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HoQ TDM Divisions Released (23 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 10:37 CST, 21 November 2012 - iMsg
Dear guys and gals! The current 4v4 Team Deathmatch league divisions have been published here and the games are scheduled to start at 14:00 CST, 29 November 2012 with a massive 46 teams participating.

Please take your time to read the rules and prepare yourselves for a fun and exciting season! Admins for this season will be United Kingdom williebobc (me), United Kingdom Drayan and Finland frs. Should anyone require assistance or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us in mIRC#HoQLeagues

We will try to cover as many games as possible on our stream @ HoQtv and also will gladly assist any other streamer(s) to cover as many games as we can, if you would like to cover some games please can you contact me/drayan as soon as possible!

Streams: HoQ on, HoQ on, LvL^

Links: HoQ, Live.QL, YouTubeHouseofQuake, Twitter@HouseofQuake, Facebook HoQLeagues, mIRC#HoQLeagues
Edited by Williebobc at 16:25 CST, 21 November 2012 - 27372 Hits
/HoQ/ TDM.... get ready! (87 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 06:43 CST, 15 November 2012 - iMsg
House of Quake draft divisions are ready for you guys to moan and groan at :D I have taken the time to look over all the teams signed up, I am happy to say.. A massive 45 teams are ready and awaiting the new season. Thanks to all that have signed up and I hope I haven't missed any information for you guys below :)

P.S. If there are any teams wanting to still sign up, I advise you do it fast. Today is your last change. Final/Fixed Divisions will be edited here with a note.

Draft Divisions...

Rules and schedule can be found on

Streams:HoQ on, HoQ on

Links: HoQ, Live.QL, YouTubeHouseofQuake, Twitter@HouseofQuake, Facebook HoQLeagues, mIRC#HoQLeagues
Edited by Williebobc at 06:06 CST, 18 November 2012 - 47717 Hits
Clan Arena over /HoQ/ (11 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 12:19 CST, 13 November 2012 - iMsg
HouseofQuake Clan arena both 4v4 and 2v2 have Finally come to a close, thanks to all those that have taken part, Big thanks to the admins and Howhard for hosting yet another CA league :P keeping the scene going.

Final standings for this season...

CA 4v4

CA 2v2

Streams:HoQ on, HoQ on

Links: HoQ, Live.QL, YouTube HouseofQuake, Twitter @HouseofQuake, Facebook , HoQLeagues, mIRC #HoQLeagues
Edited by Badb0y at 08:15 CST, 17 November 2012 - 7490 Hits
HoQ CTF prizes announced (30 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 15:26 CST, 8 November 2012 - iMsg
House of Quake is pleased to announce that we will be giving prizes for the CTF Season 4. The top team from each division will win 5 tokens: 1 pro for each team captain and 4 premium for the most active team members for 6 months.
These are provided by myself and drayan, with a little help from id, so please continue the good work and be sure to play all your games :P

Current standings for this season...

Next Round: 14:00 CST, 11 November 2012 (Sunday), playing Japanese Castles, Troubled Waters and Reflux

GL and remember to have fun!!!

Streams: HoQ on, HoQ on
Links: HoQ, Live.QL // YouTube HouseofQuake, Twitter @HouseofQuake, Facebook HoQLeagues, mIRC #HoQLeagues
Edited by wn at 20:38 CST, 9 November 2012 - 10139 Hits
HoQ TDM season 3 (140 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 06:56 CDT, 1 November 2012 - iMsg
Today House of Quake opens the sign-ups for yet another Quake Live TDM 4v4 League.

We will try to give you a fair and fun season with around 10 teams per divisions and straightforward TDM league with the usual high quality games and competition. Make sure to sign up before the 15th of November; the league will start on the 22nd.

We will do our best to get the highlight matches streamed by Level Up or Thursday evening is TDM evening!

Streams: HoQ on, HoQ on
Links: Signup, HoQ, Live.QL // YouTube HouseofQuake, Twitter @HouseofQuake, Facebook HoQLeagues, mIRC #HoQLeagues
Edited by Williebobc at 14:04 CDT, 2 November 2012 - 33970 Hits
House of Quake CTF Draft Divisions (29 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 06:46 CDT, 21 September 2012 - iMsg
Ok guys and gals, I have prepared some draft divisions. Please take a look and anyone that is not happy can contact me in IRC.

