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Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (1 comment)
Posted by easytarget @ 16:07 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Interview area.
5450 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:57 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Live Production behind the scenes
4074 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:56 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
QuakeLive Pro players setting up.
4045 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:55 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Trophy case!! Quake logo is amazing!! Has multiple colors phasing from red,green,blue,yellow.
4413 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:46 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Main Stage Exhibitors Area(Setup)
4027 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:45 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
BYOC Line. Past our Production studio by 4pm Wednesday.
3934 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:43 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Quake Live Pro Area
3930 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:40 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Quake World Pro area
Edited by easytarget at 16:03 CDT, 5 August 2016 - 3829 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:39 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Admin Central
3997 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:39 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Main Viewing Area
3607 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (1 comment)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:38 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Main Stream setup
4389 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:34 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Registration Desk
Edited by easytarget at 15:36 CDT, 5 August 2016 - 4117 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:19 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Main Casters Desk
Edited by easytarget at 15:19 CDT, 5 August 2016 - 9283 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:26 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Just some of the shots I have taken throughout the event so far.
Edited by easytarget at 16:03 CDT, 5 August 2016 - 10917 Hits
Faceit New Cup Format (81 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 12:47 CDT, 1 September 2014 - iMsg
Hi to everyone, I know it has been awhile since we have done any updates in regards to Quake Live on our site. Well I am happy to announce that we have changed our cup format completely in order to offer our beloved Quake Live community the chance at some free daily cups. Please refer to the schedule below or visit us on the Faceit Site.

We have also decided to bring back and promote the beloved team aspect of Quake Live with some 4v4 TDM/CTF Cups every second Sunday, in the early evenings. These events will be held bi-weekly with the first event being TDM in EU and CTF in N.A. The first event will be at 11:00 CDT, 14 September 2014 in EU and in NA at 18:00 CDT, 14 September 2014 . We are hoping that some of the players who normally play and stream would be willing to help out and sign a team up and stream these events in EU.

Feedback in regards to these changes is always of course welcomed and we would like to know what you all are thinking. All of our cups will still be played in the Quake Live "Classic" style of play, they are still Bo1 until the Semi-Finals and Final which is Bo3. With all of the major updates that have occurred and are still coming, at this time we are not able to add any new Quake Live accounts to FACEIT Profiles. This is due to changes in the Quake Live API, which our systems are not yet in line with. Hopefully this issue will soon be resolved and very soon new Quake Live accounts can be added to profiles again.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 15:08 CDT, 1 September 2014 - 42028 Hits
Targetquake August League (35 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 22:33 CDT, 10 August 2014 - iMsg
Well I have decided to start up the N.A. League again here. The format will be slightly different this time around though. Only serious players need to register, you must idle on mIRC in order to communicate with other players or myself.

The groups will run from August 22-28th, the matches will be scheduled throughout the week and streamed live on Targetquake, with a maximum of 16 players. Each group will consist of 4 players and the top two from each group will advance to the Finals, which will be streamed live on Thursday, September 4th. If you are not available to play a lot of quake during the posted week above or the day of the finals, please do not bother signing up. All players who sign up will be grouped according to their elo from

Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @TargetFPS, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by easytarget at 19:42 CDT, 21 August 2014 - 17367 Hits
FACEIT SPRING FINALE - June 22 (208 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 03:44 CDT, 8 June 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 04:00 CDT, 22 June 2014 to 15:00 CDT, 22 June 2014
Schedule: Passed

Summer is almost here and things are starting to heat up, not only outside but also in the Quake Live Competitive scene as well: The FACEIT Spring Season Finals!

The beginning of the season saw some unexpected players rise up to the challenge with the absence of Evil, but in the end it was the Russian who topped the standings, winning a total of five out of ten Sunday Cups. Him and Cypher will be joined by ash, pavel, Madball, Agent, Sev3n, and dem0n to fight for the $500 prize purse and the title of Spring Champion.

These eight players are divided into two groups, with all matches played in best-of-three. The top two players will head into a single elimination best-of-five bracket.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: FACEIT // mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT
Bets: Grand Final
Edited by Lam at 14:32 CDT, 22 June 2014 - 78923 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - June 2-8 (3 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 22:17 CDT, 1 June 2014 - iMsg
Welcome to June everyone the countdown is here we are less then two months away from QCON now and we are proud to have the QCON Quake Live Duel Masters Map Pool as this months weekly cup pools. So sign on up and play some cups. We have also of course changed up the TDM/CA map pools as well.

The Spring Series Finale info will be posted once we have players and the date confirmed. Look for it.

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 22:19 CDT, 1 June 2014 - 15349 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 11:11 CDT, 30 May 2014 - iMsg
The FACEIT Spring Season Week #10 has finally arrived. This past week we saw Russia evil win his fourth straight event, his dominance has been established and well be beyond a shadow of a doubt if he wins this Sunday as well.

He easily made his way right to the finals where he beat Belarus Cypher in three straight games to play an absolutely perfect tournament again by not losing a single map to any of his opponents. This is a remarkable feat considering it is the fourth week in a row that he has pulled this off.

This week I am sure will be just as entertaining so tune in or you can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

Unfortunately due to the studio being occupied and ddk hosting another event, we are unable to stream this week's cup. If anyone wants to stream, he's free to do so!

If you missed the Match of the week #19 - DEM0N vs. EVIL (Spring Season Cup 8), then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by roychez at 11:11 CDT, 30 May 2014 - 91344 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - May 26-June 1 (3 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 22:08 CDT, 27 May 2014 - iMsg
As you all have noticed by now we have implemented new Leagues and Ladders on the site and we just want to let you know that these leagues are directly tied to all Premium Subscribers. The Leagues work off of our Match Making System/Indivdual Challenge System. The Cups are completely separate from the Leagues and Ladders. So if you want to get in on the League Prizes start challenging players to a match.

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
14514 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 07:35 CDT, 23 May 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 25 May 2014 to 13:00 CDT, 25 May 2014
Schedule: Passed

The FACEIT Spring Season Week #9 is here and we only have one more event remaining in the Series until the Finale. This past week we saw Russia evil win his third straight event showing us just how dominant he is.

He easily made his way right to the finals where he beat Sweden Spart1e in three straight games to play an absolutely perfect tournament again by not losing a single map to any of his opponents. A remarkable feat considering the talent that has consistently been playing in the points series as of late.

This week I am sure will be just as entertaining so tune in or you can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia and United Kingdom Xavier "Zoot" Dhorne will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

If you missed the Match of the week #19 - DEM0N vs. EVIL (Spring Season Cup 8), then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 07:37 CDT, 23 May 2014 - 39483 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - May 19-25 (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 23:15 CDT, 18 May 2014 - iMsg
With the latest Quake Live update that came out this past week we have decided to run a Campgrounds Intel Cup. This will be held on Saturday at 08:00 CST, if you are interested in playing Signups are open now. The N.A. Cup is listed below, the semi final and final will be bo3.

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 23:44 CDT, 18 May 2014 - 13763 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 22:15 CDT, 16 May 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:15 CDT, 18 May 2014 to 13:00 CDT, 18 May 2014
Schedule: Passed

The FACEIT Spring Season Week #8 is here and we only have two more events remaining in the Series until the Finale. This past week we saw Russia evil assert his dominance for a second week in a row and make a massive leap in the standings from eighth to third.

He easily made his way right to the finals where he beat Belarus Cypher in three straight games to play an absolutely perfect tournament by not losing a single map to any of his opponents. A remarkable feat considering the talent that has consistently been playing in the points series as of late.

This week I am sure will be just as entertaining so tune in or you can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia and United Kingdom Xavier "Zoot" Dhorne will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

If you missed the Match of the week #17 - EVIL vs. CYPHER (Spring Season Cup 7), then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Lam at 13:26 CDT, 18 May 2014 - 51000 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - May 12-18 (16 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 14:09 CDT, 12 May 2014 - iMsg
Big news for FACEIT we have just launched the largest update ever, we have added Leagues to our system and I think you will like what we have to offer. So feel free to come check out the changes we have made. Below is a little more information on the Leagues offered for Quake Live. Cups will remain the same for this week.

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by roychez at 07:10 CDT, 13 May 2014 - 16104 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 08:44 CDT, 9 May 2014 - iMsg
The FACEIT Spring Season Week #7 is here and we only have three more events remaining in the Series until the Finale. The points race is tight and the players all know it so expect to see some tight matches in the following weeks.

Last week we saw the return of Russia evil to assert his dominance again. He easily made his way right to the semi finals where he beat Russia ash two games to one. In the finals Russia evil met his current rival Belarus Cypher, he again easily took the best of five series three games to one to collect his first win of the season.

