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Fastest cloth mousepad vs old Icemats? (6 comments)
Posted by Owzo @ 16:15 CST, 11 November 2020 - iMsg
So I’m getting myself back onto a PC so I can play some proper games again (anything like quake, so assuming diabotical/reflex if live/cpma is not played anymore and QC looks horrible).

I used to run the old Icemat and had the same one for years but won’t be playing half as much as I used to so don’t think I’ll want to try and get used to that type of speed/glide again.

What’s the fastest cloth pad out there today that will give me a close enough experience to my old trusty Icemat..?

Read that the Aorus AMP500 and Endorphy Cordura Speed are my best bets but I’d assume ESR is going to be a better place to go for this :O)

6165 Hits
Viewsonic VX2268WM 120hz? (19 comments)
Posted by Owzo @ 02:37 CST, 5 March 2012 - iMsg
So, I am still without a 120hz monitor since my Samsung 2233RZ died on me a while back now... I was going to re-buy it but seeing as I can't find anywhere that have it in stock for a decent price, I'm looking for a different monitor completely now!

I found the LG W2363D on and thought that was a cracking buy with it costing around £160 and having a few mates that have that monitor aswell, went to buy it and had an email today (this is since I tried to buy it on Thursday) saying that they don't have it in stock anymore even though I scanned the site for fucking hours trying to find out if it was in stock or not!!!!

So, I've finally come up with this monitor now (Viewsonic VX2268WM) and I've read around that you can't play on 120hz outside of its native resolution, could someone please confirm that I can or can not do this? I really am getting fed up with this old tatty 60hz heap of shit sitting on my desk in front of me right now and now that I finally have internet in my house again, I wouldn't mind playing Quake properly which I'm not going to even try doing with this monitor.

Also, I have an Nvidia graphics card not ATi which I've read may be the problem (for ATi card users at least) but as I said, I'm not sure :O(

Thanks in advance guys!
6108 Hits
Samsung 2233RZ backlight problem (12 comments)
Posted by Owzo @ 09:09 CST, 18 January 2012 - iMsg
So... I was just playing a quick game of PQL with a mate and out of nowhere my monitor brightness just disappeared... Turned it off and then back on and I could see properly again but after about 2 seconds it went back to having no brightness. I noticed that I could still just about see the image of my bright green background for my timer and when I small screened I could see the mumble window background but that was it. Everything else was literally impossible to see. The only thing I could think of at the time was possibly the backlight(?) had died and if that would be possible and at all easy to replace or fix.

If anyone has any idea how to fix this / how this has happened that would be great because if I'm honest, I don't want to fork out a ton of money just to buy a new monitor :'(

Thanks in advance!!

EDIT: Thanks for the help guys, seems like the inverter has died so I'm going to just buy a new one when I get a chance instead of replacing that part.... Lazyness of win :O)
Edited by Owzo at 06:01 CST, 19 January 2012 - 12160 Hits
Team for DH Winter!! (3 comments)
Posted by Owzo @ 12:18 CST, 12 November 2011 - iMsg
So I'm still trying to find if any players out there still want to make a team / if any teams need an extra player for the TDM at DHW! I know I'm pretty late doing this but I've not been able to get online for the past month or two so that's why I'm stuck like this!

I'm going whether I play or not but it would be nice to play some TDM there too! I can actually play now too so if you wanted to prac a bit before that's cool!

/q owzo - on IRC (OWZO is my offline name!)
or just message me on here :O)
1682 Hits
Samsung 2233RZ Monitor Cable Name (5 comments)
Posted by Owzo @ 13:14 CST, 24 January 2011 - iMsg
Hi, just a quick post, I haven't posted here before but I've been reading news etc from ESR for quite a while and thought someone here could help me out :O)

Basically I've had this Samsung 2233RZ monitor for a year now and I have got this problem of when I use the monitor, I get a picture but it's more of a blue picture with horizontal lines and random black squares dotted around different parts of the screen, I have tried a different monitor to check if it was possibly my pc that was the problem and it isn't. I've come to some sort of conclusion that it will be the cable that's the problem and not actually the screen itself because I can actually get a picture (possibly one of the pins is broken on the cables connector but I wouldn't know where to start checking for problems there) so if anybody here knows how I could buy another cable like the one on this monitor that would be great! Because I would really like my 120hz back :(

I hope that's enough info for you to help out!
1822 Hits
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