Only 3 divisions were made, mainly due to the lack of sign ups, we believe if we were to make less teams per division and more divisions, drop outs could ruin the league for other teams, there will not be enough games to enjoy a full season.

Schedule Up

Streams: HoQ on, HoQ on
Links: HoQ, Live.QL // YouTube HouseofQuake, Twitter @HouseofQuake, Facebook HoQLeagues, mIRC #HoQLeagues
Edited by Williebobc at 12:35 CDT, 24 September 2012 - 14492 Hits
lol (212 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 15:42 CDT, 1 May 2012 - iMsg
trololol YT
Edited by trololol at 16:23 CDT, 3 May 2012 - 53260 Hits
HoQLeagues, Fight! (50 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 09:35 CST, 15 February 2012 - iMsg
Hey guys, just want to say a Big thanks to all the teams that have signed up, with 40 in total, we think this is a really good turn out and hope you guys will enjoy the up coming games, HoQLeagues TDM Round 1 is tomorrow 14:00 CST, 16 February 2012, please get your buts in mIRC #hoqleagues and make sure you are ready to play and have a sub on standby, if your not ready to play make sure you use your wildcard 1 hour before the match or it will be default loss.

Rules and Schedule

If you need help or would like a streamer ask admins, we will do our best to get a stream for your game, ofc not all games will get a stream. =p
Games can not be played late! Please read the rules and if you have any questions, you know where to find me.

Links: HoQ, YouTube YouTube, Own3d - Twitter Twitter, Facebook FaceBook, TwitchTv, Live.QL
Edited by Nukm at 13:12 CST, 15 February 2012 - 26805 Hits
HoQ Leagues, new season! (116 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 07:07 CST, 1 February 2012 - iMsg
Hey guys,
I am please to anncounce once again, The HouseofQuake will be starting leagues this season featuring both CTF and TDM 4v4
New Rules have been created and simplified for this season, please take your time to read them carefully, Match schedule can also be found within the rules, with important information for both players and team captains.
Anyone needing help or more information for the leagues should contact Me (williebobc) or drayan, alternativly you can ask anyone in #HoQLeagues (IRC Quakenet) with @, should you not find us.

Please... no time wasters, HouseofQuake want to give those who really want to play and enjoy QuakeLive, the best possible experience within a league, at a competative level.

EDIT: TDM Signups end.. 13th/Feb/2012 and the CTF Ssignups end...16th /Feb/2012 3 days prior to the leagues 1st games. Map list is not 100% atm CTF is afaik (ask Drayan) TDM im still thinking about.

Links: HoQ - YouTube - Own3d - Twitter - FaceBook - TwitchTv - Live.QL
Edited by williebobc at 17:54 CST, 6 February 2012 - 64026 Hits
Winter Warmup Cup, signups open. (26 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 09:14 CST, 4 January 2012 - iMsg
Signups open at, 12:00 CST, 4 January 2012, be fast and make sure you contact admin straight away to secure your spot. CTF Signups, TDM Signups.
Good luck to all who enter and most importantly, have fun.

So as you know we recently had a poll to choose the maps for both CTF and TDM, we now have the results in, map list is as follows...

Rules: CTF, TDM
Streams: lvl^, HoQtv - Irc: mIRC #HoQLeagues.QL, #Live.QL, #lvl^ - Follow Us: @HouseofQuake, Facebook facebook
Edited by williebobc at 12:20 CST, 4 January 2012 - 10835 Hits
Winter Warmup Cup - Poll (52 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 17:12 CST, 2 January 2012 - iMsg
HoQ Leagues would like to invite you to our all-new pre-season cup for both CTF and TDM, we would like to know what maps are best to use so...

More details to come
.. GlHf

Map polls: PollCTF, PollTDM - please use all 5 votes
Edited by Nukm at 10:15 CST, 4 January 2012 - 14911 Hits
House of Quake CTF seasons, over and out (24 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 08:31 CST, 10 November 2011 - iMsg
Season Ending. Well just a quick post to say BIG thanks to all those teams that participated. So to sum it up....

