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Untitled Movie Project - Need Demos! (3 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 19:56 CDT, 3 July 2013 - iMsg
I'm going to be working on a new project if I have the appropriate amount of demos.

Send demos of good frags/runs on Japanese Castles to

Please label the type of frag and the time included (clock counting upward). Ex: airrocket_17m38s.dm_73

Thank you
3650 Hits
Weekly North American TDM Servers (48 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 10:31 CST, 24 December 2012 - iMsg
TDM is an enjoyable and highly competitive mod, no doubt. In the past, there were many players and teams. Sadly, there is little life in NA TDM at the moment.

I will be starting a weekly TDM hosting schedule that will feature a TDM server in either IL, IN, or VA (depending on regular median pings) on Mondays and Thursdays. Any skill level is welcomed, and it will be somewhat organized. That means team captains, picking teams, and voice communication. The following info will be simplified:

Who - Mellow (Add me if you want)
What - North American TDM Nights
When - 8pm to 10pm Central
Where - IL, IN, or VA
Why - To bring some TDM back into North America

-TDM Server info-

- 30 second weapon respawns
- 2 minute powerup respawns
- 125 starting health
- No spawn protection
- Gauntlet/Machinegun starting weapons
- Unrestricted Skill
- Time limit 20
- Mercy limit 50

*Maps allowed (depending on team size)*: Almost Lost, Bloodrun, Campgrounds, Deep Inside, Devilish, Dreadful Place, Grim Dungeons, Hidden Fortress, Intervention, Left Behind, Limbus, Purgatory, Terminatria, Terminus, The Edge.

Also, if you are a newer player looking to inject yourself into TDM, but are unsure of how to play or how to become better, I will gladly host sessions for you and/or clanmates to teach you basic strategies on various maps.

ALSO-also, I may host a second server with easier rules, such as Electrolyte's CTF server, but for TDM. Either starting with more weapons, or less time on weapon respawns, or starting with armor. We'll see how it works out.

Please feel free to add me if you have any questions, comments, or want to help out. Additionally, I will make a clan called "NATDM" which will be for admins and anyone else who wants to lend a hand in trying to revive the scene.

Thanks for your time.


P.S. New IRC channel just went up - #NATDM.QL on Quakenet

*Mumble Server Info* - port: 31282
Edited by Mellow at 11:37 CST, 24 December 2012 - 20273 Hits
Quake Live PQL Demo Call (2 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 23:57 CDT, 18 August 2012 - iMsg
There hasn't really been a major release of a PQL movie since it was introduced almost a full pregnancy ago, so I'm looking to make a community-based PQL one with some great action! Send me any good frags in any mode, as long as you make sure to name your demos appropriately (your name, map, frag description, time) so I don't have so spend extra time watching every minute :)

Ex: mellow[dm6]-[airrocket]-[10m26s-up].dm_73 (where "up" is your timer. PLEASE MAKE YOUR TIMES COUNT UP)

I have no perspective on what this movie will be called, how long it will be, or even when it will be released. But I'm going to take the criticisms of past work to make this the best one yet!

Send your demos to: If you have more than 3 demos, please zip them up!

Thank you!

3338 Hits
Flagdance: ROOF. id_ (44 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 00:58 CDT, 1 August 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.2 (58 votes)
Just in time for QuakeCon 2012, "Flagdance" is the newest release from movie-maker United States of America Josh 'Mellow' Frazier. Starring CTF superstar Canada Andrew 'id_' Trulli, the movie features lots of action from CTF games leading up to QuakeCon.

I want to especially thank the viewers who enjoy my movies. I hope you enjoy this one!
Edited by Mellow at 07:07 CDT, 1 August 2012 - 19703 Hits
Demo Call: New Project (Kalopsia 2?) (11 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 20:02 CDT, 19 October 2011 - iMsg
I used to make a new movie almost every week when I had the time. I liked that feeling of making art and sharing it with people who were interested. What I feel I accomplished already with "Kalopsia" has given me new life in cinema. I want to make a movie along the same lines as "Kalopsia", only, I don't want it to be rushed. I'm going to take my time with it, learn Wolfcam better and maybe After Effects. Point being, I want it to be something we all share.

