber) enabled IM

The only problem is that ql changes your xmpp password every login so you need some automated method of obtaining it. In windows you can do this using Luigi Auriemma's C program

In linux you can use my simple bash script (using curl). Just fill it with your ql account data.

xmpp-jid: <your-ql-username>
xmpp-password: <>

If you are able to automatically feed your im with password then pls post the solution here.
Edited by fau at 09:26 CDT, 7 April 2012 - 7234 Hits
Re: DreamHack Winter 2011 Day3 (No comments)
Posted by fau @ 07:11 CST, 27 November 2011 - iMsg
s_volume 1000 I guess. I really hate it about quake that you need to set volume so high. I'm really concerned about my hearing because of it :/
1015 Hits
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