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infrastructure upgrade (193 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 11:36 CDT, 15 May 2012 - iMsg

"QUAKE LIVE is currently performing a game and infrastructure upgrade"

anyone got any info on this or if its related to complaints regarding their premium content model? (

edit: ^ nvmd
Edited by dutra at 12:21 CDT, 15 May 2012 - 66756 Hits
ban guys who post "1st" (46 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 16:08 CDT, 14 March 2012 - iMsg
ban guys who post "1st"

most likely coming from europe
5266 Hits
esr lag.. (21 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 14:17 CST, 9 March 2012 - iMsg
anyone else notice the recent ESR lag? lately i find myself having to hit the submit post button twice before my post shows up, and then i end up spamming dupe posts by mistake..
2315 Hits
70330 Hits
question 4 my fans (58 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 06:35 CST, 21 February 2012 - iMsg
now that this game is dead, there is little left to be accomplished for a seasoned vet such as myself. i have officially retired from the pro instagib & CA scenes. after browsing through my demos folder, ive noticed i have over several hundred gigs of footage of myself playing over various different alt accounts since QL beta in 2008 (mainly CA and instagib btw) so fans, would you like to see these demos on utube? if there is a popular demand, i'll start a utube channel

btw, question for ESR nerds, how do u create a poll on ESR? thx for the support you've all been a blast.
18963 Hits
* N U K E D * (28 comments)
Posted by Nuked User @ 19:01 CST, 4 February 2012 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

My journey to Success. (24 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 16:09 CST, 2 February 2012 - iMsg
When I first started there were days when I just felt like giving up because I've either ran out of ideas, or couldnt think of anything to post here at ESR.

These days, I'm more conscious of what I'm posting and before I post anything I try to calculate how it will affect the community. These days when I post it's like I can't get enough. I am loving the community more than ever and I am really feeling better about things. I post more frequently and with more confidence and I am taking more interest in other topics as well

Thank you GUYS for inspiring me to post (you know who you ARE) and a million thanks to my buddies (superjake, raythenoob, fudge, schizm, qkumbr, and the rest of the exposed group, i LOVE U GUYS excellent work on the latest EXPOSED pack btw)'ve all been an inspiration.

My ultimate goal is to attain my own Level and rank up from "Regular" and i'm sure if i keep this up I will achieve this with the help from the ESR admins!!!

Edited by dutra at 20:18 CST, 2 February 2012 - 7939 Hits
a question for an ESR nerd (16 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 12:30 CST, 2 February 2012 - iMsg
How can i increase my level on ESR from "Regular" or get my own level like Jamerio? just wonderign cause im almost at 400 posts now and its taking a long time to rank up hehe
Edited by dutra at 12:34 CST, 2 February 2012 - 4263 Hits
2012 - Year of the Storm (35 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 12:13 CST, 2 February 2012 - iMsg
2012 is the year of the storm.

The Pirate Bay will reach an age of 9 years. Experiencing raids, espionage and death threats, we're still here. We've been through hell and back and it has made us tougher than ever.

The people running the site has changed during the years. No sane human being would put up with this kind of pressure for 8 years in a row. An insane hobby that takes time from our families, our work (sorry boss) and our studies.

What binds us all together is a strong belief that what we do is good. That it is something we one day can tell our grandchildren about with pride. People from all over the world confirm this. We read testimonials from people in Syria longing for freedom, thanking us for what we provide. We receive more than 100 visits daily from North Korea and we sure know that they need it. If there's something that will bring peace to this world it is the understanding and appreciation of your fellow man. What better way to do that than with this vast library of culture?

With this said, we hear news from our old admins that they have received a verdict in Sweden. Our 3 friends and blood brothers have been sentenced to prison. This might sound worse than it is. Since no one of them no longer lives in Sweden, they won't go to jail. They are as free today as they were yesterday.

But what enrages us to our inner core is that the system, the empire, the governments, are still allowed to try to boss you and us around with one law crazier than the other. Do you think they will stop with SOPA/ACTA/PIPA? They will not. Because you won't stop sharing those files. Because we will not stay down. Because no one can turn back time. Together, we are the iron that hardens with each strike.

In this year of the storm, the winners will build windmills and the losers will raise shelters. So flex your muscles, fellow pirates, and give power to us all! Build more sites! More nets! More protocols! Scream louder than ever and take it to the next level!

War has been declared on the internet. Thoughts?

4411 Hits
Posted by 36761 @ 20:18 CST, 26 January 2012 - iMsg
Kim Schmitz was the owner of Megaupload. Just remember that these guys simply provided a HTTP Upload/Download system, and did as much as they possibly could to remove infringing content that was copyrighted or illegal in any other way.

This guy's got 50 years in a U.S. Prison.

Miguel Carano is a rapist, murderer of a woman and also disposed of the body (which is even more illegal). This guy had no logically acceptable defence as raping + murdering + disposing of a body was entirely his own doing.