So send me your demos of good frags or great moments that you have felt accomplished from. Preferably Duel and TDM pickups, scrims (pcw), or tournaments. I really don't care what maps they're on or who they're against, just send them to me.

*Please remember to put a description and time as your demo name so I know what to look for*

Example: whally[dm6]-[epic_airrocket]-[3m42s-up].dm_73 (where "up" and "down" are the way your timer is counting when you watch your demo). Please try and make them all counting up!

Email demos to
Zip up demos if you're sending a lot please!

Thank you!
Edited by whally at 20:30 CDT, 19 October 2011 - 2772 Hits
Kalopsia: Quake Live Mini-Movie (110 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 01:17 CDT, 18 October 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.9 (62 votes)
This is my latest movie that I actually put a little effort into. I kind of got the hang of Wolfcam, and once everything was set up properly it was a really nice program to use. Props to Brugal for making such a tool.

Featuring United States of America Josh 'whally' Frazier.

Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed the movie.
Edited by whally at 19:53 CDT, 18 October 2011 - 13942 Hits
Cheater: Ownsya (80 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 18:13 CDT, 27 August 2011 - iMsg
Always known to be wall-hacking, but I figured I would contribute to the new craze of catching hackers.

I know I mixed the last set of clips at the end. My upload speed is 0.3mb/sec, so I'm not going to do it again. Sorry.

airee vs ownsya (POV) -
dp_vetman vs ownsya (POV) -

Notice: All clips in the video are in order of their appearance in the demo.
Edited by whally at 18:48 CDT, 27 August 2011 - 20617 Hits
CSN Presents: "Everyone Must Die" (No comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 18:05 CDT, 26 April 2011 - iMsg
The United States of America Cyber Sports Network is gearing up for an intense month-long competition featuring some of the best players North America has to offer. The prizes are, let's just say, some really big money pools. Bigger than anything coming to North America for a while.

The tournament will feature 1v1 Duel and 4v4 Team Deathmatch, two of the best and fiercest game-modes in Quake to date. Each mode boasts a pool of $2,200 total, with enough money to satisfy anyone's competitive nature.

Streams: TBA
Links: Duel Qualifier #1 Sign-ups, TDM Rules, Duel Rules, Cyber Sports Network, mIRC#CSN
Edited by whally at 18:13 CDT, 26 April 2011 - 1445 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive Week #7 (19 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 21:27 CDT, 19 April 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 20 April 2011 to 23:00 CDT, 20 April 2011
Schedule: Passed

On Tuesday, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will continue the series with the next Duel event. Last week, United States of America rapha took 1st-place by beating United States of America ZeRo4 in the finals in an amazing 3-1 final series! Who will win this week? Tune in on Tuesday to find out!

Wednesday will feature the last chapter of the 2v2 TDM events, so sign up and get your spot in the Championships! 8 teams maximum may participate in this event, and anyone is welcome to join!

Registration - Registration for both events will be conducted by signing yourself and/or your team up on the CSN website. Just make an account, make a team (make sure to select QL_2v2_TDM for your TDM pair and Quake Live for your duel team), and click "sign up" on the event information page for the cup! Links for each event will be provided below!

Stream: CSN
Links: Duel #7 Brackets, TDM #4 Sign-ups - mIRC #AG.league - mIRC #CSN
Edited by xou at 10:20 CDT, 20 April 2011 - 14008 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive CTF #3 (67 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:21 CDT, 13 April 2011 - iMsg
Tonight at 19:00 CST, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will continue the series with the next CTF event! Who will win this week? Tune in tonight to find out!

Notable Players: rapha, ZeRo4, cl0ck, jones, DaHanG, viju, id_, whaz, br1ck, Effortl3ss, sparks, gwc

Registration - Registration for both events will be conducted by signing yourself and/or your team up on the CSN website. Just make an account, make a team (make sure to select QL_4v4_CTF for your CTF team and Quake Live for your duel team), and click "sign up" on the event information page for the cup! Links for each event will be provided below!

