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QL 2.0 UPDATE IS LIVE NOW (176 comments)
Posted by florekkk @ 11:34 CDT, 27 August 2014 - iMsg!news/site_news/37858
Wanted to play one duel, but ql was offline. After 5 minutes it went on again, they "updated" everything and i think i'm gonna log in only to cancel my subscription.

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Reading esr drunk was a bad idea. (43 comments)
Posted by florekkk @ 14:15 CDT, 14 August 2014 - iMsg
Well, I am kind of drunk, and reading all these "QL 2.0 UPDATE LEAKS" just made me angry. People saying all this shit about Steam putting pressure on id to make money and stuff, well if they want the game to be more noob friendly its fine, but don't make us pay for the same game we've been playing for free last years...
If they really want to go "Steam-way to success" why not make it one Casual and one Competitive mode. Both free like in CSGO.
And eventually make people pay for maps or some other pointless shit.
If we need to pay for the game in order to get the same fucking shit we had last years. Even though i was a premium user for 3 years and i dont think it was expensive whatsoever, I payed for the ability to spawn server, premium maps and all that shit, not being able to play the normal/proper quake.

Thank you, Good bye.
Edited by florekkk at 14:16 CDT, 14 August 2014 - 14472 Hits
QuakeLive servers and website. (2 comments)
Posted by florekkk @ 12:43 CDT, 17 April 2011 - iMsg
1036 Hits
ESL Nordic QL-Section. (17 comments)
Posted by florekkk @ 03:51 CST, 10 March 2011 - iMsg
ESL Nordic have launched Quake Live section.
We have only one - 1on1 ladder at the moment, to check the activity.
If we will be happy with the activity on 1on1 ladder, we will probably launch TDM/CA/CTF ladders, and Cups with prizes too.
So feel free to join and challenge other nordic QL players!
ESL Nordic is currently restricted to Nordic residenced players (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland).

More infos here:
Edited by alyjen at 07:01 CST, 10 March 2011 - 4589 Hits
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