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How do you hold your mouse? (24 comments)
Posted by Kacy @ 00:49 CST, 23 November 2011 - iMsg
Like the titles says im interested how do you people hold your mice while playing FPS games, especially do you hold your whole hand on mouse without touching mouspad? Atm I use mx518 and while not touching mousepad gives better mobility you lose stability while shooting at longer distance.
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External Sound Card (9 comments)
Posted by Kacy @ 04:39 CDT, 1 November 2010 - iMsg
Hey guys I'd like to buy new external sound card for my laptop(m11xr2) and was wondering if you could recommend anything. The main aim is to get everything I can from counter-strike source, but of course great music quality is nice thing too.

I have steelserie 5h v2 usb 7.1 but the quality of sound card isn't really satisfying. I'm looking for usb card as I don't have Expresscard slot

Best regards
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