Stream: - CSN
Links: Duel #6 Brackets, CTF #3 Sign-ups, Current Point Rankings - mIRC #AG.league - mIRC #CSN
Edited by whally at 21:00 CDT, 13 April 2011 - 20900 Hits
Anima-huh? Gaming-what? (80 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 23:43 CDT, 11 April 2011 - iMsg
Many people ponder what Anima Gaming is. What does it mean? What does it represent? Why is it only Quake? Well, those questions can be summed up in three words, "I don't know". Actually, I do know, and I will explain.

Anima Gaming started out as a Quake 3 group by the name of MIA (Majorly Insane Amateurs). The original concept was to form a gang of new and old friends promoting Quake in various tournaments, as well as playing together under one roof, so to speak. After a couple months, most of the MIA members joined Quake Live clans, leaving a single member to run everything. That person was me.

Shortly thereafter, I changed the name to "Anima Gaming", a name that represents a calm, spiritual nature of an individual's need for competitiveness. I figured that most leagues and organizations try to bring out the best of the best, offering huge prizes and get lost in the original concept of gaming. That's one element I try to maintain throughout events, and a main reason why I rarely offer prizes. Quake is also forgiving in that aspect. I can't really think of another game I have witnessed that doesn't constantly barrage organizations for prizes. Quakers play just to play, win or lose, and that's what AG was designed to be.

Now, 9 months and dozens of tournaments later, I'm still hosting events for North America, getting messages from players anxious to play in the next event or giving me suggestions on how to improve a tournament. The community has become less in numbers, that is evident to anyone. But the players who are still present are the ones who have a tight bond with each other, a history with their favorite players.

I often think about what people criticize me for. Some opinions I take heavily, but most I shrug off. Anima Gaming has developed through more suggestions by players than those of myself. I consider AG to be my creation, but I consider the players and their criticisms to be the reasons why it has grown. Anima Gaming is a name made for players, developed by players. That's all I can really describe it as. I hope more players in the future will turn in their suggestions as they play, and we will continue to grow as a community rather than an organization.

Edited by whally at 01:10 CDT, 12 April 2011 - 22686 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive Duel #5 (22 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 16:12 CDT, 5 April 2011 - iMsg
United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will be continuing with the fifth installment of the Duel series. Currently, Canada gellehsak is in the #1 spot with 68 points. In the #2 spot is United States of America rapha with 49. Who will win this week with competitors like United States of America ZeRo4, United States of America ziel, and Canada everkill?

Registration - Registration is still open for tonight and ends at 18:30 CST. Just make an account and click "sign up" on the event information page for the cup! Links for each event will be provided below!

VODs: Part 1, Part 2 -- GRAND FINALS (Ziel vs. ZeRo4)
Links: Duel #5 Brackets, Duel Top 8 Rankings - mIRC #AG.league - mIRC #CSN
Edited by FishStix at 17:38 CDT, 6 April 2011 - 11771 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive Week #5 (38 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 23:03 CDT, 3 April 2011 - iMsg
On Tuesday, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will continue the series with the next Duel event. Last week, United States of America ZeRo4 took 1st-place and the Raptor-Gaming headset and mouse by beating United States of America ziel in the finals, who took 2nd-place. Who will win this week? Tune in on Tuesday to find out!

Wednesday will feature the third chapter of the 2v2 TDM events. 8 teams maximum may participate in this event, and anyone is welcome to join!

Registration - Registration for both events will be conducted by signing yourself and/or your team up on the CSN website. Just make an account, make a team (make sure to select QL_2v2_TDM for your TDM pair and Quake Live for your duel team), and click "sign up" on the event information page for the cup! Links for each event will be provided below!

