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which deathadder should i get? (39 comments)
Posted by Fabulous @ 04:35 CDT, 12 May 2011 - iMsg
DA 3G, DA 3.5G, or DA BE?
16176 Hits
low friction mousepad? (40 comments)
Posted by Fabulous @ 22:54 CST, 7 January 2011 - iMsg
can you guys suggest me a mousepad that is both low friction and durable? thinking of getting either sp or swift but i'm leaning more towards swift.
8637 Hits
please suggest a mousepad (13 comments)
Posted by Fabulous @ 23:02 CST, 20 December 2010 - iMsg
i'm a high sensitivity user and currently using allsop raindrop xl. while i think it is a solid, smooth mousepad, i feel that it doesn't give me enough control over my aim. it's too fast/slick for me. plus, i'm using hyperglides. so can you guys recommend me a mousepad that offers decent control? preferable the one that doesn't wear down hyperglides too quickly. thanks.
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