This week I am sure will be just as entertaining so tune in or you can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia and United Kingdom Xavier "Zoot" Dhorne will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

If you missed the Match of the week #16 - ASH vs. EVIL (Spring Season Cup 6), then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Notable sign-ups: TBD
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by roychez at 14:23 CDT, 11 May 2014 - 27410 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - May 5-11 (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:08 CDT, 5 May 2014 - iMsg
The Month of May is now here, sorry for the delay on this post but here it is, the new map pools are below. the only change to the Cups is we have removed the Fun Cups, and replaced it with a LvL 10 Duel Cup.

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 13:08 CDT, 5 May 2014 - 13770 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 19:40 CDT, 2 May 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 4 May 2014 to 13:00 CDT, 4 May 2014
Schedule: Passed

The FACEIT Spring Season Week #6 is here and you had better tune in! We have been hard at work on our new studio in London, the time has arrived for the reveal.

Last week we saw Sweden Spart1e play in his first Spring Cup but was unable to make it past the round of 16. Russia pavel played France Sev3n in the one semi final which he easily took the match in two straight. Russia Agent met Poland matr0x_pl who also made his way to the finals, beating him in straight maps in the semi final. In the final he met Russia pavel and won three games to one granting the Russian Cosmonaut his first title of the season.

Will we see Russia evil return to claim a second win in the season or will he completely drop from the top eight this sunday? You can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia and United Kingdom Xavier "Zoot" Dhorne will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

If you missed the Match of the Week #13 - CYPHER vs. ASH (Spring Season Cup 4), then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Notable sign-ups: TBD
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 12:17 CDT, 4 May 2014 - 50317 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info, April 28 May 4 (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 11:00 CDT, 28 April 2014 - iMsg
With the month coming to an end here, you still have a few days left to fight for the top spot in the ladder. We will however not be changing the map pools until next week just to maintain consistency with the weekly cups, so look for all new maps for next week if you want to see a specific map in a pool let me know.

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 11:00 CDT, 28 April 2014 - 13184 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 13:35 CDT, 25 April 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 27 April 2014 to 13:00 CDT, 27 April 2014
Schedule: Passed

We are now entering the halfway point of the FACEIT Spring Season! A few weeks ago we saw Russia ash take on fellow countrymen Russia pavel in the semi final which again went to three maps. Belarus Cypher easily made his way to the top beating Belarus Madball in straight maps in the semi final. In the final he met Russia ash loosing three games to two granting ash his first title of the season.

Who are we going to see this weekend take the title will we see Russia evil return to claim a second win in the season or will it be won by up and comer Belarus Madball You can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom GroundZero TV.

If you missed the Match of the Week #13 - CYPHER vs. ASH (Spring Season Cup 4), then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Notable sign-ups: TBD
Stream: United Kingdom GroundZero TV - Week #4 VODs
Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Teen Queen at 15:55 CDT, 27 April 2014 - 88947 Hits
FACEIT - $20,000 CS:GO Spring League (18 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 08:54 CDT, 24 April 2014 - iMsg
FACEIT, in partnership with Twitch, is proud to announce the FACEIT CS:GO Spring League, with $20,000 prize purse.

Over the last month our weaponskin, the P90 created by Coridium, has been part of the Operation Phoenix weapon case. The funds raised have been used to create our League, with all of it going straight into the prize purse. Thanks to this great community effort, the support of VALVe, as well as Twitch, the prize purse is a grand total of $20,000!

Six teams will be invited, while another two will be able to qualify for the FACEIT Spring League. Over the course of four weeks, these teams will battle it out for a top spot to reach the Finals. Each match will be commentated, analyzed and reviewed live from the brand new FACEIT studio in London, all seen on FACEIT TV.

The League is set to start on 30 April, with the main season running till 21 May. The Finals are scheduled to take place on 30 May and 1 June.

Teams interested in qualifying can sign-up here:
- Qualifier #1 (27 April) - Open for all: Sign-up
- Qualifier #2 (28 April) - April & May Championship qualified teams + selected applicants: Email to apply for qualifier

Over the coming days we will be announcing further information, such as the casting and analyzing crew and invited teams.

We have also released brand new weapons to further fund FACEIT competitions, with some great work by Coridium and Thurnip Oposto! If you want to see them in the next weapons case, vote for them on our Workshop page!
Edited by easytarget at 08:54 CDT, 24 April 2014 - 5736 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - April 21-27 (17 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 09:38 CDT, 21 April 2014 - iMsg
We are currently still running free Cups for TDM/CA 2v2 nightly. This weeks FACEIT Fun Cup is going old school, with some popular maps from the Quake Series

As I am sure you all know we did not have our Weekly Points Cup this past Sunday due to it being Easter weekend, we continue the action again this Sunday. For anyone still wondering about the secret surprise it is still coming so look for it soon, the cat was let out of the bag a bit to early I am afraid. Here is a little tidbit from the last Sunday Cup if you are craving some Quake Live action.
Match of the Week #13 - CYPHER vs. ASH (Spring Season Cup 4)

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 09:40 CDT, 21 April 2014 - 18409 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - April 14 - 20 (4 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 10:24 CDT, 14 April 2014 - iMsg
This week we have not made any changes to the weekly cups format but we have seen some significant increases in the CA 2v2 Cups. We had three events run this week with thirteen teams signed up, the largest turn out was Saturday with six teams signed up. We are currently still running free Cups for TDM/CA 2v2 nightly.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

There will be no Sunday Spring Cup this Sunday (20th) due to the Easter holiday!

Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by roychez at 08:54 CDT, 16 April 2014 - 48791 Hits
FACEIT Spring Season Sunday Cup #4 (82 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 04:18 CDT, 11 April 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:30 CDT, 13 April 2014 to 12:30 CDT, 13 April 2014
Schedule: Passed

We are now four weeks into the FACEIT Spring Season! Again last week we saw some spectacular matches played with some surprising upsets. We saw Russia pavel storm straight to the top beating both Belarus Cypher and fellow countrymen Russia Agent. In the final he met Russia ash beating him three games to one, to win his first title of the season.

Who are we going to see this weekend take the title will it be the returning Russia evil who claims a second win in the season or will it be won by the other two top players from the last two weeks. You can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia and United Kingdom Ziggy "nVc" Orzeszek will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT Community.

If you missed the Match of the Week #12, then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Notable sign-ups: TBD
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT Community - Week #3 VODs
Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by xou at 12:40 CDT, 13 April 2014 - 75525 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - April 7 - 13 (4 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 19:56 CDT, 6 April 2014 - iMsg
We have made a few changes to the EU weekly cups. We have added free TDM/CA Cups each night of the week in order to further promote these events. So feel free to join as often as you like. This will also help us determine which night of the week is the more popular for each gametype. We have also changed the late night level ten cup to alternating level 2/3 cups, this is because more of our cup player base has a lower tier rating. This weekends Fun Cup is Furious Heights, we figured since it is not in the map pool this month it should be played multiple times in a row.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 19:56 CDT, 6 April 2014 - 70151 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 18:01 CDT, 4 April 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 6 April 2014 to 12:00 CDT, 6 April 2014
Schedule: Passed

The FACEIT Spring Season Week #3 is already here! Last week we saw Belarus Cypher get taken out by Austria noctis. Belarus Madball won his way right into the finals and surprised everyone by beating out noctis, in the best of five, three games to two.

Who will we see this week in the finals it is wide open, with evil still serving the second of his two cup suspension I am sure we will see more thrilling action this Sunday. You can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia and United Kingdom Ziggy "nVc" Orzeszek will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

If you missed the Match of the Week #11, then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.

Notable sign-ups: TBD
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV - Week #2 VODs
Links: Sign-Up, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 12:13 CDT, 6 April 2014 - 71091 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info -Mar 31-April 6 (12 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 09:25 CDT, 31 March 2014 - iMsg
We have made a few changes to the EU weekly cups. We have added free TDM/CA Cups each night of the week in order to further promote these events. So feel free to join as often as you like. This will also help us determine which night of the week is the more popular for each gametype. This is also the first week of the month so our new map pools begin! You can check out the maps below.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 09:25 CDT, 31 March 2014 - 12983 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 16:21 CDT, 28 March 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 30 March 2014 to 13:00 CDT, 30 March 2014
Schedule: Passed

The FACEIT Spring Season Week #2 is already here! Last week we saw the two power houses of Europe face off against each other with Belarus Cypher beating Russia evil three games to one. Who will we see this week in the finals it wide open, so sign up or tune in for the excitement!

You can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST, keep in mind that the clock goes forward one hour!

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, with special guest United Kingdom Ziggy "nVc" Orzeszek, starting live at 07:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

Regarding the Grand Final of the Winter Season between Belarus Cypher and Russia evil will be played on April 1st, kicking off at 11:00 CST! The same duo as previously mentioned will be commentating for you!