Stream: TBA
Links: Duel #5 Sign-ups, TDM #3 Sign-ups - mIRC #AG.league - mIRC #CSN
Edited by whally at 22:20 CDT, 4 April 2011 - 12079 Hits
Anima Gaming Retiring (14 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 22:14 CDT, 1 April 2011 - iMsg
Since some people are still raging about this and flaming me for even joking about it, I'll just come out and say that yes it was an April Fool's joke. I don't know how Angry Birds wasn't a dead give-away, or the fact it was April 1st. There's always next year, though. Cheers!

- whally
Edited by whally at 16:04 CDT, 2 April 2011 - 6460 Hits
Anima Gaming Retiring (14 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 21:54 CDT, 1 April 2011 - iMsg
Since some people are still raging about this and flaming me for even joking about it, I'll just come out and say that yes it was an April Fool's joke. I don't know how Angry Birds wasn't a dead give-away, or the fact it was April 1st. There's always next year, though. Cheers!

- whally
Edited by whally at 21:55 CDT, 3 April 2011 - 5231 Hits
ZeRo4 -vs- SK-rapha & ziel (8 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 13:57 CDT, 1 April 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.4 (7 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: ZeRo4
Version info: AGSS Duel
How to play back QL demos

Point-of-view demos from ZeRo4 in the AGSS Duel Finals. The demos below are listed in a descending order from when they were played. Enjoy!

Edited by whally at 18:29 CDT, 1 April 2011 - 6388 Hits
AGSS Duel #3 Demos -vs- Various (No comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 13:04 CDT, 1 April 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Various
Version info: AGSS Duel #3
How to play back QL demos

Demos from everyone who sent them in during the AGSS: Powered by CSN - Quake Live Duel #3 (March 22). Enjoy!

Edited by whally at 17:55 CDT, 1 April 2011 - 2035 Hits
AGSS/CSN QL 4v4 CTF #2 - Cloud 9 vs. DFM (15 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 23:41 CDT, 30 March 2011 - iMsg
Finals are postponed until further notice

Tune in tomorrow with for all the coverage!

Links: Brackets - - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by whally at 17:51 CDT, 1 April 2011 - 7372 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QL 4v4 CTF #2 (15 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:18 CDT, 30 March 2011 - iMsg
Tonight at 19:00 CST the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will be hosting the second event of the CTF portion. 8 teams are needed to make a good bracket, and anyone can sign up, so come play!

Notable players: ZeRo4, jones, br1ck, kgb, gerppa, juven1le, sdahaghi, sparks, cl0ck, viju, id_, draven

Register your team on CSN and then create a team on the front page. Make sure to select "QL_4v4_CTF" as your team's gametype. Then either get your 4 members to join the team and sign up, or PM AG-whally in IRC so your team can be added manually.

Links: Brackets - - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by FishStix at 00:26 CDT, 31 March 2011 - 6650 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive Duel #4 (54 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:38 CDT, 29 March 2011 - iMsg
At 19:00 CST tonight, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will be continuing with the fourth installment of the Duel series. Currently, Canada gellehsak is in the #1 spot with 50 points. In the #2 spot is United States of America rapha with 49. With rapha in Italy this week, will gellehsak take advantage of this situation to gain a big lead again? Will he fall to other notable competitors like United States of America ZeRo4, United States of America ziel, or United States of America kgb?

Registration - Registration is still open for tonight and ends at 18:00 CST. Just make an account, make a team (make sure to select Quake Live 4v4 CTF for your CTF team and Quake Live for your duel team), and click "sign up" on the event information page for the cup! Links for each event will be provided below!

Links: Duel #4 Sign-ups, CTF #2 Sign-ups, Current Rankings - mIRC #AG.league - mIRC #CSN
Edited by whally at 21:01 CDT, 29 March 2011 - 21689 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive Week #4 (18 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 22:36 CDT, 27 March 2011 - iMsg
On Tuesday, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will continue the series with the next Duel event. Last week, United States of America rapha took first place and the wonderful prizes of $100 and Raptor-Gaming equipment by going undefeated! Taking 2nd place was United States of America ziel, who put up a very good fight against rapha. Who will win this week? Tune in on Tuesday to find out!