Division one

Division two

Division three

Division four

Division five

Once again big thanks to lvl^ and all our streamers at HoQtv for some wonderful coverage throughout this season. I want to thank all my admins who helped out this season, especially Drayan and premon who really took a lot of weight of my shoulders, hope they will stick with us for next season. So please guys, show them your appreciation and give them a big thanks. Good Games, well played to all, signing out!
Edited by williebobc at 09:23 CST, 10 November 2011 - 8264 Hits
House of Quake TDM seasons end. (76 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 20:39 CDT, 23 October 2011 - iMsg
Season Ending. Well just a quick post to say BIG thanks to all those teams that participated. So to sum it up....

Division one

Division two

Division three

Division four

Division five

Big thanks to lvl^ and all our streamers at HoQtv for some wonderful coverage throughout this season. I want to thank all my admins who helped out this season, especially Drayan and premon who really took a lot of weight of my shoulders, hope they will stick with us for next season. So please guys, show them your appreciation and give them a big thanks. Good Games, well played to all, signing out!

"Quake is my Football" williebobc
Edited by williebobc at 11:18 CDT, 25 October 2011 - 16135 Hits Tonight!! (9 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 08:42 CDT, 9 August 2011 - iMsg
Don't miss out on tomorrow night's 1v1 event, starting at 13:00 CDT. The winners of our weekly King of the Hill will receive an invite to our King of the Mountain (?).

KoTM Prizes:
- KoTM 1st place: Razer Imperator.
- KoTM 2nd place: Money to buy a Quake Live pro account (paypal required) or Razer Goliathus
- KoTM 3rd place: Money to buy a Quake Live premium account (paypal required) or Razer Megasoma

Big thanks to chumbo for donating the mouse pads and mouse ;]

Link: mIRC Stream: HoQtv
Edited by williebobc at 11:01 CDT, 10 August 2011 - 2561 Hits
HoQ duel gone ,but not over. (34 comments)
Posted by Williebobc @ 19:12 CDT, 24 July 2011 - iMsg
Hey guys,
Due to the lack of interest, HoQ have announced that they we will not be running the duel league any longer. THOUGH, we just launched another weekly KoTH tournament that is held every Wednesday. The winners of each KoTH tournament will receive an invite for the final KoTM (King of the Mountain)cup where they can challenge for some nice prizes.

The idea behind the tournament is to give newer players the chance to see the different skill levels in duel and hopefully help them learn and improve, also helps them get in to the community "Which is what I'm all about".

KoTM Prizes
- KoTM 1st place: A brand new razer mouse
- KoTM 2nd place: Money to buy a QuakeLive pro account (paypal required, from williebobc)
- KoTM 3rd place: Money to buy a QuakeLive premium account
Procedure/Info (KoTH)

- You sign up
- You get seeded
- you play your game after the seed lower than you
- format is winner stays on
- challenger picks the map
- Bo3 is played in the final
- Winner declared
- free map pool (for KoTH)
- there will be a ranking system which will seed you to roughly prevent players of uneven skill levels to face each other in the early stage of the tournament

How To Sign Up?[/B]
Just pop down to (QuakeNet) on Wednesday evenings (7PM GMT+1 | 8PM CET) and ask xLink or williebobc to sign you up for the tournament.

8 winners so far

- HoQtv
- HoQ is still looking for one or two half decent shout casters to cover the matches every Wednesday evening; if you are interested, please get in touch via irc (#HoQ,

original post here CLICK

Video on Demand can be found here HoQtv / Final maps Youtube
Edited by williebobc at 11:16 CDT, 27 August 2011 - 4078 Hits
KoTH EU would it work ? (1 comment)
Posted by Williebobc @ 17:28 CST, 28 February 2011 - iMsg
Hey Guys,
As some may be aware im wBOBc admin from HoQLeagues,I have a small question about running a king of the hill in europe for the dueling scene. Anyone have anygood idea's about running a live small cup ? Idea being to run on a single server for around 2-3 hours everyweek with shoutcaster if poss and have upto 16 players battle it out to be crowned King of The Hill some may have seen the likes of greasedscottsman and jehar doing this type of stuff over in NA.Just for fun the idea is to get newer players in to the competative side of quakelive and possibley encourage some new activity in the scene.
Things I would liek to know-
1) will 16 be enough ?
2) will you guys like to see it ?
3) anyone out there with casting skills ? =D
4) days and times ?
5) do you want to see somethign different from koth ?

If you want to help out and get involved or have any questions please come see me in #HoQLeagues < leagues #KoTH.EU <koth #live.ql < livestreams , [HoQ]wBOBc
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