Notable sign-ups: TBD
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV - Week #1 VODs
Links: Sign-Up, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by PerpetualWar at 13:20 CDT, 30 March 2014 - 40978 Hits
FACEIT Spring Season Overview (78 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:23 CDT, 23 March 2014 - iMsg
An overview of the FACEIT Quake Live Spring Season standings.

The FACEIT Spring Season will be played each Sunday for the coming months, where 128 players can join and play for $125, as well as points to qualify them for the Finale.

Each event is streamed live on FACEIT TV, where United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia is joined by a guest to bring you the best Quake Live action around.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 22:00 CDT, 1 June 2014 - 30169 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 12:30 CDT, 22 March 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:15 CDT, 23 March 2014 to 14:00 CDT, 23 March 2014
Schedule: Passed

We are proud to announce that the FACEIT Spring Season will be starting right away this Sunday 09:15 CDT, 25 March 2014, and will continue through until June 1st, with the finals scheduled for June 8th. You can already sign-up now!

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, with special guest United Kingdom Ziggy "nVc" Orzeszek via Skype, starting live at 08:30 CST United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

More information regarding the Grand Final of the Winter Season between Belarus Cypher and Russia evil will be announced early next week.

Notable sign-ups: Evil, Cypher, Twister, Pavel, Ash, Madball, Leszny, Purri, Noctis
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV - VODs
Links: Brackets, Sign-up, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by xou at 15:15 CDT, 23 March 2014 - 82086 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - MAR 17-22 (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 23:07 CDT, 16 March 2014 - iMsg
We have reached the half way point for the month of March and this is the top ten in the ladder standings so far. All players in the top ten will receive extra bonus Faceit points on their account.

Last weeks fun Cup on Saturday was a Lost World Cup, this Saturday we will be running a Longest Yard Cup so look for it and sign on up. Time to have some fun and practice up your air rockets!! Semi-Final and Finals are still Bo3.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 23:09 CDT, 16 March 2014 - 7960 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - Mar 10-16 (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 00:24 CDT, 10 March 2014 - iMsg
We have reached the end of the first week for the month of March and this is the top ten in the ladder standings so far. Good to see some fun healthy competition between the players in both EU and NA. All players in the top ten will receive extra bonus Faceit points on their account.

Last weeks fun Cup on Saturday was a Lost World Cup and it was well received, this Saturday we will be running a Silence Cup so look for it and sign on up. Semi-Final and Finals are still Bo3.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 00:39 CDT, 10 March 2014 - 8043 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 09:00 CST, 7 March 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:15 CDT, 9 March 2014 to 14:00 CDT, 9 March 2014
Schedule: Passed

Your last chance to make it has arrived! FACEIT Winter Season Sunday Cup #10 The race is tight among the players near the bottom of the top eight, and the players on the outside looking in.

Will Germany k1llsen play this week to gain a spot in the finale? Belgium dem0n took last Sunday off and now has to prove he belongs by defending his eighth spot to gain entry into the finale from, France Sev3n and Poland LeSzNy. Sweden Spart1e gained his access to the finale last week! Come check out the action or sign up and test your skills.

As with each Sunday, we are starting at 08:15 CST. You can already sign-up now!

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, starting live at 08:30 CST. He will be back on United Kingdom FACEIT TV.

Notable sign-ups: Belarus Cypher, Belarus Madball, Russia evil, Russia ash, Russia pavel, Russia agent, Belgium dem0n, France Sev3n, Poland LeSzNy, Sweden Spart1e
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: Bracket, Winter Season overview, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Teen Queen at 14:11 CDT, 9 March 2014 - 28707 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - Mar 3-9 (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 11:21 CST, 2 March 2014 - iMsg
The March map pools have had slight changes made to them I hope you enjoy them, they will be the same throughout the month so if you don't normally play a map and want to practice it in a competitive way to see how you measure up give it a try.

Last weeks fun Cup on Saturday was a Sinister Cup and it was well received, this Saturday we will be running a Lost World Cup so look for it and sign on up. Semi-Final and Finals are still Bo3.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 11:21 CST, 2 March 2014 - 8670 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 05:24 CST, 28 February 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:15 CST, 2 March 2014 to 13:00 CST, 2 March 2014
Schedule: Passed

FACEIT Winter Season Sunday Cup #9 is upon us, and with only two Cups left to secure a spot in the finals the race is going to get tighter among the players near the bottom of the top eight, and the players on the outside looking in.

With both Sweden Spart1e and Poland LeSzNy two points behind, and France Sev3n only 4 points out of a playoff spot. The pressure now falls on Germany k1llsen for the eigth and final spot, there will be some incredibly tense match ups. Or will we see Russia cooller play spoiler this weekend and take first place, to possibly secure a spot in the finale. Come check out the action or sign up and test your skills.

As with each Sunday, we are starting at 08:15 CST. You can already sign-up now!

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, which will be streamed by Belgium InFerNo of Holysh1t TV fame. You can watch all the live action on United Kingdom FACEIT Community, starting live at 08:30 CST.

The FACEIT Winter Season will be played each Sunday for the coming months, where 128 players can join and play for $125, as well as points to qualify them for the Finale.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT Community
Links: Sign up, Winter Season overview, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Teen Queen at 12:36 CST, 2 March 2014 - 43564 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - Feb 24-Mar 1 (1 comment)
Posted by easytarget @ 16:12 CST, 23 February 2014 - iMsg
We have reached the fourth and final week for the month of February and this is the top ten in the ladder standings so far. Good to see some fun healthy competition between the players. All players in the top ten will receive extra bonus Faceit points on their account.

If you want to sign up for the Saturday TDM/CA 2v2 Cups just click on the listings below for each one they will link directly to these cups.

Our Fun Cup this Saturday will be a Sinister One Map Cup. You can sign up now for this Cup. Europe, North America

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 17:16 CST, 23 February 2014 - 7222 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 02:26 CST, 21 February 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CST, 23 February 2014 to 13:00 CST, 23 February 2014
Schedule: Passed

We are down to only three remaining cups with the FACEIT Winter Season Sunday Cup #8 coming up this Sunday. Russia evil now has a 20 point lead over Belarus Cypher, will he re gain his Dreamhack form and take this weeks cup to pull a bit closer we will have to wait and see.

Or will we see Germany k1llsen play spoiler again this weekend and take first place again? Russia cooller still has a shot to make the top eight to gain his spot in the finals. Russia ash still has something to prove so do not count him out. Come check out the action or sign up and test your skills.

As with each Sunday, we are starting at 08:15 CST. You can already sign-up now!

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, with Germany Kevin "ischju" Mischker joining over Skype. You can watch all the live action on our usual channel United Kingdom FACEIT TV, starting live at 08:30 CST.

The FACEIT Winter Season will be played each Sunday for the coming months, where 128 players can join and play for $125, as well as points to qualify them for the Finale.

Notable sign-ups: Russia Cooller, Russia evil, Russia ash, Russia Agent, Russia kook, Belarus Madball, Belarus Cypher, Poland LeSzNy, Germany twister, Belgium dem0n, France Sev3n
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: Bracket, Winter Season overview, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Teen Queen at 12:28 CST, 23 February 2014 - 48959 Hits
Targetquake Group League - Reminder (30 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:33 CST, 16 February 2014 - iMsg
This is a quick reminder that the League has now started and will run until: 00:00 CDT, 16 March 2014. So get your game on and lets get this done so we can start it all over again. I look forward to continuing this the whole year while gathering even more players hopefully. This league is a designed to be a build up to Qcon to gauge players skills in there own groups in North America.

I hope that maybe in the future when the pro's have more time to commit to Quake, they will join us they are all aware of the League and were just not able to commit their time at the moment.

Event Info: Duel League - Groups here

Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @TargetFPS, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by easytarget at 13:45 CST, 16 February 2014 - 8520 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - Feb 17-23 (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 10:19 CST, 16 February 2014 - iMsg
We have reached the halfway point for the month of February and this is the top ten in the ladder standings so far. Good to see some fun healthy competition between the players. All players in the top ten will recive extra bonus Faceit points on their account.

Our Fun Cup this Saturday will be an Aerowalk One Map Cup. You can sign up now for this Cup. Europe, North America

The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 10:19 CST, 16 February 2014 - 5363 Hits
Posted by easytarget @ 05:05 CST, 14 February 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:15 CST, 16 February 2014 to 13:00 CST, 16 February 2014
Schedule: Passed

We have arrived at the FACEIT Winter Season Sunday Cup #7, and thus far it truly is still a battle between Russia evil and Belarus Cypher, with Russia ash and Russia agent running a close 3rd and 4th.