Wednesday will feature the second chapter of the 4v4 CTF events. 8 teams maximum may participate in this event, and anyone is welcome to join!

Registration - Registration for both events will be conducted by signing yourself and/or your team up on the CSN website. Just make an account, make a team (make sure to select Quake Live 4v4 CTF for your CTF team and Quake Live for your duel team), and click "sign up" on the event information page for the cup! Links for each event will be provided below!

Stream: CSN's or
Links: Duel #4 Sign-ups, CTF #2 Sign-ups, Current Rankings - mIRC #AG.league - mIRC #CSN
Edited by whally at 00:10 CDT, 28 March 2011 - 9350 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - 2v2 TDM #2 (36 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 18:37 CDT, 23 March 2011 - iMsg
At 19:00 CST tonight, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will hold its second 2v2 TDM event of the series. Last time we watched as Cloud [9] tore through their opponents like tissue paper. Will they face some tougher challenges this week? We will see!

All information regarding the event can be found below.

Notable Players: rapha, cl0ck, br1ck, FienD, w0nk0, adrenal1ne, davjs, higgs, allmental, pl4gue, klaovhwn, mrgreen_, dCoy, kwong, graine, madlibb.

In order to get to the Championships, a player or team must qualify by becoming the Top 8 team or dueler of their game-mode. Every event, participants will be awarded 2 points per win, 1 point per game played (win or lose), and -1 point per match forfeited. The 8 teams and duelers with the most points before May 10 will be the players advancing to the Championships.

Links: TDM Brackets, Stream - mIRC #AG.league mIRC #CSN mIRC
Edited by whally at 20:31 CDT, 23 March 2011 - 10562 Hits
AGSS Duel #2 -vs- Various (46 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:46 CDT, 20 March 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Various
Version info: Quake Live
How to play back QL demos

All of the demos in this zip are demos from the AGSS Duel #2 event. I have the finals at least because rapha was kind enough to send his right away. I'm working on ZeRo4's POV. There are a lot missing, but I thought these would be suitable enough.

Listed below are the demos currently in this zip file.

Edited by xou at 22:48 CDT, 20 March 2011 - 21402 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive Week #3 (46 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 12:42 CDT, 20 March 2011 - iMsg
On Tuesday, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will continue this Spring endeavor with the third installment of the 1v1 Duel events! Last week we witnessed some amazing games between players, notably the epic finals between United States of America Shane "rapha" Hendrixson and United States of America John "ZeRo4" Hill.

As a special treat, United States of America Raptor-Gaming USA has sponsored and supplied the AGSS with prizes for the Duel event this week! Make sure to give them a BIG applause!

Wednesday will feature the second installment of the 2v2 TDM series as well! We're really hoping that more teams decide to participate this week. Go TDM!

Formats and maps have altered! Take a look.

Registration/Check-in - Registration for both events will be available on these links. Simply register yourself on the site and create a team (for TDM) using the front page of the website, select the appropriate gametype (Quake Live for Duel, Quake Live 2v2 for TDM) and get yourself prepared for the event! Registration is now open and ends 1 hour before each event. Brackets will be made after registration closes.

Stream: CSN's,
Links: Duel Sign-up, TDM Sign-up - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by whally at 21:28 CDT, 21 March 2011 - 24505 Hits
AGSS: Quake Live 4v4 CTF #1 (42 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:58 CDT, 16 March 2011 - iMsg
United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN

Another fantastic night of games, some of which featured players from across the pond. Great streams and casting by GreasedScotsman from QLtv and ischju from lvlup. VODs are linked below!

Links: Brackets - VODs - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by whally at 16:41 CDT, 17 March 2011 - 20678 Hits
AGSS: Quake Live Duel #2 (77 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 21:29 CDT, 15 March 2011 - iMsg
United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN

Last night could easily be considered one of the best events that North America Quake Live has witnessed in 2011. Gathering players old and new, each playing their hearts out for fun. If you missed the coverage, you missed out on some fantastic gameplay by multiple players, especially the finals. But don't worry, we wouldn't leave you hanging like that. Look below for the VODs!

