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Quake Live Frag Movie (6 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 06:35 CDT, 21 August 2011 - iMsg
Edited by Fudge_ALIENWARE at 06:40 CDT, 21 August 2011 - 4322 Hits
Interview with venOm (5 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 01:33 CDT, 14 August 2011 - iMsg
venOm: 2wrack? more like 2fag

WnM Fudge911: my computer froze

WnM Fudge911: well since you ask venom

venOm: it couldn't handle my question

WnM Fudge911: the key to trollling

WnM Fudge911: is lots of viagra

WnM Fudge911: understand?

venOm: and?

WnM Fudge911: viagra

venOm: viagra and?

WnM Fudge911: and lots of nudity

WnM Fudge911: to go into that trollin state of mind

venOm: ah

WnM Fudge911: you have to be horny

[m!] GanJa: noob

venOm: so 2 tabs, a porno site & QL forums

WnM Fudge911: like strenx

venOm: + tons of viagra?

WnM Fudge911: many people think strenx is emo

WnM Fudge911: but strenx is actually horny

venOm: makes SENSE
Edited by xou at 07:58 CDT, 14 August 2011 - 4432 Hits
Prodigy Gaming and Nihlathak (56 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 01:04 CDT, 14 August 2011 - iMsg
Nihlathak's Alts:

My info: Chat with tito42, member of pG.

seems like everyone is leaving pG.

I think they don't want to be in the clan.

i meant
why dont they want to be in the clan anymoar
there was some stuff on the forums about nihlathak lying or w/e

well they left because their aren;t no more tournaments
also pika our clan officer hacked our website
and hacked 3 others

pika didnt

that Nil has for bussiness
he did

who told you pika hacked?

he confessed to NIl

nil told you?

he even deleted me as a friend

because pika left the clan...
so nil told you?

yeah, he told all of us

i see
you know, nil's guides on the pG website were found to be copied
pika exposed that

I talk to you right now going to play

kk np
thanks for sharing some info
From this conversation, Nilathak lied to his clan members that Pikaluva13 hacked his websites.

Ray's info:
ah i'm finally starting to put the pieces together. You're in nhilitak's clan, aka gotti's clan. No wonder you have such a hatred for me as thats' exactly what gotti has been feeding you.

You should ask around about gotti sometime. He's had a number of nicks;

firefighter755 - pip/gsi
dagoonies -
tainted - ros
nhilitak - pg

here's what gotti has done on ql so far:

1) gotten himself banned from pip for threatening djkantankerous (little did i know dj would get just as psycho on me)
2) threatened to kill dj and even went to his radio station in ohio with a gun.
3) got kicked off of after a whole lot of drama with greasedscottsman
4) screwed up his first clan (gsi) due to drama with idk, khz etc
5) started fights with all his former members in khz after they left and afte morphaze aka djkantankerous joined them
6) impersonated a whole host of people (myself, lavalois, etc)
6) now apparently doing the same with his prodigy gaming clan , starting more drama with pikaluva.

this is just the little i know of the guy, not to mention his own threats to me. The dude is psycho, often brags about owning a gun, even posing with it and if i were you, word of advice, stay away from him. He treats his clan like a gang, meaning, once you're out of his clan you're treated as the enemy. Don't say i didn't warn you. He's proven it time and time again.

The guy is a liar and a psychopath

btw: to anyone interested. I strongly believe the recent attacks on ql, the impersonatings of myself and others all stem back to gotti aka nhilitak as he now wants to be known as. Check his ip. If they link back to louisiana than that's your guy.

btw: ask morphaze or lavalois sometime what he's done in the past. Hell ask greasedscottsman or matefeedkill or syncerror himself. It's the truth. He got kicked out of his first clan, clan pip by ME ( i was chief) for threatening ryan, Gotti stalked ryan aka morphaze, he threatened me,matefeedkill and a host of others on the old ql forum, he has at least those 4 accounts and he did have a clan called gsi which fell apart due to infighting (nothing new for him) and fights with idk (ask tugga) and those members did become khz and matt does live in louisiana and he is a firefighter, hence his original nickname.

oh and fyi: your name is still on the pg roster (just letting you know since you mentioned you're no longer in his clan)

Pika's Info:

Don't join pG. The leader is Gotti, who has been known to lie about everything.