Playing for the first time last week Germany k1llsen battled his way to the top beating both Russia cooller and Russia evil and eventually taking out Russia ash in the Final Best of Five Match three maps to two. We unfortunately missed out on the live match between cooller and k1llsen but ddk added it to his Match of the Week #4 uploaded in beautiful 2160p.

As each Sunday, we are starting at 08:15 CST. You can already sign-up now!

United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, with guests joining over Skype. You can watch all the live action on our usual channel United Kingdom FACEIT TV, starting live at 08:30 CST.

The FACEIT Winter Season will be played each Sunday for the coming months, where 128 players can join and play for $125, as well as points to qualify them for the Finale.

Notable sign-ups: Belarus Cypher, Russia evil, Russia ash, Russia kook, Russia agent, Belgium dem0n, Belarus Madball, Portugal ins, Sweden purri, France Sev3n
Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links: Bracket, Winter Season overview, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Teen Queen at 13:05 CST, 16 February 2014 - 37531 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cup Info - Feb 10-16 (4 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 14:33 CST, 9 February 2014 - iMsg
We have only made one change to the weekly cups for this week. The EU Mon-Fri Cups have all been pushed back one hour, due to requests and player traffic is heavier an hour later so more players will have an opportunity to play in their skill set.

Last weeks fun Cup on Saturday was a Furious Heights Cup and it was well received, this Saturday we will be running a New Maps Cup. There is only 3 maps in the pool Cure, Delirium, and Sinister, you can sign up now: Europe, North America.

We had a much better turn out for the EU TDM Cup by putting it in the early slot instead so lets keep it up and make it grow. The EU CA Cup also had a decent turn out as well so if we can keep building on these over the next few weeks that would be amazing keep telling your friends to make a team and join on up. Both of these events are linked in the schedule below for each region so if you want to sign up now click the cup schedules below.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 14:33 CST, 9 February 2014 - 6634 Hits
FACEIT Weekly Cup Info - Feb 3-9 (6 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 09:53 CST, 3 February 2014 - iMsg
We have made a few changes to the weekly cups for this week. The skill level start times have been switched in order for players who play later on at night with a lower skill to be able to participate in the cups.

The February map pools have had slight changes made to them I hope you enjoy them, they will be the same throughout the month so if you don't normally play a map and want to practice it in a competitive way to see how you measure up give it a try.

Last weeks fun Cup on Saturday was a Blood Run Cup and it was well received, this Saturday we will be running a Furious Heights Cup so look for it and sign on up. Semi-Final and Finals are still Bo3. We have also switched the TDM and CA 2v2 Cup times, due to the TDM cups running very late due to the length of time it takes to play a Bo3.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week will be posted on the site by tomorrow morning, so feel free to head on over and take a look then. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Badb0y at 07:18 CST, 5 February 2014 - 6495 Hits
Where I think Quake can GO (52 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 20:51 CST, 27 January 2014 - iMsg
In my mind everything comes full circle eventually its just a matter of time before Quake makes its resurgence be it as a standalone game which has new features incorporated into it or a newer version but the FPS genre has always been owned by quake and tbh I think it always will be. It first needs to be these things:

1. A fun game that you can just join and play
2. It needs a good league system that has skill building tiers
3. It needs a solid tournament system with consistent weekly cash events
4. It needs a Large LAN event that has a cash payout that is substantial enough to support world wide competition.

These are simple things to achieve to start to build the user base. Players are not looking for new and exciting things in a game they want a game that provides some sort of structure to nourish growth in the game, why do you think the current games like LoL or Dota2 are doing so well. Its not the constant little micro transactions that players are doing its the tools that are in place that help nourish the gamer and help them grow and improve in the game.

As humans we all want to improve and be better and lets face it in Quake atm there is not a system in place to nurture this need. Everyone wants to make money and a lot of the big name sponsors do not see any money return on quake because they look at it as a game that has been milked dry. They are wrong it is just that all the tools to teach and grow the user base are missing in the game itself. People are inherently lazy and require resources to be all in one place.

The other thing that Quake is missing is that fun factor. I miss the days of firing up quake and joining a server and just playing. People want to be able to just play for fun and in Quake atm that does not exist. Quake has been completely set up as a competitive game. From the "F3" Ready command to the score boards that give you all of the in game stats during and when the match is finished. These things were everything that the game lacked competitively that was introduced as mods in Q3. The problem is that it completely killed the public fun aspect of the game which is what ninety percent of any games user base is.

I would love to see how successful a server would be if it had no ready up percentage, if it just had a 30 sec countdown on the map that loaded and then you could just start playing the game. There was no timeout command or call vote command to change the team size everything was set to the max so team games would be 8v8 and single player games were set to 16 players and of course they would have to have maps that were appropriate for them which there is. Yes its not competitive like 4v4 CTF for example but its fun. I see TF2 still today with full servers that are team games that are 8v8 or even more. So why cant we do this sort of thing in quake too. Why are we still just catering to that ten percent of the player market that is competitive. Why not have a mix of both.

I think the standard user base should have only that option they should not get the competitive features of QL unless they pay for it and then when they do pay for it then they see all the other features that Quake has to offer. But to force a competitive game style on someone as soon as they download the game seems a bit ridiculous to me. In my mind it is the reason to where the game has evolved to today and why now we are struggling to see the user base grow. The game needs to offer both aspects of it the competitive aspect that Quake Live is today and the fun aspect that Quake III Arena used to be. I still love going and playing 12 v 12 CTF on Crom in Q3 almost every night, why cause its fun its not competitive and even the scoreboard only shows my points, ping, and time played. I never hear from anyone at the end or during the match that i suck cause i maybe am at the bottom of the score board with the least amount of frags and most deaths cause i am playing offence on CTF and keep dieing just trying to run the flag. These features are great in a competitive environment but as a fun aspect of the game they actually have a very negative impact on the game and the new players that come to play it.

I see great things in the future for Quake and I hope that maybe we all take a look back and remember why we were so drawn in by this game when we first encountered it. It was not the competitive aspect that we see in front of us as Quake Live it was the fun factor of just logging on and playing the game and it was exciting and new and interesting. The weapons were cool and the maps were demonic and close quartered. The over feel of the game was intoxicating to play for hours on end. I miss those days and sometimes I throw up my Thunder CTF server in QL and fill that sucker for hours on end playing 7v7 CTF. I miss those days and I think if we had servers like that you would see the fun factor return, its where high skill meets low skill and we all can play together and enjoy the game for what it is FUN!!

These are just my thoughts and I do not want to spark a debate I just thought I would throw them out there, hopefully you will understand the enthusiasm I have for this game and why you see it in my streaming and the reason I have been promoting the game religiously for years. Whether it be by spending thousands of dollars running a server for over 10 years in Q3 or streaming live competitive shows online or being an admin for ESL, CSN, and now Faceit. I love the game and just like you I want to see it grow and i do not believe it has to do with money it has to do with making the game fun again. If the game is fun the user base will grow, which in turn provides a slightly larger competitive scene which in turn draws in the money, remember the money goes where the people go in esports. So to me my goal is now to try and make the game fun and nurture the skills for players by providing a system that is competitive but only with in each players skill level.


P.S. There is no tl;dr version sorry :P
Edited by easytarget at 22:18 CST, 27 January 2014 - 14924 Hits
Targetquake Group League (74 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 01:23 CST, 24 January 2014 - iMsg
This is a North American Event, designed to help players to grow and play with an even playing field. We want players to be able to develop skills by playing other players who can challenge them mentally in the gametype of duel in Quake Live. There will be no prizes, no streams, no playoffs, just matches that is it for now. We would love to see this grow into a regular league that can run multiple times in a year. So tell your friends to sign up and play. There will be no streams of any kind its designed to strictly help players to meet and play with players in their own skill level. Each League we run will have a separate sign up period and all players will have their elo reassessed when the next league begins. This gives them a chance to further develop their skills in between league events as well as meet new players as you keep getting better.

Sign ups close: 23:00 CST, 15 February 2014
Group Play Begins: 11:00 CST, 16 February 2014
Group Play Ends: 00:00 CDT, 16 April 2014

All players who sign up will be grouped according to their elo from, on Feb. 15th.

Event Info: Duel League - Sign up here

Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @TargetFPS, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by easytarget at 13:24 CST, 16 February 2014 - 19812 Hits
FACEIT - Weekly Cups Community Requests (47 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 12:02 CST, 19 January 2014 - iMsg
Well the time has now come, after hearing all the feedback from the FACEIT Feedback 2014 posts to unveil our new weekly cups format. We have heard what you have contributed, and this is what we have come up with. We appreciate all the feedback and please feel free to imsg me personally if you have any other ideas that we might be able to implement.

