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Keyboard lag since update of Ati drivers (11 comments)
Posted by BlackGun @ 04:10 CDT, 25 October 2010 - iMsg
hey guys,

some weeks ago, i updated my laptop to the latest ati drivers. since then, i have persistent issues with keyboard lag. (on the external usb keyboard im using while gaming.) the strange thing was that the keyboard lag was not there all the time, just sometimes.

at first i could get rid of them by updating the chipset drivers, but last week i installed 2 new mice which i was trying out, ive stuck with one of them. since then, the keyboard lag is back and worse than ever. i have uninstalled the software and drivers of my old mice before installing the new ones, including the use of regcleaner and driversweeper. so driver conflicts between the mice should not be the problem.
well, this time, the lag is always there, but its intensity is still fluctuating. sometimes its only very minor, and then the next second its more in the range of 300ms delay between keystrokes, ie very noticeable.

i have tried everything that came to my mind to solve this issue and nothing worked so far: overwriting the chipset drivers, which helped last time, didnt help this time. uninstalling and unplugging the new mouse and its drivers didnt help. taking out the battery of my laptop didnt help. disabling the touchpad in bios didnt help. (this is a reliable solution for some other and much more common sort of keyboard lag problem that my laptop model, asus g73jh, suffers from...)
using the system recovery function in windows to restore the system state from before the mice tests didnt help. switching my usb keyboard to some other usb port didnt help. turning off amd external events utility (the vista/win7 equvilant to the ati hotkey poller thing, im using win7 64) didnt help.

something i noticed though is that the keyboard lag is very bad when my cpu is under heavy load. btw do u know any programs which can log the cpu load over time? or maybe some program which could "prove" the keyboard lag?

any help is greatly appreciated.
5230 Hits
Speedlink Kudos Mouse (19 comments)
Posted by BlackGun @ 17:42 CDT, 15 October 2010 - iMsg
hey guys,

im in need of a new mouse. the main game it will be used for is sc2. the candidate i like most so far is the speedlink kudos.
therefore it would be cool if those of you who own this mouse could answer me the following questions:

- does it have prediction of any kind?
- does it have built-in acceleration that cant be turned off?
- can the dpi be adjusted in small steps, like eg steps of 100 dpi?
- how durable are the rubbered sides? do they wear off quickly or lose grip when the fingers get sweaty?
- do you like itīs ergonomics?
- is the sensor good?

thx in advance!^^
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