On the site he also has articles that he claims as his own, but are obviously not (as they are easily found with a google search and they also use correct grammar/punctuation/spelling)
Well *technically I was going to be kicked for not posting in their forum (which had no activity except for the Project Blackout Area) and for not using the ventrilo (even though I hadn't been playing with anyone in pG. when I was on)
What he's trying to say is that I deleted a bunch of stuff on the forum, the threads that weren't being used as no one ever posts on the forum except the PB guys, the articles that he copied, and the members pages that were outdated.
Yeah, so in the Infamous article that came from here he posted "pG. score" instead of "Techland score". You'll also see my name in the comments (Adam Trowbridge) explaining that it was being ripped off.

Oh, and PS:

Nihlathak's Info:
First I would like to say that, Pika is full of BS. I'm not going to get into any type of flaming war or discussion over this because quite frankly, he did some rather ignorant things on his way out.

We are active, legit and recruiting and would appreciate all negative comments kept off here. Thank you for you time.

You know, first off. The silly thing is, you know why the articles have written by Nih at the top right? Its the site saying who posted it, a.k.a if i posted it, then it would say written by ICEDROP. Thats not saying that person wrote the article, which Nih never claimed unlesss he actually did write it. Get your facts straight Ash Ketchup.

So since you let the quake live community know you went out like a dick, I hope they know your def not someone they should pick up. I'm done responding here. Please refrain from continuing this any farther.

Important Link:
12985 Hits
Locked by xou at 06:55 CDT, 12 August 2011 - 853 Hits
jdawg232 (9 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 07:52 CDT, 11 August 2011 - iMsg
deleted for pornographic material
Edited by Fudge911 at 06:28 CDT, 12 August 2011 - 2838 Hits
Ray, Pip, rox, and kitteh (205 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 06:49 CDT, 10 August 2011 - iMsg
Someone seriously needs to explain some stuff to me.
What was PiP, and what is the whole history of kitten, ray, and roxolana?

Did the have a falling-out or w/e?
53791 Hits
Galathilion (9 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 06:33 CDT, 10 August 2011 - iMsg
Who the hell is he?
Obvious alt, but whos?
2869 Hits
iD Tech Camps (16 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 08:34 CDT, 22 July 2011 - iMsg
Lately, I've been doing a lot of reflecting.

[CENTER]iD Tech Camps[/CENTER]

I was walking down a street in Princeton, New Jersey, when I saw a small green sign that said "iD Tech Camps -> This way." It lead to another sidewalk. Now, I could not explore, because I was walking to my friend's house for a game of strip poker.

Hmm ,I thoguht Smart iD.

1) The camp is situated near the prestigious Princeton University.
2) It is located near Maryland (Where the iD Headquarters is, I think) so employees can shuttle back and forth between the headquarters on the camp.
3) Green is a nice color.

This revelation astounded me. iD was making money from things other than Quake Live, Rage, and their shady business dealings with Playboy.

This being iD, the camp probably offers three summer packages, Standard, Premium, and Pro. The Pro students probably get better spoons during lunch, etc.
They probably have bad netcode there as well.

I have three ideas why iD would start this camp:
1) To make money
2) To use the students as guinea pigs; to test out new servers, etc.
3) To use the students as free child labor; the students would make Quake Live maps for free, tricked into doing it "for fun."

The Making Money Aspect:
1) Quake Live is dead so iD decided to invest in the camp.
2) iD is so versatile they can run many projects at once.
3) iD is deciding to use the profits from the camp to better Quake Live (Doubtful).