The new cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting on Monday. All the cups for the whole week are now posted on the site so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by Badb0y at 13:03 CST, 19 January 2014 - 14851 Hits
December Weekly Cup Info (18 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 08:44 CST, 2 December 2013 - iMsg
From Monday to Saturday we have our daily FACEIT Cups, we have decided to run monthly map rotations in order to let players have a chance to play on specific maps for a longer period of time. This will also help with players building map knowledge. We are still revisiting the prospect of 4v4 CTF/TDM but it will not be as often as it was in previous weeks, so expect news on 4v4 team cups soon. We still have a different Premium Cup available every day of the week!

On Saturday we have 3 Cups with higher points prizes. We have decided to switch the Saturday Team event from 2v2 TDM to CA 2v2. These points can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Sunday will see the Fall Season Cup #8 continue, and commentary will be provided on FACEIT TV, with casting by ddk and special guest.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 10:12 CST, 5 December 2013 - 8716 Hits
This week on FACEIT: Nov 18-24 (21 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 21:47 CST, 16 November 2013 - iMsg
From Monday to Saturday we have our daily FACEIT Cups, we have made some changes to the weekly cups in order to allow more time for cups to take place and to eliminate the larger team cups which have not seen alot of activity. We will be revisiting the prospect of 4v4 CTF/TDM but it will not be as often as it was in previous weeks, plus a different Premium Cup is still available every day of the week!

On Saturday we have 3 Cups with higher points prizes. We have decided to switch the Saturday Team event from 2v2 TDM to CA 2v2. These points can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Sunday will be the Road to Dreamhack Winter Cup, the winner will receive paid transportation to Dreamhack by FACEIT. Map pool will of course be the same as DHW, and commentary will be provided on FACEIT TV, with casting by ddk and dem0n.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 22:09 CST, 16 November 2013 - 6111 Hits
This week on FACEIT: 4-10 Nov (21 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 10:30 CST, 4 November 2013 - iMsg
From Monday to Saturday we have our daily FACEIT Cups with several Duel levels, Clan Arena, CTF and TDM, plus a different Premium Cup on every week day! Remember its the beginning of the month so all accounts reset to 4 free Cups again, so join us in some fun competitive action.

On Saturday we have 3 Premium Cups with higher points prizes. We have decided to switch the Saturday Team event from CA3v3to TDM2v2 for the month of November. These points can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.

Sunday will see the Sixth FACEIT Fall Season Sunday Cup. The fifth edition was won by Cypher but not without taking it to a fifth and final map, taking out tox 16-9 in the final. Commentary will be provided on FACEIT TV, with casting by ddk and a guest.

Stream: United Kingdom FACEIT TV
Links:, mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEIT, YouTube FACEITcom
Edited by easytarget at 20:34 CST, 4 November 2013 - 8953 Hits
Default+ Blue Theme (5 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 22:45 CDT, 17 October 2013 - iMsg
I am using the Default+ Blue theme and for some reason the player popularity Plus symbols just stopped showing up one day. I have tested it on IE, Firefox, and Chrome and they all do not show the player popularity Plus Symbols. Is this a bug in the theme or do I have a setting enabled that is making them not show?
Edited by brandan at 00:40 CDT, 19 October 2013 - 1653 Hits
Faceit - CS:GO Community Nights (10 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 17:34 CDT, 14 October 2013 - iMsg
Over the last weeks we have seen activity increasing on our match making system and most importantly your feedback seems to show us that we are on the right track. Being now part of the Counter-Strike community and to show all of you how much we appreciate the feedbacks you have been giving us, we feel that it is now is the right time to start giving back by hosting FACEIT Community Nights.

All of you are invited to join us in our Pick up Games queue from 18:00 – 02:00 CET, to play matches and win prizes! The whole night will be streamed by our usual host, Daniel “ddk” Kapadia, and special guests on occasions. At the end of the night, the user who has gained most point in our ladder will be crowned the player of the week and will be awarded with different HW prizes! The first prize for the coming Wednesday will be a Razer DeathAdder mouse. Other top users have chances to win prizes such as FACEIT Unlimited Keys and FACEIT Points, which they can use to redeem prizes with from our shop.

We hope that this will give each one of you an opportunity to get featured and get something for the help you have been giving us over the past months!

Win prizes through our Steam group!

Our Steam Group is the best place to stay up to date with all the FACEIT activities in Counter-Strike, such as tournaments, pick up games and new features. In addition, we are also giving away several awesome prizes such as FACEIT Unlimited Keys and once we hit 500 followers we are giving away a Razer mouse!

So help us spread the word, tell your friends and invite them to join us on this page!
8046 Hits
DreamHack and MTG (4 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 08:04 CDT, 25 September 2013 - iMsg
Competitive gaming is a fast growing, popular worldwide phenomenon, and the partnership between MTG and DreamHack will take eSports to the next level in the region. The first step will be to build the first dedicated eSports Studio in the Nordics, which will broadcast eSports content seven days a week, 365 days a year. The new studio will begin broadcasting later this autumn.

2553 Hits
Esports Solutions at QuakeCON BYOC (54 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 19:26 CDT, 27 July 2013 - iMsg
We are very proud to announce that we will be running the tournaments section of the BYOC at this years QuakeCon. We will be bringing you a ton of different Quakelive game types to compete in and of course we will be running the QuakeCon BYOC Quake Live Open Duel competition. Anyone who is attending will be able to sign up for any and all events that we host in the BYOC. Prizing will be offered by our main sponsor partner RAZER.

We have worked very hard at featuring some new games as well as many other popular titles that everyone of all ages enjoys to play. These featured games will also have some of the events streamed live and we will also have a main stage with ten laptops for finalists to battle for top spot on.

We will also be running events for: SC2, LoL, Urban Terror, DOTA2, and CSGO. These are the main games that we have plans to run events for but as you all know there is alot more that ends up going on at QCON once you get there so feel free to come say hello to all of us at our booth in the BYOC.

Links: @ESportSolutions, Facebook @ESortSolutions
Edited by easytarget at 20:07 CDT, 27 July 2013 - 14860 Hits
Targetquake 24/7 FragTV (10 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 22:46 CDT, 23 June 2013 - iMsg
So as you can tell I really like the FragTV concept, and have decided to run an experiment to see if players are interested in helping out the project, which will in turn hopefully keep the development going. I would love to see non stop games on the server to truly test the program to see if any major bugs pop up that we can relay to the author of the program.

I have set aside my streaming rig when not doing live shows to continuously run a FragTV server. At this moment I have decided to run a QL server located in Chicago named "Targetquake FragTV". This is all to support the project and hopefully we will see further developments with it.

I am hoping that this will spark some interest from the duel community to play some of their games on the server in order to give the viewing community a chance to watch matches with High Quality graphics on wolfcam with whatever favorite config they have. If you want a config to use in wolfcam here is a post started by He4rTL3sS.

The main reason for FragTV is to have an option for people who get lagg on twitch to watch a stream with HQ graphics so lets hope this is the answer. If you are interested in watching the live stream demos then grab the FragTV download here. Dont forget you need wolfcam also which you can get here. Remember you need to copy paste all the QL maps from your QL folder into your baseq3 folder of your wolfcam. You can put wolfcam anywhere it will run anywhere.

Targetquake FragTV

Cheers and go play some games.
Edited by easytarget at 12:06 CDT, 24 June 2013 - 4218 Hits
Greasemonkey Script for Auto recording. (11 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 20:04 CDT, 21 June 2013 - iMsg
I was wondering if there is a script for auto recording as soon as you join a server when the players are in warmup? I have autoaction turned on to record actual games but would like to record as soon as you join or a map changes.
Edited by easytarget at 20:05 CDT, 21 June 2013 - 3109 Hits
Testing Dual POV in QL (17 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:34 CDT, 17 June 2013 - iMsg
Well with the release of FragTV it got me thinking about the whole duel POV for viewers and I came up with this little tidbit. The one is slightly delayed by like a 1000 of a second. I played around with the sound settings towards the end of the second match. Would this be something that you would be interested in seeing?? Maybe with a slightly different format obviously this is just a test but want to get feed back on it.

Tell me what you guys think?? Namco_ vs c0ff33p0t Thanks for playing a few while I tested this out guys.