Demos are being sent and will be uploaded soon on ESR as a big collection.

VODs: All VODs, Final (Part 1, Part 2), rapha vs carnage @ t4
Links: Brackets, Point Rankings - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by whally at 17:01 CDT, 17 March 2011 - 23757 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - QuakeLive Week #2 (7 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 11:15 CDT, 13 March 2011 - iMsg
On Tuesday, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will continue the series with the next Duel event. Last week, Canada gellehsak strolled into first place with a total of 18 points. Taking 2nd place was United States of America pl4gue, accumulating 17 points. Will gellehsak continue his reign this week? Will tougher competitors reveal themselves and try to steal his #1 ranking? We can only hope!

Wednesday will feature the very first 4v4 CTF event. 8 teams maximum may participate in this event, and anyone is welcome to join! All weekday events start at 9pm EST.

Registration/Check-in - Registration for both events will be conducted by a simple email or IRC PM. Just message AG-whally in the AG IRC channel with your player/team team, clan tag, and roster, or email him at

Links: Brackets Duel, Brackets CTF, Point Rankings - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by xou at 20:41 CDT, 16 March 2011 - 5604 Hits
AGSS: 2v2 TDM King of the Hill (5 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 20:38 CST, 11 March 2011 - iMsg
On Saturday, United States of America Anima Gaming will be hosting the first of many weekends for TDM fun! Starting at 7pm EST players of any skill level are allowed to pair up with their friends or teammates and battle against others for the title of "King of the Hill".

AG admins will have a few different servers for competitors to play in.

IRC - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by xou at 06:53 CST, 12 March 2011 - 5778 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN - TDM 2v2 #1 (7 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:48 CST, 9 March 2011 - iMsg
At 21:00 EST tonight, the United States of America AGSS: Powered by CSN will hold its first 2v2 TDM event of the series. All information regarding the event can be found below.

In order to get to the Championships, a player or team must qualify by becoming the Top 8 team or dueler of their game-mode. Every event, participants will be awarded 2 points per win, 1 point per game played (win or lose), and -1 point per match forfeited. The 8 teams and duelers with the most points before May 10 will be the players advancing to the Championships.

Sign-ups are still open! Join the AG IRC channel and PM AG-whally with your team information. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Links: Brackets, Stream - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by xou at 20:42 CDT, 16 March 2011 - 7237 Hits
AGSS: Quake Live Week #1 (13 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:52 CST, 6 March 2011 - iMsg
On Tuesday, the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN will begin with the first Duel event. Wednesday will feature the very first 2v2 TDM event as well! All weekday events start at 9pm EST

Registration/Check-in - Registration for both events will be available on these links. Registration ends 1 hour before each event.

Duel Signups -

TDM Signups -

IRC - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by xou at 09:36 CST, 9 March 2011 - 5977 Hits
AGSS: Powered by CSN (45 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 11:18 CST, 24 February 2011 - iMsg

The United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Series: Powered by CSN is all set to start next week for North American Quake Live players and teams! The final schedule and formats have been posted below, so look over them carefully and practice, practice, practice!

In case anyone is confused as to how this series works, I will explain. In order to get to the Championships, a player or team must qualify by becoming the Top 8 team or dueler of their game-mode. Every event, participants will be awarded 2 points per win, 1 point per game played (win or lose), and -1 point per match forfeited. The 8 teams and duelers with the most points before May 10 will be the players advancing to the Championships. This makes it so teams and players have to be solid, active, and consistently practicing to win!

Join #AG.league and support Anima Gaming before the series starts!

All weekday events start at 9pm EDT (2am CET)

Nothing is definite yet, but AG is working hard on getting big prizes (possibly big cash prizes) for those who win the Championships. We hope players will play for the fun, because that's what AG is about. Thank you for your support!

