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How active the duel scene really is ? (18 comments)
Posted by bob_faurisson @ 15:40 CST, 29 December 2012 - iMsg
Since a few days, and I really don't know why but probably because my brain must be degenerating as I get older, I am actually considering to get a premium account again, since I'm feeling some motivation to play duel and since it's pretty much impossible right now with a standard account.

That being said, I was wondering if there is really some action left. I'm in Europe and browsing with the ql new alt server browser, I can hardly see more than a few dozens people playing and almost never any premium server, even empty ones. I can assume that there is more people playing than that and I don't know why I can't see them. I wonder also if there isn't any premium server available or if I can't see them either ?

Is there a irc channel where duelers meet nowadays ? Where is the community ? Is it open or is it like friends playing only friends on private servers etc. ?
3604 Hits
TOXJC VS TOX1C on TOXICITY (31 comments)
Posted by bob_faurisson @ 17:06 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
Who would win ?
6913 Hits
DM13 jump (46 comments)
Posted by bob_faurisson @ 13:20 CDT, 19 August 2010 - iMsg
Ok ok, I'm talking about "ya to stairs to upper platform in the center area" jump

How the fuck can you do this in only one strafe ? Whenever I try to climb "the little thing" walking and not jumping, I cant launch a strafe right after and I fall, yet, I see the pros doing it again an again.
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