Also tried some Picture in Picture!! Which I think is a much better option for QL PiP
Edited by xou at 04:58 CDT, 18 June 2013 - 7595 Hits
N.A. PQL Open Duel Series - Use & Abuse (4 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 11:02 CDT, 28 April 2013 - iMsg
Our fifth and final PQL duel map is Use and Abuse a classic CPMA map from Q3 that has been played for years in duel events. The map is just two rooms with some multiple levels that surround the outside of them. It also has a portal which links the two rooms for quick exists or bait points whichever way you want to look at it. The best part of this map is the location of mega and red armor, mega is in a small room which you can trap your opponent in and the red armor is located in such a position that you can spam rockets in there and pinch out your opponent at the portal point also from the other room.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up for Use & Abuse
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by easytarget at 20:50 CDT, 6 May 2013 - 3423 Hits
IGL - N.A. 2v2 Clan Arena Ladder (29 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 23:31 CDT, 7 April 2013 - iMsg
Welcome to the new dawn in amateur, semi-pro, and pro game play. We here at the IGL are committed to providing a fair and even playing field for all sorts of players from the casual once a week player right up to the the Pro player who commits hours into his game play. Since Clan Arena is the most popular team game type at the moment in North America, we are offering a unique experience that you have not seen from any ladder.

There is more info available on the ladder page once you have signed up so if you are serious about competing in a tiered ladder, sign on up! Please remember we are still in Beta mode here so expect some bugs on some things but feel free to post issues here in this thread and we will transfer it on to our dev team.

Free to use VOIP Server

Links: International Gaming League, @PlayIGL, Facebook @PlayIGL
Edited by easytarget at 23:55 CDT, 7 April 2013 - 7837 Hits
N.A. PQL Open Duel Series - Aerowalk (12 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:10 CDT, 29 March 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 2 April 2013 to 00:00 CDT, 3 April 2013
Schedule: Passed

Things are starting to heat up in the PQL Open Duel Series now, with only 5 points separating first and third place. Walter managed to steal first place away from Chance knocking him down to third place, due to his absence in the second event. DSN played a very dominant Hektik and managed to claw his way into third place. The rest of the field is trailing by a bit but with three more events scheduled, we should see some major movement by some of the other players who are trying to get into the top eight.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up for Aerowalk, Vod's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by wn at 11:25 CDT, 1 April 2013 - 4545 Hits
IGL - Open Beta Showmatchs (41 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 17:21 CDT, 24 March 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 19:00 CDT, 26 March 2013 to 22:00 CDT, 26 March 2013
Schedule: Passed

IGL launched into the open beta at PAX EAST 2013, which is great! But, while we are working on expanding the open beta website more and more, based on YOUR feedback and needs, we figured we'd keep you entertained and give you something in return for the early sign up!

We present to you the IGL Open Beta Showmatches! Between the 22nd of March and the 10th of April we will be providing you with showmatches featuring the most awesome players and teams we could find!

We'll be starting off with Quake Live at 19:00 CDT, 26 March 2013, featuring two Duel matches. The first will be United States of America Apparition vs United States of America Rey_ and then we will have United States of America Chance vs United States of America Dahang. In between the two matches John Clark, Marketing and Tournaments Director for IGL will be on to give everyone a little more insight on the site and what great things they will be introducing. Commentary for the matches will be done by Charles "easytarget" Machan and Alex "Jehar" Popa.

Expected other showmatch titles: CS:GO, SMITE, DOTA 2, StarCraft II, League of Legends, ShootMania, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Offensive Combat.

Stream: United States of America IGL Tv, Recorded Stream
Links: International Gaming League, @PlayIGL, Facebook @PlayIGL
Edited by easytarget at 23:02 CDT, 26 March 2013 - 18408 Hits
N.A. PQL Open Duel Series - Hektik (10 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 01:29 CDT, 17 March 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 18:00 CDT, 19 March 2013 to 22:00 CDT, 19 March 2013
Schedule: Passed

Well the second event is upon us for the PQL Duel Series and Hektik is the chosen map. The Event is Tuesday at, 19:00 CDT, 19 March 2013. This is a points based system with the top eight players playing in a final match event which will show case the five maps. We will host a live stream of all the events starting at 8:00pm EST which will run for approximately three hours, all players who sign up for this event must be able to attend on the day of the event.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up for Hektik, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by wn at 18:45 CDT, 18 March 2013 - 5145 Hits
Create video for IGL at PAX (43 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:14 CST, 7 March 2013 - iMsg
Do you possess superior movie making skills? Are you a passionate gamer? Help launch one of the biggest initiatives ever for Amateur eSports! The winning submission will receive a GTX 660 2GB video card have their video featured at PAX East. Be quick!

- Submissions close March 14th, 2013. 7 Days Left!
- Email for details
- Official rules available at International Gaming League

Please submit your enquiry to for additional details and for specifics for the video.
Edited by wn at 10:17 CST, 8 March 2013 - 15519 Hits
N.A. Duel League - Test of Skill Week 4 (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 10:53 CST, 7 March 2013 - iMsg
Just a friendly reminder to all who have signed up for Hektik, the event begins at 20:00 CDT, 10 March 2013. Sign ups are still welcomed and any matches that we do not finish during the live show can be played over the course of the week. All matches that are played during the remainder of the week must be approved by me please private message me on IRC a link to your match from the QL website. Any open matches at the beginning of the next scheduled event will not count for points. Remember its all based on points so the more matches you play the better off you will be!

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by easytarget at 11:03 CST, 7 March 2013 - 2672 Hits
N.A. Duel League - Test of Skill Week 3 (7 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 10:39 CST, 1 March 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 18:00 CST, 3 March 2013 to 22:00 CST, 3 March 2013
Schedule: Passed

Just a friendly reminder to all who have signed up for Dismemberment, the event begins at 18:00 CST, 3 March 2013. Sign ups are open and any matches that we do not finish during the live show can be played over the course of the week. Any open matches at the beginning of the next scheduled event will not count for points. Remember its all based on points so the more matches you play the better off you will be!

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by wn at 12:47 CST, 2 March 2013 - 4303 Hits
N.A. PQL Open Duel Series (40 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:28 CST, 22 February 2013 - iMsg
Welcome to the PQL Open Duel points events. We will be hosting five separate events consisting of a one map double elimination format. This will be a points based system with the top eight players playing in a final match event which will show case the five maps. We will host a live stream of all the events starting at 7:00pm EST which will run for approximately three hours, all players who sign up for this event must be able to attend on the day of the event.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up for Toxicity, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by easytarget at 16:01 CST, 1 March 2013 - 17420 Hits
N.A. PQL Open Duel Series (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 15:27 CST, 22 February 2013 - iMsg
Welcome to the PQL Open Duel points events. We will be hosting five separate events consisting of a one map double elimination format. This will be a points based system with the top eight players playing in a final match event which will show case the five maps. We will host a live stream of all the events starting at 7:00pm EST which will run for approximately three hours, all players who sign up for this event must be able to attend on the day of the event.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
1420 Hits
N.A. Duel League - Test of Skill Week 1 (8 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 09:46 CST, 8 February 2013 - iMsg
Just a friendly reminder to all who have signed up for Furious Heights, the event begins at 18:00 CST, 10 February 2013. Sign ups are full but if more people want to play we will open it up and players can finish their matches throughout the week. Any open matches at the beginning of the next scheduled event will not count for points. Remember its all based on points so the more matches you play the better off you will be!

All the events are posted below and are filling up fast so make sure you get in on the action.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
5135 Hits
N.A. Duel League - Test of Skill (40 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 17:43 CST, 24 January 2013 - iMsg
Welcome to the first, of a seven round robin event! These events will take place approximately twice a month over the next eleven weeks (taking in account for National Holidays and the Superbowl). Every week we will host a single map round robin event. You will play every player that has signed up for the event on the chosen map for that week. Participant cap each week will be 16, once the cap is reached, additional participants will be added to a wait list. Players will receive points for participating, and winning. At the end of these Round Robin Events we will take the top ten players with the highest points and host a ten player best of three event, the finals will be a best of five! The maps for the finals will be the ones from the Round Robin events, there will be no surprise maps added to this event. The Grand Finals have not been scheduled yet in order to confirm that all ten points finalist will be able to attend.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by Badb0y at 23:47 CST, 24 January 2013 - 10637 Hits
Climbing The Ladder - Episode #40 (13 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 11:25 CST, 15 January 2013 - iMsg
Climbing The Ladder is a weekly e-Sports show that discusses the ins and outs of all the various segments of professional gaming (player, team, tournament organizing, sponsors, casting, etc.). The focus of the show will be about clearing up misconceptions in each segment and to hopefully create a problem solving and idea generating environment to help the e-Sports community/industry progress.

Today's Special Guest is Rod "Slasher" Breslau. Rod is known for his breaking stories in the esports world, Leading Competitive Gaming worldwide at @GameSpot. He is also the Producer and Co-Host @LiveOnThree Pro-gaming without the fluff. He is also known for his gaming as a competitive Quake player.

