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Reborn will fail. (56 comments)
Posted by geokasur @ 19:46 CDT, 31 July 2012 - iMsg
This is the best troll since Shitmania. I cant believe no body else is seeing it. QUAKELIVE is the only chance Arena FPS has of survival, dont you get it? Support ID, it's really cheap man. only $1.99 per month. Go PRO what are you doing?

Thanks for reading.
14698 Hits
QUAKELIVE is the best Quake, here's why (156 comments)
Posted by geokasur @ 11:47 CDT, 28 July 2012 - iMsg
1. quake live has a tier/skill match system
2. no tier slummers, hackers, and and alt abusers
3. QL CA is improved over RA3, better weapon damage, armor, movement, smoother performance, graphics, hitboxes, in-game menu with many settings, friends list etc... the list goes on and on,
4. easy to use server browser
5. HUGE community with options to play any gametype
6. TONS of maps and mods
7. convenience, easy to install
8. better netcode and hitboxes (CPMA netcode is much worse, I dont care what people say)
9. integrated friends list.
10. no bugs
11. best gfx
12. free and cheap.

only 1.99 a month or 3.99. GO PRO!

Thanks for reading.
20906 Hits
Stop being cheap bastards and GO PRO (150 comments)
Posted by geokasur @ 20:17 CDT, 27 July 2012 - iMsg
Its very cheap.

Here is the math on my account!
Member since: 1-27-2011
Todays date: 7-27-2012
Duration: 18 months
Total time played: 1 month

Invested Cost: $24 per 12 months (18 months means $36)

1 month x (30 days per month) x ( 1440 minutes per day) = 43200 minutes played

$36/43200 minutes mean quake costs me .083 cents per minute.
(3600 cents / 43200 minutes)

Less then 1 cent per mintue for hours of battle you cheap bastards!
Or about 5 cents an hour.


I have zero bugs
I have no netcode problems
I can get a game at any time of the day (in any mode)
I enjoy this game
I have fun with this game
I have met a lot of nice ppl on this game
I understand the dev team hasn`t been around for a while because they are helping to get another game finished on time,one that will actually earn them some money.
I am happy

That is my statement. [+] if you agree.

Thanks for reading.
32428 Hits
Posted by geokasur @ 03:29 CST, 2 January 2012 - iMsg
Edited by geokasur at 17:55 CST, 8 January 2012 - 12611 Hits
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