I would like to know your opinions about the iD Tech Camp(s).

This is Fudge, signing out.

P.S. That strip poker game was pretty intense.

[SIZE="1"]Moe "Fudge" Lester is an 18-year old student at Princeton University. He currently resides with his girlfriend and six chidlren.[/SIZE]
2995 Hits
2414 Hits
i live next to tyryl (16 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 19:55 CDT, 8 July 2011 - iMsg
hopefully we can get some tea parties going
7205 Hits
dkt and Cl0ck fight (39 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 13:08 CDT, 8 July 2011 - iMsg
7/8/2011 2:00 pm EST

Cl0ck jokingly says that dkt is only sponsoring his mouse for money.
Dkt denies it, and they get into a small fight.
Dkt leaves.

Cool quotes:
"Is he on his period or something?" ©Cl0ck_Alienware
7286 Hits
Carmac, Fatal1ty, and Thresh (19 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 21:58 CDT, 2 July 2011 - iMsg
I just saw Carmac, Fatal1ty, and Thresh in a Chinese restaurant in New Jersey.
15957 Hits
Pics of Quakers in real life (26 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 08:00 CDT, 2 July 2011 - iMsg
Submit them! Nude pics are reccomended, but semi-clothed ones are good too.
4110 Hits
y duz every1 hate me? (17 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 22:10 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
u guys r rasist
3917 Hits
Posted by Fudge912 @ 20:15 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
4578 Hits
Detlew Fans (139 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 20:05 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
I'm a Detlew fanboy. Anyone else feel the same way?
13780 Hits
.of/ Clan (22 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 20:07 CDT, 29 June 2011 - iMsg
Anyone else 'em? I dislike the clan and the clan leader tbh.
8000 Hits
Like My Profile (16 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 18:41 CDT, 1 June 2011 - iMsg
Please take the time to like my profile.
I want to get more likes than Cooller.

My profile:!profile/summary/Fudge911

Please support this worthy cause.
2502 Hits
Is Stn_ a Tyryl Alt? (13 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 18:08 CDT, 1 June 2011 - iMsg
Title says it.
7806 Hits
Worst Quake Live Review Ever (19 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 20:12 CDT, 30 May 2011 - iMsg

^Horrible Quake Live review. Enjoy.
2914 Hits
Quake Live Song (26 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 11:28 CDT, 29 May 2011 - iMsg
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I've got a beer in one hand and my mouse in the other
I'm railing you so bad you're crying to your mother
Got 25 health left and you can't take another
Rocket to the body, you're an [censored] hit hugger

Ya just seem to take all my hits
You're the worst [censored] dueler, you're worse than [censored]
All I hear is "Impressive" looping on and on and on
Damn, this is easier than mowing my lawn

Your strafing is worse than a drunk driver
Your so bad your running for cover
But you can't dodge my [censored] rails
You're peeing in your pants now; your face is pale

I just laugh at your stupid moves
If anything it just proves
You can't even strafe jump
Go back to your Tier 1 dump

So I'll just treat this map like a hallway
Camp in a corner with a gauntlet and a frappe
Just listening to your grunts as you run
Straight into lava; your roasted like a hamburger bun
5379 Hits
Is It Impolite? (17 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 10:08 CDT, 29 May 2011 - iMsg
Is it impolite to use shaft against female players?
2101 Hits
Is Drixy a Dkt Alt? (5 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 09:05 CDT, 29 May 2011 - iMsg
I met this guy named Drixy who claimed he was a dkt alt. Is this true?
1359 Hits
Who Are the BestQuake Live Forum Trolls? (95 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 21:00 CDT, 27 May 2011 - iMsg
In the official Quake Live forum, not the ESR one.
9336 Hits
Do You Like Fudge911? (35 comments)
Posted by Fudge912 @ 16:55 CDT, 16 May 2011 - iMsg
Do you like me?
I know I frequently troll the forums, but is it in a good way?
7558 Hits
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