Viewer Q&A throughout the show. Enjoy!
Edited by wn at 08:42 CST, 16 January 2013 - 7196 Hits
Climbing The Ladder - Episode #39 (27 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:21 CST, 10 January 2013 - iMsg
Climbing The Ladder is a weekly e-Sports show that discusses the ins and outs of all the various segments of professional gaming (player, team, tournament organizing, sponsors, casting, etc.). The focus of the show will be about clearing up misconceptions in each segment and to hopefully create a problem solving and idea generating environment to help the e-Sports community/industry progress.

Viewer Q&A throughout the show. Enjoy!

VOD: Climbing The Ladder #39
Edited by Badb0y at 04:58 CST, 12 January 2013 - 9533 Hits
Targetquake Productions - Campgrounds (17 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 18:54 CST, 8 December 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 19:00 CST, 12 December 2012 to 23:00 CST, 12 December 2012
Schedule: Passed

Time to get back into the swing of things here. To start us off we are going to go with a classic Campgrounds, to this day it is the number one played map ever in quake! Mostly by the clan arena crowd, but it is also a challenging duel map that presents multiple bait points and incorporates a great three dimensional game play. Some of the greatest names in Quake have squared off on this map with some amazing finishes!

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Event Info: Sign-up, Vod's, Demo's
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC #Targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by wn at 19:13 CST, 11 December 2012 - 10177 Hits
Targetquake Productions (15 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 21:15 CST, 1 December 2012 - iMsg
As I am sure some of you have heard we here at Targetquake have decided to move on from having our events hosted/powered by CSN. We appriciate all of the great events that they have helped us with and we wish them all the best in the future with their new ventures.

To start off with we have renamed to Targetquake Productions. The main reason for this is we are now being asked to host events for other players/organizers in the community. We will still bring you the same great weekly format that you have come to expect, but we are also going to try and involve alot more people from within the community.

I am also pleased to say that all the admins from CSN who have helped out with all of the Targetquake events have teamed up with us here at Targetquake Productions. You will still see/hear from the same friendly admins that you have been interacting with, and hopefully a few more as we try to grow and take on more challenges.

What does this mean to the Quakelive Community? Well nothing really we will still be bringing the same great events that you have come to expect from us. There will just be a few minor changes on how you the players will have to deal with the events. For more information on what players competing in our events need to do please give this a quick read Player Info.

Our bracket/sign-up system will be temporarily held at, until our new home is completed hopefully by mid February. So if you compete in our events and are not registered with them please do so when you have time.

We have tried to make everything as easy as possible for the players involved with the events hosted by Targetquake Productions. Everything except the actual sign ups for the event is completely accessible on our site. Vod's and Demo's will now be hosted on the site also making the site almost a one stop destination for all our events. All of us involved at Targetquake Productions are very excited about the new things we are trying and we welcome any and all feedback from the community, so if you have an idea on how to possibly improve our ventures please feel free to get in contact with us.

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Links: qlcz Targetquake Productions, mIRC targetquake, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by Badb0y at 23:40 CST, 2 December 2012 - 4406 Hits
Targetquake Duel - Toxicity (34 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 22:18 CST, 12 November 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 18:00 CST, 17 November 2012 to 21:00 CST, 17 November 2012
Schedule: Passed

Time to get the ball rolling on this side of the pond since there seems to be a ton of action in Europe right now I don't think we need to be doing anything over there. Whats up here in N.A. you say? Gonna get all up in your face with some Toxicity. With three small rooms connected by a hallway that if you get stuck in it expect to get punished, this small Intermediate level of a map is very hard to gain control in once you have lost it!! So if you think you got what it takes to tip toe around the acid while burning your opponent feel free to sign on up.

This event starts at 18:00 CST, with check-in beginning at 17:00 CST. We will not be increasing the brackets anymore. The wait-listed players will be able to check in 15 min prior to closing.

I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions! Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Canada Tq_Tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 23:45 CST, 19 November 2012 - 8449 Hits
8-Bit Salute Charity Event (96 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 00:18 CDT, 31 October 2012 - iMsg
We would like to take this opportunity to first mention a few things about this event. This is an event that we agreed to do for the charity involved, since it is something that we all enjoy doing. Which is relaxing and forgetting about the day we had or the stresses that we endured. The Operation Supply Drop Charity does just that it ships games to troops overseas so they can relax and forget about the real world for awhile where they put there lives on the line for us simple folk here at home.

The main reason we are hosting this charity is we were approached by the Charisma+2 Agency to host a online QuakeLive tournament and since Quake is one of the longest running FPS games out there we thought it was a great idea and wanted to show our support for the charity and the event. Charisma+2 has been supporting the OSD Charity for seven separate events so far. For more information on some of the other events that the C+2 Agency will be holding across the country that day check out the Charisma+2 Magazine.

So if your interested in playing against a few models and maybe winning some great prizes then sign on up and donate five dollars to the OSD Charity!!

Stream: United States of America TBD (casting by Jehar and easytarget)
L inks: Event Info, Sign-ups, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet || @CharismaPlus2, Facebook @CharismaPlus2 || @OpSupplyDrop, Facebook @OperationSupplyDrop
Edited by Badb0y at 15:51 CDT, 1 November 2012 - 30897 Hits
Targetquake Euro Duel - Aerowalk (43 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 23:32 CDT, 16 October 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CDT, 2 November 2012 to 16:00 CDT, 2 November 2012
Schedule: Passed

The time has come. We now have time to put together a few events for all of you Europeans way out there across the blue yonder!!! We are going to start of the way we started in N.A. with a little bit of fast paced Aerowalk action!!! So get your euro frag on, and lets do this.

This event starts at 12:00 CST, with check-in beginning at 11:00 CST. The players brackets will be 32 due to the early start time and the fact that I have all day to stream the event. We will not be increasing the brackets anymore due to players being in school and/or working in the morning. The wait-listed players will be able to check in 15 min prior to closing.

I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions! Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet || mIRC #tq_tv, @Targetquake, Facebook @Targetquake
Edited by easytarget at 17:28 CDT, 3 November 2012 - 11310 Hits
Targetquake Duel - Furious Heights (24 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 00:01 CDT, 12 October 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 16 October 2012 to 23:00 CDT, 16 October 2012
Schedule: Passed

The time has come to get back into some serious pro style maps again, so without further ado we bring you Furious Heights. This will be the first map that we have hosted which was designed and built by the QuakeLive Team. It is also one of the most popular maps in the duel community, having been used on the pro circuit for QuakeCon 2010 and IEM5.

This event starts at 19:00 CST, with check-in beginning at 18:00 CST. We will not be increasing the brackets anymore due to players being in school and/or working in the morning. The wait-listed players will be able to check in 15 min prior to closing.

I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions! Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Canada Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 17:29 CDT, 3 November 2012 - 4542 Hits
Targetquake Duel - House of Decay (37 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 19:09 CDT, 4 October 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 9 October 2012 to 23:00 CDT, 9 October 2012
Schedule: Passed

We have had many requests to host House of Decay, one of the more popular duel maps in QuakeLive it has some serious fast paced action due to the modified teleporters that were added to it. This is a smaller map but ranked as Intermediate. It was originally released with the Q3 Dreamcast Edition in October of 2000.

This event starts at 19:00 CST with check-in starting at 18:00 CST. We will not be increasing the brackets anymore due to players being in school and/or working in the AM. The wait listed players will be able to check in 15 min prior to closing.

I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions! Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 23:06 CDT, 10 October 2012 - 6202 Hits
Targetquake - Solid (21 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 20:30 CDT, 21 September 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 2 October 2012 to 23:59 CDT, 2 October 2012
Schedule: Passed

As promised this coming Tuesday will be Solid. This map was chosen by you the players and spectators of Targetquake, so sign on up and lets get this party started!!

This event starts at 19:00 CST with check-in starting at 18:00 CST. We will not be increasing the brackets anymore due to players being in school and/or working in the AM. The wait listed players will be able to check in 15min prior to closing.

I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions! Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by Sujoy at 23:08 CDT, 4 October 2012 - 7179 Hits
Targetquake - Dismemberment (15 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 17:49 CDT, 16 September 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 18 September 2012 to 23:59 CDT, 18 September 2012
Schedule: Passed

Well as you all know we have had alot of requests for Dismemberment, so without further a due here it is!! This event was actually post on the CSN site over a week ago and we have already filled but the wait list is pretty much wide open and from the sign ups last week(24/16) and the only 14 actual peeps who checked in you will most likely get to play in the event. So feel free to at least sign up to the wait list and come hang out on irc on Tuesday!

This event starts at 19:00 CST with check-in starting at 18:00 CST. We will not be increasing the brackets anymore due to players being in school and/or working in the AM. The wait listed players will be able to check in 15min prior to closing.