IRC: mIRC #AG.league
Edited by whally at 22:10 CDT, 14 April 2011 - 14206 Hits
Anima Gaming Quake 2011 (36 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 09:00 CST, 17 February 2011 - iMsg
As far as anyone is concerned, United States of America Anima Gaming is one of the most driven leagues for Quake at the present time. For Quake 3, we successfully hosted two of the most-viewed events in 2010. Lately, it has all been about our Quake Live weekly showcases for CTF, Duel, and TDM. On behalf of the Anima Gaming staff, we thank you for watching, playing, and supporting our efforts.

As spring comes around, AG has planned a Quake Live Spring Season which will consist of week-by-week events for Duel, TDM, and CTF that will have championship cups for each series. We expect to see a lot of you regulars out there battling for the top spots!

Lastly, I have been thinking about the Quake 3 Masters series and how many players and viewers enjoyed the sweet relief of an "old school" game. Fans cheering for ZeRo4, czm, and Jibo as they showed just what a Quake 3 Master can prove. So I figured why not try to bring that sort of enjoyment to players and viewers again?

I have here a list of custom maps that I would like you ESR readers to discuss and pick which maps you want played in the next AG Q3 Masters Cup (TBA). The top 4 maps will be played alongside hub3aeroq3, ztn3tourney1, and pro-q3tourney4 for a total count of 7 maps in the pool.

If you have any suggestions for other maps, please make sure to post them with a review and download link for others to vote on. Thank you!
Edited by xou at 03:57 CST, 25 February 2011 - 12268 Hits
Anima Gaming 4v4 TDM Showcase (126 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 16:23 CST, 16 February 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 19:00 CST, 16 February 2011 to 23:00 CST, 16 February 2011
Schedule: Passed

This week, as part of the United States of America Anima Gaming Showcase Series, 4v4 TDM will be displayed in the North American community. At least 8 teams are needed to complete the bracket, and sign ups are fast and easy. Simply message AG-whally in IRC with your team name, clan tag, and roster, and you'll be on the brackets before you can blink!

AG QL 4v4 TDM: Wednesday @ 19:00 CST. Single Elimination. Best of 3 series. High seed then low seed (drop drop pick pick). Map pool is deepinside, grimdungeons, intervention, purgatory, realmofsteelrats.

VODs:, icebox
Links: Brackets - mIRC #AG.league
Edited by xou at 20:43 CDT, 16 March 2011 - 31389 Hits
Anima Gaming Quake Live Showcases (12 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 19:54 CST, 26 January 2011 - iMsg
Before the United States of America Anima Gaming Spring Season starts, we will be hosting a few showcase events in order to build up a player-base and get activity on the rise. Events such as Duel, CTF, and TDM are constantly being played in these, and since those are the three major events during the regular season, we want players to get a feel for how the season will go.

Join #AG.league on GameSurge and sign up yourself or your team for these events! The regular season is approaching fast, and we need all the support we can get from you!

All available coverage will be streamed/casted by The VODs of the CTF Showcase are available now!

Links: Brackets CTF, Brackets Duel - mIRC #AG.league - mIRC
Edited by xou at 03:56 CST, 25 February 2011 - 6979 Hits
ESL "Get Pro" Duel Events (26 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 20:29 CST, 14 January 2011 - iMsg
United States of America ESL Quake Live Division has been working hard to give players something new. We are very pleased to say that the Quake Live admins had a talk with id software and came to a commitment for the next cup.

Id Software has agreed to donate PRO keys for Quake Live. There will be a total of 7 duel cups! The Top 3 winners from each Quake Live Cup will receive a PRO KEY for 3 months, courtesy of id software. So get ready to battle and win!

Stay tuned for the upcoming cups and for your chance to win the Pro Keys from id Software. We look forward to you being there!

The first Get Pro event will be Thursday January 20 - Get signed up!

