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250fps every other footstep 'bug'? (45 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 09:14 CDT, 18 September 2016 - iMsg
I notice that when I set my com_maxfps to 250 (and com_idlesleep 0) I get 250fps pretty solid but I only hear every other footstep when I move around. Does this mean that I also only hear every other enemy footstep?

For some strange reason it seems like com_maxfps 167 gives me solid 200fps and seems to be the highest maxfps I can go and still hear all footstep sounds.

Also just to mention if I use com_idlesleep 1 my fps seems very unstable.

So my questions are:

1)I should be using com_idlesleep 0, right?

2)Is the footstep sound 'bug' only for hearing your own footsteps or does it apply to enemy footsteps as well?

3)Is it worth lowering to maxfps 167 (200fps solid) to hear correct footsteps or is it just better to stick with maxfps 250 for max performance?

4)If I have maxfps on 167 but the fpscounter reports 200 am I actually getting 200 or is it just showing that and I'm actually getting 167?

Thanks guys :)
13843 Hits
When pulling out shaft its on an angle? (13 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 23:12 CST, 12 January 2016 - iMsg
Whenever I pull out the LG while +attack the beam starts out coming from way over to the right and it animates back towards center. Is there a way to fix that?
3759 Hits
silly little double rail on dm6 (39 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 03:43 CST, 11 December 2015 - iMsg
Did this earlier just playing some CA on dm6, figured it was worth uploading to Youtube :)
23811 Hits
Weird fps lag... Windows 10? (50 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 00:28 CDT, 1 August 2015 - iMsg
I updated to Windows 10 as soon as it came out and I noticed my Quakelive fps took a big hit. It used to be solid 250 and now it was dropping between 200-250 randomly. I tried googling it and discovered the com_idlesleep command. Setting com_idlesleep to 0 fixed the fps problem and that got me back to locked 250 fps...

However... I noticed that whenever I switched weapons or hit +attack my fps would drop for a moment. I don't know of a way to know exactly how low its dropping because it happens so fast but it looks like it's dropping to around 170ish...

Now honestly I'm pretty sure it didn't do this when I was running Windows 7 but I'm not 100% sure, maybe I just didn't notice it...

Now right away I figured the fps drop was being caused by my wacky weapon configs... because I use different:

crosshair, crosshair size, crosshair color, crosshair color on +attack, crosshair on +attack, crosshair size on +attack, crosshair hit style, crosshair hit color, crosshair hit time, cg_gunX, cg_gunY, cg_gunZ, hitbeeps, and damage plums.

... for each weapon...

I also use a HUD based crosshair for RL and RG (working on HUD crosshairs for all guns just haven't finished it yet --- it's amazing what you can do with HUD crosshairs btw!)

So I messed around with my config trying to make it not drop fps and I found this magical solution:

First I tried setting com_maxfps to 125 and I noticed that the fps would only dip between 120 and 125 almost never below 120...

Then randomly I tried setting com_maxfps to 144 and behold my fps wouldn't drop even a single frame, just locked at 144!

Then I tried com_maxfps 120 and again, completely locked fps at 120...

So I came to the conclusion that Quakelive must have some kind of built in preference for the common monitor refresh rates (60/120/144...)...

So I tried to guess what the next refresh rate would be after 144. After a bunch of guessing wrong and having the usual big fps drops, I found 167 fps!

At com_maxfps 167 I get not a single frame of fps drop when switching guns or +attack!

Then I literally tried every single value of com_maxfps between 168 and 250 and found not a single value that eliminated the fps drops...


Did I randomly discover some kind of bug in the Quakelive engine?

Is the fps dropping caused by Windows 10 and setting my com_maxfps to 120/144/167 is magically fixing it?

Is the fps dropping caused by my nutty config and setting com_maxfps to 120/144/167 is magically fixing it?

Is something else in my config causing fps drops?


Next question: I've got a 120hz monitor. Normally I play at 1920x1080 @ 250fps but would 167fps effect my performance much if at all? It wouldn't effect the physics like back in Q3 days would it?

Anyway I attached a zip file with my entire config including my HUD if anybody is brave enough to test my config on Windows 7 or Windows 10 etc... Also I uploaded the zipped config to my ftp so it's available at

Thanks for any input I really appreciate it :) P.S. if anybody is interested in having your own wacky weapon configs or HUD crosshairs I'd be glad to help :)
21632 Hits
a few questions from a noob... (20 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 21:18 CDT, 9 May 2015 - iMsg
1)How do you get this crosshair that I see in so many vods on youtube: (It's like drawcrosshair 2 only with longer thinner bars!)

2)If using a custom HUD based crosshair is there a way to get it to show the crosshair when spectating?

3)Is there a way to use different HUD based crosshairs for different weapons?

4)Is there a way to get cg_crosshairHitStyle effect on a HUD based crosshair? (turn crosshair red when scoring a hit)

5)Do most players use cg_simpleItems 1 or 0? Is there any advantage to either?

6)How do you get enemy names over their heads? (People will be like "kill so and so first" and I'm like ... how do I know which enemy he is?!)

7)Do people use cg_truelightning 1.0 on LAN?

8)cg_lightningImpact 1 or 0? cg_lightningImpactCap?

Thanks for the help :) P.S. I'm going to QuakeCon this year just for fun and to watch the matches :)
8623 Hits
Are rocket jump scripts allowed? (86 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 17:06 CST, 13 February 2015 - iMsg
I was just messing around and came up with a basic rocket jump script... Basically it snaps your aim to the floor, jumps, fires, then snaps your aim back up to center... Pretty sure it gives a max height rocket jump or at least very close...

Anyway I'm just wondering if RJ scripts like this one are allowed in online play and/or in official matches?

(I'll post the actual script if there's interest)
30297 Hits
question about cg_kickScale... (2 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 01:46 CST, 5 February 2015 - iMsg
This should be pretty obvious but I'm asking just in case: Does setting cg_kickScale 0 effect the server as well as the client? I mean if I'm in a shaft battle and he's hitting me, it's not kicking my aim up on the server side is it?
2459 Hits
s_mixahead (do you quake guys use it?) (24 comments)
Posted by draxus99 @ 19:48 CDT, 11 March 2012 - iMsg
I come from years of CS 1.6 play where the default _snd_mixahead is .1 (100ms), and I've always used _snd_mixahead .05 (50ms).

Quakelive has similar command "s_mixahead" and I'm surprised the default value is .14 (140ms!)

I figured I'd share with you guys, I was able to get down to .06 without sound stuttering (if you set it too low the sounds cut out)

If you're wondering what s_mixahead does exactly, it's the delay for all sound events ingame. So as an example if you are cornering against rocket, with lower mixahead, you'll hear his rocket fire event sooner :P

You're welcome ^_^
13286 Hits
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