I was talking to

We want as many teams as we can get to revive the quake scene. Prizemoney and prizes will be given directly after the final ceremony. If we can get more then 20 teams, There will be extra-prizemoney and extra prizes. As for monitors there are new EIZO monitors based on new technology, probably as good as 120hz. We are going to try them on the 4th of may, if they work out, we can use those. If not, there is also possibility to get 120hz monitors.
Right now we need to know how many pre-registrations for TDM and DUEL we can get. Registration will probably cost 50€ for Duel, and 200€ for a team (50€/person). In case the same person wants to play both, it is 75€ overall. But for now, we just need info about how many players and teams we can get, so we can figure out how much it will cost.
Razer is already confirmed as a Sponsor. If we recieve big interest in this, we should be able to get more Sponsor's like Asus etc. for an even bigger pricepool. If there is a lot of interest, we can give you more information about hotels, maps, prizemoney, party locations and so on. But for now we need to know if its going to happen.
It is necessary that you leave your comments and interest! It could be a huge event, don't sleep!
Links: Duel Lan in May, Lan Center
Edited by Badb0y at 07:11 CDT, 7 May 2013 - 51845 Hits