Stop by #esl.quakelive and PM an admin with any questions.

mIRC #esl.quakelive
Edited by AGwhally at 21:24 CST, 14 January 2011 - 4928 Hits
Anima Gaming Quake Live Spring Season #1 (28 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 17:04 CST, 11 January 2011 - iMsg
To hopefully bring more competition, fun, and viewer-amusement to Quake Live, United States of America Anima Gaming is hosting its first season with every game-type playable! Official Championship Cups for Duel, CTF, and TDM, as well as weekend fun events like Freezetag, Team FFA, Clan Arena, and more! Refer to the schedule below.

Join #AG.league and support Anima Gaming before the season starts!

mIRC #AG.league
Edited by xou at 03:51 CST, 25 February 2011 - 10206 Hits
Anima Gaming Quake 3 EU Masters Cup (162 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 08:45 CST, 11 December 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 11 December 2010 to 12:00 CST, 11 December 2010
Schedule: Passed

Anima Gaming is back again, hosting a sequel to its successful event, the Quake 3 Masters, which starred beloved players like ZeRo4, czm, rapha, walter, ziel, and 20 other competitors. AG strikes back with the European version of the 2-day event, hoping to catch the eye of some names Quake players worldwide have come to know.

Prize money generously donated by LeopolD.

To sign up, join #AG.league and PM AG-whally. Servers sponsored by Maverick Servers (running on ioQuake 3, expect spec bugs on GTV).

Update: Seeds and brackets are now available.

GTV: GTV / Streams: Level Up, Bloody Warriors
Links: Brackets, Q3/CPMA, mIRC #AG.league
Edited by xou at 08:45 CST, 11 December 2010 - 38576 Hits
Anima Gaming Quake 3 Masters Cup (275 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 15:25 CDT, 24 October 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 24 October 2010 to 20:00 CDT, 24 October 2010
Schedule: Passed

Anima Gaming League is hosting a Quake 3 Masters cup, a reunion of players old and new that you cheer on every big event. The tournament so far has no grand prize, because it will be a series of fun and gore (oh how we miss the blood!) but we are looking into any donations or sponsors that would like to contribute.

All coverage of the series will be provided by Jehar from and GreasedScotsman from Full download of Q3/CPMA with 3wave, OSP maps, and the current map pool.

Stream: Tastyspleen / VODs
Link: Brackets, mIRC #AG.league
Edited by tehtool at 01:19 CDT, 25 October 2010 - 94489 Hits
M.I.A. Quake 3 Tournaments (16 comments)
Posted by Mellow @ 14:53 CDT, 24 August 2010 - iMsg
Majorly Insane Amateurs is hosting their first set of Quake 3 Arena tournaments set to begin in September. The tournament includes two gametypes: 1v1 Duel Cup and 2v2 TDM Cup. Both tournaments will have their branches of physics in standard VQ3 and CPM modes. You may sign up for both the Duel and TDM Cups. The rules are as follows:

All matches before semifinals and finals in both the Lower and Upper brackets are to played in a Best Of 3 Games format, while the semifinals and finals are to be played in a Best Of 5 Games format.

The higher seeded player chooses heads or tails, then the lower seeded player types the following command his/her console, "/callvote random 2". The winner of the coin toss eliminates a map first, then waits for the other player to eliminate. The maps are then picked with the winner of the toss picking, then vice-versa. In the semifinals, and Grand Final, there is no elimination method.

The tournament bracket is in a Double-Elimination format. If you lose in any match aside from the Grand Final, you go to the losers bracket for a second chance. After that, you are done with the tournament.

There is to be absolutely NO hacking, no spamming (to a degree.. if you hit a movie shot, it's ok), and no disrespect to ANYONE in or out of the server. Good sportsmanship is REQUIRED in order to play in this tournament!

-MIA Coordinators

You may view the tournament rules and map pools on the tournament forum at

Registration and sign-ups are required for all participants. Good luck and remember to have fun!

A Quake 3 install with all required maps/clients for this tournament is available for download here:

Disclaimer: This install is to only be used for this specific
tournament. If you use it for matches outside of this tournament, you are breaking the law! (but I wont tell if you don't tell)
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