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saving ql from cheaters while making $$$ (6 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 09:04 CDT, 10 October 2011 - iMsg
just make the free content to serve as some kind of a demo. a few ffa servers with a few maps like dm7, dm17, t1,t2 and thats it...

it will be full of cheaters but who cares... just make people know when they sign up cheaters go away and what only remains is fun, fun, fun...

than sell the following packages:

10$ - unlocks CA, TDM, FT, CTF , duel, and all non-competition maps.
this what u can call the "beginner" pack, would make sure servers are stay low-skilled as a skilled person probably not want to duel on eviscareted / nameless place etc for eternity... or neither buy this package at the first place. also this would get rid of the blatant obvious cheaters. those who manage to sneak their way in would probably stay unnoticed by noobs anyway.

25$ - all mods + competition maps. if you want to duel on ztn cough up that 25$/year.

50$ - server spawning etc...

here you go id, figured out for you for free
3565 Hits
Redesigning the fast paced FPS genre (28 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 10:39 CDT, 12 September 2011 - iMsg
I was thinking about what made fast paced FPS so unpopular nowadays and came into the conclusion it may have be a design flaw in the genre.

Now, as QLranks recently came out, current player ratings range from ~800 (total noob) to ~2000 (international top 16). If we consider one level ~100 points, the range within players have somewhat a close game, there is currently 12 levels in Quake. The problem is, as the difference reaches or passes ~200-300 points, it feels like for one player being hit by the rapetrain at 0:10 mark and they wont get released from under of it until the match ends.

Obviously, for someone grown up playing competitive games its completely normal, for example its not like 99,9% should stand any kind of chance against the very best. However the following generations who been taught by game developers that they borned to succeed this causing such a hard cognitive dissonance, there is no way they ever be able to put up with it.

And here comes the design flaw: until the gameplay revolves around collecting armor and health this cog.dissonance wont vanish, as the system designed to truly reflect to the exact difference between two players.

Reducing the skillgap would be a solution? Well, yes and no. I think SC2 is the prime example, what the fast paced FPS genre needs. Just by inventing things like auto-mining and unlimited unit control grouping they gave the impression to beginners they not completely lost in the game. I mean things like you have 25 workers but only 5 mining, or you have 50 units, but you only control 12 or something...

My idea would be, instead of collecting health and armor the gameplay should revolve around collecting and combining powerups, while everyone spawns with equal, not replenishable health. For example a player can hold 2 of the 6-8 powerup in the map and the strategy would be picking up or combining the right ones for the situation (offensive/defensive). Powerups could be something like scout/guard etc in CTF: damage multiplier (1.2x), radar, speed, aim-helper, shield (slows down the player) etc... Obviously most of these runs out in certain time (like 30secs), others like aim helper need to be actived and only available for a very little time, like 5 seconds.
This idea needs to be thought-out well and balanced for ages to make it work.

Just my opinion, but the only option for fast FPS to survive is redesigning. Getting enough noobs to play each other in the "classic" ones would just momentarily solve the problem, as people tend to leave after a few months for newer games. Building up a business plan upon the idea releasing a game every year to make these people coming back i think in the case of this genre is just out of the question, considering the current popularity.

If a new, fast dueling FPS ever comes out, i think it should be avoid the old health and armor collecting system. What do you think?
9868 Hits
monitor help (28 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 06:32 CDT, 31 July 2011 - iMsg
so i have now a 3 year old 223bw and decided to get rid of it.
looking for a newer monitor around the 300-350$ price range.

my candidates are:
samsung 2233rz
samsung p2770hd

the 27" one would be nice cos surface size is important to me but im not sure how much these displays improved the last years? is this monitor capable of showing 4:3 resolutions with borders? will this monitor as good for quake as my current one? how much reaction time is important?

on the other hand, how much difference a 120hz display make? is it capable to operate on 120hz with 1650x1080 resolution all the time or how is this works? is this shows "better picture"? to be honest i couldnt care less about 3d, didnt even saw a 3d movie yet. so how good this 120hz stuff, or is it just the "new thing" what not so revolutionary afterall and manufacturers can price it higher?

sorry for the tl;dr, and thank your for your help!
3868 Hits
QL down? (51 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 17:33 CDT, 25 July 2011 - iMsg
here it is atm. 503...
anyone else?
9326 Hits
we reached the point. (4 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 04:27 CDT, 19 July 2011 - iMsg
ban this fucking retard raythenoob already.
1218 Hits
how to add someone to the friends list? (11 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 11:54 CDT, 7 July 2011 - iMsg
in google chrome it seems just doesnt work

any advice? thnks
4145 Hits
getting the most out of a kinzu? (14 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 05:23 CDT, 5 July 2011 - iMsg
...aside opening it up and make a kinzuadder out of it =)

so i got my new kinzu today, and wasnt that foolish as iwas before so no drivers installed now. firmware hasnt been touched. however i wonder what is the default cpi and polling rate? can i do anything else to improve the quality of it besides not installing drivers?

2475 Hits
QL skillrating (3 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 19:53 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
1101 Hits
keyboard noob question. (58 comments)
Posted by onlyDM6forever @ 17:20 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
i always used the cheapest available keyboards possible, consumed 3-4 of them on average a year, recently just switched from ps2 to usb ones. my current one is a logitech k120 (5-10$ price range).

i wonder if a decent gaming keyboard is really important ? what others use? im not expecting a miracle or anything, but for example mouses have to reach a degree (lets say no worse than the 1.1/wmo) to be useful for quake. is it the same for keyboards? if yes whats the cheapest one which do the trick?

10716 Hits
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