I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions! Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 22:39 CDT, 3 October 2012 - 6306 Hits
Targetquake Future Maps (13 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 20:49 CDT, 9 September 2012 - iMsg
I am always receiving requests for different maps to be played!! Whether it is the classic old school q3 maps or the newer maps, its pretty much constant. So to help out with this I am letting you the fans and players decide on one map for this month!

The poll for the map list can be found on the Targetquake Facebook page!
Edited by easytarget at 09:22 CDT, 10 September 2012 - 2379 Hits
Targetquake - Hektik (14 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 19:53 CDT, 8 September 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 19:00 CDT, 11 September 2012 to 23:00 CDT, 11 September 2012
Schedule: Passed

Let the massive offensive attack continue!! This weeks map will be Hektik, a small but very powerful map with multiple levels that are all easily accessible with the portals. There is also a few smaller rooms which are great pinch points or bait areas for your opponent!!!

This event starts at 19:00 CST with check-in starting at 18:00 CST. We will not be increasing the brackets anymore due to players being in school and/or working in the AM. The wait listed players will be able to check in 15min prior to closing.

I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions!

Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 17:44 CDT, 10 September 2012 - 4123 Hits
Targetquake Duel - Bloodrun (55 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 11:29 CDT, 26 August 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 19:00 CDT, 30 August 2012 to 22:00 CDT, 30 August 2012
Schedule: Passed

Well the time has come the Blood Run is in da house!! So grab your Rocket Launcher and your Rail Gun, and lets see some oldschool vs newschool fragging. Just a REMINDER it is on a Thursday !!!

This event starts at 19:00 CST with check-in starting at 18:00 CST, and is first-come first-serve, anyone who checks in will get to play we will just increase the bracket size.

Anyone who doesn't have premium or pro don't worry we can spawn a server for you and your opponent if neither of you have it! I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions!

Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by wn at 17:01 CDT, 26 August 2012 - 15551 Hits
Targetquake - Phrantic (68 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 18:08 CDT, 18 August 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 19:00 CDT, 23 August 2012 to 22:30 CDT, 23 August 2012
Schedule: Passed

Check it out peeps! Going to get some old Q3 CPMA map action going here but without the PQL, sorry guys! Just wanna borrow Phrantic for a night! Just a REMINDER it is on a Thursday not Tuesday!!!

This event starts at 19:00 CST with check-in starting at 18:00 CST, and is first-come first-serve, so check-in early!

Anyone who doesn't have premium or pro don't worry we can spawn a server for you and your opponent if neither of you have it! I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions!

Hope to see you all sign up!

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, mIRC #tq_tv, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 16:49 CDT, 26 August 2012 - 13358 Hits
Targetquake - Silence (30 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 00:38 CDT, 4 August 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 14 August 2012 to 22:00 CDT, 14 August 2012
Schedule: Passed

Well thought I would keep the ball rolling here and post up another event post-QuakeCon. So without further a due here we go!!! Since QL just brought out a new release of content I thought we would do the new map that cityy made: Silence. Format is the same Double Elimination event!

This event starts at 19:00 CST with check-in starting at 18:00 CST, and is first-come first-serve, so check-in early!!

Anyone who doesn't have premium or pro don't worry we can spawn a server for you and your opponent if neither of you have it! I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions!

Hope to see you all sign up

Who: CSN
What: Duel - Double Elimination
Where: QuakeLive - North America Only Canada United States of America Mexico
Why: Thanks to cityy we have a new duel map

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by wn at 13:52 CDT, 12 August 2012 - 8113 Hits
Targetquake - Pre-Qcon CTF (39 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 20:40 CDT, 12 July 2012 - iMsg
Well since QuakeCon is almost here and my favorite gametype is CTF, I have decided to host a two day event!! Round 1-3 will be held on the traditional Tuesday and the Finals will be played the following day! Same bat time same bat channel!!!

Who: CSN
What: CTF - Single Elimination - All teams welcome!
When: Check-in, Rounds 1-3 19:00 CDT, 24 July 2012 & Finals 20:00 CDT, 25 July 2012
Where: QuakeLive - North America Servers Only!!
Why: Qcon is Coming!!!!!

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 13:26 CDT, 30 July 2012 - 12370 Hits
Targetquake - Lost World (45 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 18:56 CDT, 8 July 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 19:00 CDT, 10 July 2012 to 22:00 CDT, 10 July 2012
Schedule: Passed

We are going old school for our next event!! Back to the Quake III Arena days of playing Lost World. Fresh off of ZeRo4's win against rapha in the playQUAKELIVE Finals, I thought I would host the map Lost World. This is the map that rapha played flawlessly!

Who: CSN
What: Duel - Double Elimination
When: 19:00 CDT, 10 July 2012
Where: QuakeLive - North America Only Canada United States of America Mexico
Why: Demand

Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos || mIRC #csn.ql, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by wn at 19:17 CDT, 8 July 2012 - 8529 Hits
CSN - 2v2 Clan Arena (23 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 18:35 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg
In order to get the word out and let peeps get teams assembled I have also set up and posted a Clan Arena 2v2 Event for 20:00 CDT, 26 June 2012. So if you want to get some sick kills while rocket jumping off a wall, here is your chance! Find a partner and sign on up!

Who: CSN
What: Clan Arena 2v2 - Single Elimination
When: 20:00 CDT, 26 June 2012
Where: QuakeLive - North America Only Canada United States of America Mexico
Why: Something new to try

Stream: Targetquake_tv || @targetquake
Links: Event Info, Sign-up || mIRC #csn.ql, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by Demiurge at 22:38 CDT, 13 June 2012 - 6019 Hits
CSN - Targetquake Tuesdays (27 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 17:42 CDT, 11 June 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CDT, 19 June 2012 to 23:00 CDT, 19 June 2012
Schedule: Passed

We are expanding our gaming events to a few weeknights as well!

The first of many events will be a Duel Double Elimination, it will consist of only one map. The chosen map for our first event will be Aerowalk. We chose the map due to its fast paced action with very minimal places to actually hide from your enemy. This will only be a 16 player bracket due to the fact that it is on a weeknight, we do not want it to run past 21:00 CST.

Who: CSN
What: Duel - Double Elimination
When: 20:00 CDT, 19 June 2012
Where: QuakeLive - North America Only Canada United States of America Mexico
Why: Demand

VOD's: Demo's
Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up || mIRC #csn.ql, @CyberSportsNet, Facebook @CyberSportsNet
Edited by easytarget at 06:54 CDT, 20 June 2012 - 10588 Hits
ESL QL North America Upcoming Events (No comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 02:54 CDT, 20 March 2011 - iMsg
Just thought I would give everyone an update of the coming events for the remainder of the month of March!!

March 20/11 - iCTF Pro Cup - 4v4 - 7:00pm EST - Info Here!!

March 24/11 - Fun Cup - 1v1 - 9:00pm EST - Info Here!!

March 27/11 - CTF Day Cup - 4v4 - 1:00pm EST - Info Here!!

March 31/11 - Duel Cup #2 - 1v1 - 9:00pm EST - Info Here!!

So please if you are interested in any of these events feel free to sign-up!
1295 Hits
ESL North America QL 1v1 Evening Cup (26 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 19:58 CDT, 17 March 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 21:00 CDT, 17 March 2011 to 22:40 CDT, 17 March 2011
Schedule: Passed

ESL North America are hosting a 16 person, bo3 Quakelive cup on Thursday March 17th, at 20:00 CST.

More informations on the event are available in the announcement. If you are interested please sign up!

We have already had six people sign up so if your interested, you had better sign-up right away! This is something that I am going to try and do on a weekly basis so please stay tuned or log onto our mIRC channel #esl.quakelive on

Link: Brackets, Sign-ups list
Edited by xou at 22:26 CDT, 17 March 2011 - 8586 Hits
ESL North America TDM 2v2 Cup (14 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 22:04 CST, 19 February 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 20:00 CST, 25 February 2011 to 00:00 CST, 26 February 2011
Schedule: Passed

Thats right we are now on the road to hosting some Quake Live Cups! So get your aim tweaked and your movement humming cause we are hosting a TDM 2v2 on Friday February 25th @ 20:00 CST. If you are interested then get your team together and sign-up!

Links: Sign up, Brackets
Edited by Nukm at 22:23 CST, 19 February 2011 - 5517 Hits
ESL North America 2v2 TDM Competition (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 23:54 CST, 27 January 2011 - iMsg
We are now officially taking sign-ups for a 4v4 TDM Competition. If you and your clan, or team of four friends are interested please sign up your team here:

Also remember your whole team needs to sign up to ESL individually and your team captain needs to sign-up your team and then invite you to it, before you try and register for the Freeze Cup

Individual registration can be found here -->

Just incase you get lost!!
1559 Hits
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