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can't use in_mouse 1 in QL (7 comments)
Posted by ckbruckner @ 22:57 CDT, 22 August 2015 - iMsg

i'm using in_mouse "1" in QL same as qauake3 command.
because mouse is high dpi so i'm using only control of windows pointer speed. (when i high sensi in q3 3/11. low sensi in q3 8/11)
in_mouse "1" and "-1" you know defenitly different feeling.
but i think it dosen't work in QL. if i set sensitivity 4, no accel and windows pointer speed 3/11 or 8/11 ---> only works sensitivity 4 in QL( it is not slow or high)

i tried use in_mouse "-1" it works fine with windows pointer speed. but "-1" option i dont want it. i just want to use "1" in QL with windows pointer speed freely. (in_mouse "2" is dosen't work too).

someone knows?
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Some1 help me to find St.Germain's all (76 comments)
Posted by ckbruckner @ 04:26 CDT, 18 July 2015 - iMsg
Hi, i am old quaker in South Korea. and fan of St.Germain since 2001(exactly WCG 2001 france demos).
WCG2002 he came to Korea and played but was no good condition and result.
When i was chatting with him i asked about his sensitivity and accel etc..but i didn't get cool answer from him.
ESWC 2005, wow i was exciting his playing. his Dynamic moving and agressive Shooting is much amazing for me.
so i was searching on web his MOUSE and config etc.. but i only knew he was using Razer Copperhead with Aqua2c pad for a moment.
i was test, test everyday, everytime. but i can't find his style.
razer copperhead, mx518, razer diamondback, MS ex3.0, intellimouse etc and many pads.. there was no answer.
2007, Finally i took up courage to send E-mail to him.( but that time he was using Death Adder.(OMG..) and he told me "can't remember well when ESWC 2005"
I was discouraged so much. and i sent E-mails several times but no answer anymore.
I was just want to know ESWC 2005 his mouse and his config(sensitivity, accel, bind..)
and i tested too for 2-3years.. i also didn't find answer.(with googling too!!)

2012, in facebook. i met someone. they are thefou, appleseed, Whylf. all famous french quaker!!! i asked to them about St.Germain's info..
Amazingly they gave some information to me.
ESWC 2005 St.Germain was using WMO black mouse with Aqua3 cloth pad.
after that time i was took up courage again to send E-mail(to St.Germain). but he didn't send answer to me since 2007.

Yes, i am testing too about his sensitivity and accel at a time.
someone can think 'You're idot or fool. but i don't care. because St.Germain is always my hero. i am really his fan.

If someone can help me. please send to me his config file or other information. specially ESWC 2005's..
my address is

Thank you for reading this long story and I am so sorry about my short Enlgish.


ps: picture(left is St.Germain right: Whylf in ESWC 2005)
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