This guy's got 20 years in a U.S. Prison.
Edited by dutra at 11:59 CST, 27 January 2012 - 20915 Hits
RIP filesonic / fileserve (25 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 18:40 CST, 22 January 2012 - iMsg

anonymous is going to ddos like crazy now

update: fileserve is now gone too
Edited by dutra at 10:50 CST, 23 January 2012 - 9486 Hits
QL Hacker Pact Exposed: Dec 2011 Issue (203 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 22:58 CST, 14 December 2011 - iMsg
im about to reveal to you some evidence which ive gathered of some players who are using illegitimate third party software to gain an advantage in the game. this includes autoaims, autofires, autotriggers, triggerfires, triggerbots, aimbots, aim assists, item timers, wallhacks, glow models, and other forms of malicious hacks. this will prolly come as a shock to some, but realistically this sort of news should be expected in this hackfest of a game.

This time around alot of research was done, ive talked to several experts with several years quake exp.

enjoy the reads fellas:

Hacker Pact #1(TNB): tnb hacker pact (jtocs/ghostf4c3, ganja, briansong, th3_4v3ng3r) EXPOSED
[22:22] <great> so these guys use human aim assists / delayed triggerbots?
[22:23] <br1ck> seems like it
[22:23] <great> everyone in that tnb. clan basically hacks then?
[22:23] <br1ck> played ts with them the other day
[22:23] <br1ck> and i was getting pixel railed
[22:23] <br1ck> nonstop
[22:23] <br1ck> without even being able to see him
[22:24] <great> do you think ganja hacks too?
[22:26] <br1ck> ganja/vault69
[22:26] <br1ck> and most of the other dudes
[22:26] <br1ck> they chilled with
[22:27] <br1ck> openly joined a ts server
[22:27] <br1ck> and 99percent lg'd

rapture EXPOSED
[22:18] <br1ck> i would
[22:18] <br1ck> playing against him
[22:18] <br1ck> in matches
[22:18] <br1ck> and standing behind a wall waiting for him to come
[22:18] <br1ck> and he looks at me thru the wall
[22:19] <br1ck> and turns around
[22:19] <br1ck> rapture came out n said
[22:19] <br1ck> 'yes i hack'
[22:19] <br1ck> he sat in a server
[22:19] <br1ck> and showed us
[22:19] <br1ck> autofiring with rails
[22:19] <great> damn
[22:19] <br1ck> he was telling us
[22:19] <br1ck> when items
[22:19] <br1ck> were coming up
[22:19] <br1ck> he told me where i was on the map
[22:19] <br1ck> by stanidn at his red
[22:20] <great> i see

faruq and rapture EXPOSED
[22:40] <m0nstros1ty> faruq and rapture_
[22:40] <m0nstros1ty> i knew melody69_ was a hack
[22:41] <m0nstros1ty> we scrimmed xlr8
[22:41] <m0nstros1ty> they won the last set
[22:41] <m0nstros1ty> becuase we didnt practice but 2 of em botted wtf
[22:41] <m0nstros1ty> or fucking used some hack
[22:41] <m0nstros1ty> i knew that dude's plasma wsa bullshit
[22:41] <m0nstros1ty> on troubled waters hitting like 35 pecent plasma

Hacker Pact #2(+AIM/XLR8): Extremerz, CelestiaL, and Symmetry's hacker pact EXPOSED.
(22:34:10) why did u use hacks before?

(22:34:12) funny because sym and celestial hacked, i didnt. they told me and asked me if i hack and
(22:34:49) i wanted to see what is the feeling of a hacker
(22:37:01) i was 15 or 16 when i tested hack and it was PURE test

bentley EXPOSED:
[22:33] <great> why was bentley banned?
[22:33] <br1ck> bentley told me himself he got banned for using 'third party software'
[22:34] <br1ck> and a demo, not sure but im sure someone i think his name is pondfiller
[22:34] <br1ck> sent in a demo
[22:34] <br1ck> and put some video on youtube of bentley

there u have it pplz. such a sad state this game is in. theres only a handful of us legit players left. post comments below & stay tuned for next month's big bust.
50057 Hits
Posted by 36761 @ 13:52 CST, 13 November 2011 - iMsg
This post is simply a link to a White House petition against the E-PARASITE Act. This act and its kin, SOPA and PIPA, would effectively give content providers and copyright holders control over the policing of the Internet. It would also institute a "Great Firewall of America" similar to China's which would be capable of censoring content from US citizens. This is not the right way to end piracy, and we need to let the Obama Administration know that we want nothing to do with E-PARASITE.


This bill, if passed and signed, will spell the end of tons of sites such as deviantART, 4chan, Facebook, YouTube, Google and the Internet as we know it. This bill will do more harm than good.

