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veryweird player cheater or not cheater? (55 comments)
Posted by BicH1tO @ 13:05 CDT, 3 June 2013 - iMsg
if you watch the demo with r_shownormals 1 is like a huge proof that this guy is a cheater, those target changes,he aims thru walls.... , he always knows everything, and im quite sure he use human aimbot too.

im not crazy but that is far from a human.

This guy is nhd from brazil AKA flesh1.

what do u think?

Here the demo just in case the link:

another link:

other link:
Edited by wn at 13:13 CDT, 6 June 2013 - 16397 Hits
Posted by BicH1tO @ 13:57 CDT, 6 September 2011 - iMsg

Ok i must give the thanks to ID , Quakecon , and all the ppl who support me , from all the world.

i had the best experience i ever had, i dunno how to give the thanks to id and quakecon for let me live my dream.

i know a lot of ppl can be dissapointed about my performance, but i had some problems. like i arrive to miami 10 days before the event, and my plan was like ok day beach, afternoon practice in a lan center.

ok that doesnt work, there is NO PLACE in All miami to play with decent ping. i went to 4 internet cafes and 1 lan center, and all suxs. so i couldn train anything i arrive to hiltons 1 day before, i pay the premium connection and guess what? the connection sux impossible to play, so technically i was 11 days withotut play quake and when the day comes, they say: ok 1 hour for warmup then go.

i think in that time: ok im so scew it up. but i will do my best.

the fact is i know i was not able to win the tournament, but i know i can doit better than i did.

that was my fault.

im kinda shamed about my performance, but i lived my dream, and no one can take away that from me.

I meet all the pro guys . i know now how is the pro lvl. All of em , are really good persons (almost all) , for example i was outside talking about anything and smoking cigars with cooller (about like 2 hours doing nothing just talking) , and dunno ventz, ziel, rapha, tox, fox, draven, avek, zero4, clock, i dunno men all amazing (in real life).

So thanks for all the ppl who voted me on facebook , that really cheers me up, i was sad like fuck i hate myself, and after that i was happy, all the world was giving my their support! and i have to say: THANKS TO ALL!!!!! .

i hope i can go next year again, but better trained, i still want to proof myself that i can doit better, i really want this.

Thanks Id, Syncmaster, Quakecon , all of you!!!!!!!!

See you next year i hope :D
4576 Hits
Posted by BicH1tO @ 18:55 CDT, 21 July 2011 - iMsg
Guys im really happy, almost cry when i realice that i was IN the tournament, im IN becouse all of you!! all the world community supports me, i owe all of you a lot!!! i will do my fu*** best!!!!!! to give you some entertainment!!! sorry about my english, but i want to write this by my own without help :)

i have no words about what im feelling at this moment, just Thanks to all of you!

All the ppl who bet on me! and SouthAmerica!

just thanks! this is a great community which proof that UNITY can make really great things!!!! so all i have to say is if you have a dream, just fight about it! it can make it real!!!! like im living now!

Thanks again!!!! :))))))
Edited by Nukm at 20:35 CDT, 21 July 2011 - 13407 Hits
SouthAmerica Situation (139 comments)
Posted by BicH1tO @ 13:28 CDT, 9 July 2011 - iMsg
Hello everyone. Im BicH1tO from Argentina - SouthAmerica. This year I'm travelling to Quakecon, to play the Duel tournament. I send several mails to Quakecon Organization but this doesn't help me so much.
In South America we have good Quakelive exponents in Argentina, Chile and Brazil, but we don't have big tournaments like Quakecon or Dreamhack. Previous years good players like pipi, raynor and realpap from argentina went to quakecon and their performance wasn't bad. So im posting for your help guys. I need help to get a spot in the Quakecon 2011 Duel tournament, I'm also avaiable for TDM if one team needs a ppl but my goal is the Duel.

I'm paying everything by myself its a very spensive travell from Argentina. I'm training a lot with the best here in Southamerica and also playing in USA with 200 ping to adapt they way of playing. I'm ready to do my best I want to face rapha, cooller and the other tops, it's my dream.
For everyone doesnt know us, in southAmerica the skill level is not bad, u guys will be surprise we exist! we have a lot of good players
in Argentina-Chile-Brazil, We deserve the oportunity to prof the world that we can do a good game with the best players in the world.

So Please! If you can help me I'll be forever grateful with you guys.

I will attach some demo soon :)

VOD LINK Thanks Moppz: <-- Aerowalk-T7-ztn-Toxicity-Hektik <-- dm13
Edited by BicH1tO at 10:02 CDT, 10 July 2011 - 37537 Hits
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