Admins of ESR please make this news on the front page so more people can sign the act.
Edited by dutra at 13:59 CST, 13 November 2011 - 4009 Hits
QL hacker pact exposed (315 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 16:41 CST, 11 November 2011 - iMsg
superjake revealing some interesting info about certain players in the game. turns out that briansong actually did cheat, and his ban had nothing to do with him calling sync a nigger lol.

enjoy pplz:

Briansong exposed:
[15:37] <superjake> I told briansong if he sent me a list of the people using it that he knows and the file i wouldn't ban him
[15:37] <superjake> but he got caught anyway
[15:37] <superjake> rofl
[15:37] <great> supposedly he got caught for harrasment
[15:37] <great> thats what he posted on ESR
[15:37] <superjake> lol
[15:38] <great> u think he made that up?
[15:38] <great> or what?
[15:38] <superjake> yup

Exposing list of possible suspects:
[15:41] <superjake>
[15:41] <superjake> 8060
[15:41] <superjake> everyone on there hacks
[15:41] <superjake> I go on under alias
[15:41] <great> theyre on there now?

People in the mumble server:

[15:41] <superjake> yup
[15:42] <superjake> thorian, 0wnz0r is on right now
[15:43] <superjake> jayy from clan :P I caught using it, but he deleted it
[15:45] <superjake> I got the server info from briansong as part of the deal
[15:45] <superjake> to not ban him
[15:46] <superjake> he was honestly worried he'd be perm banned from ql
[15:46] <superjake> so he gave me everything

NOML powerstyler exposed:
[16:06] <superjake> you didn't know NOML powerstyler hacked?
[16:06] <superjake> kid makes it obvious
[16:06] <great> nope
[16:06] <great> does he still hack?
[16:06] <superjake> yup
[16:06] <great> whats he use? lol.
[16:06] <superjake> last time I seen him anyway
[16:07] <superjake> back in May they were passing around QLhook, I haven't kept up with anything new
[16:07] <great> u sure powerstyler was using it?
[16:07] <superjake> yup

ownz0r, thorian, vault69, ganja, jdb, jabon, phazon exposed.
[16:13] <great> what about ownz0r and thorian, do you know if they used it?
[16:13] <superjake> yes, briansong was 100% sure
[16:13] <superjake> and like I said before
[16:13] <great> i see
[16:13] <superjake> i went in the server
[16:14] <superjake> and they were all using it
[16:14] <superjake> until brian saw me spc'n
[16:14] <superjake> The player's names are briansong, Vault69, Ganja__ (two underscores),ph4z0n__ JDB_ Jabon
[16:14] <superjake> I was on mumble while they were talking about it and on a server
[16:14] <superjake> testing it out. Once I joined the server with the ESL tag they said on
[16:14] <superjake> mumble "stop using any hacks! superjake is watching!"

cha1n exposed:
[16:17] <superjake> cha1n was banned for a while
[16:18] <great> was he always in the mumble talking about qlhook and stuff?
[16:18] <great> lol.
[16:18] <great> how does he know about the mumble
[16:18] <superjake> everyone told about that mumble has or does hack
[16:18] <great> ic

vault69/seduc3r exposed:

seduc3r: (18:32:57) id know i did that for an hr when it cam out i told them i did lol
seduc3r: (18:33:42) tthey told me not to do it again there watchiung me and i said i dont plane on it
dutra: (18:34:12) so u hacked for an hour?
dutra: (18:34:13) lol.
seduc3r: (18:34:27) yep maybe an hr and a half
seduc3r: (18:34:40) long time ago
seduc3r: (18:34:53) everyone knows
seduc3r: (18:35:09) but u on the other hand everyday thing
seduc3r: (18:35:41) noone in ql can do what u did that day i was specin u

i have a hard time accepting chain or noml powerstyler cheat, but i guess anyone's skill could be questioned if they havent been in the game for a while. just goes to show why this shit needs an anti-cheat asap lolz.

edit: superjake just confirmed avenger = th3_4v3ng3r / kpx_ ... not avenged 8x.
Edited by dutra at 17:45 CST, 11 November 2011 - 88696 Hits
6000 COD:MW3 copies stolen using teargas (13 comments)
Posted by 36761 @ 13:12 CST, 9 November 2011 - iMsg
Coming via French news channel TF1, Eurogamer has reported that an armed robbery took place in France over the weekend that resulted in the theft of approximately 6000 copies of Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

The report detailed how two men crashed their car into a van carrying unspecified video game cargo before spraying its occupants with tear gas and stealing both the van and contents. The contents of the van was later confirmed to be copies of Modern Warfare 3 and the theft is believed to be worth around €400,000. The report states that the assailants were armed with knives but does not mention if the victims of the assault were hurt.

A later update to the story suggested that a second robbery took place under similar circumstances, with a car used to block the road before three men commandeered another delivery van and stole a further cache of MW3 worth similar value to the first.

Elsewhere, demand for MW3 has been predictably high, with one eBay copy of the game allegedly selling for over $1,700. MW3 officially launches tonight at midnight.

Edited by dutra at 13:12 CST, 9 November 2011 - 3369 Hits
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