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Project Nex is back! Well, at least we hope so. (205 comments)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 21:04 CDT, 21 October 2017 - iMsg
Hello ESR, some of you may remember an arena fps game that was being worked on several years ago, Project Nex. Love it or hate it, we are trying to revive it back from the dead.

I recorded a video that explains much more in detail where we went wrong and how we plan to fix all of the problems we had in the past. I think that failing at trying something cam be very important. However, its how you face that adversity and what you learn from your mistakes that will determine whether or not you succeed or grow as an individual/team.

I hope some of you are at least still somewhat interested in our game and we hope to try to be different than our counterparts in a meaningful way.

Edited by PrettyAwesome at 21:05 CDT, 21 October 2017 - 49854 Hits
Project Nex adds bunnyhopping. (283 comments)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 22:27 CDT, 20 April 2014 - iMsg

Hey all its been a while since we updated you on our progress. We added bunnyhopping into our game and greatly simplified the movement mechanics to execute it.

Our bunnyhopping system isn't going to be like the video in terms of how often you can use it and so on. We are going to add a cool down like wall slide, and if you turn too abruptly, you'll get knocked out. And we are working on solutions to encourage side dodging being more used than bunnyhopping. Bunnyhopping is more for shorter bursts rather than what the state of programming is at currently.

This solves the big UT2k4 issue of an overly defensive long range game. Players now can have the ability at the cost of energy usage to get in close range and deal some damage.

The textures are just placeholders for the time being. Prototype map is prototype.

Let us know your thoughts.

Thanks again for taking the time to watch our update and for supporting our game. :D
Edited by PrettyAwesome at 22:28 CDT, 20 April 2014 - 61352 Hits
Project Nex, new arena FPS. GREENLIGHT! (379 comments)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 04:34 CST, 21 February 2014 - iMsg
Hello everyone at ESR. I'm the lead artist for Project Nex. We've been working on an arena style fps that will bring something new to the table.

I can't delve into a ton of stuff yet, but I can try to explain the movement and our plan for the game. Before that, here is our movement demo.

As you can see from our movement system, we are going with the approach of using dodge mechanics rather than strafe jumping. We plan on having the ability to combo dodges which will decrease cooldown and increase the horizontal distance. In a way its a similar idea. We still have two movement mechanics we are going to try to spice things up a bit. Lets just say they are parkour influenced.

For our weapon design we want the complexity of UT weapons with the balance of Quake. That is to say its better for competitive play but doesn't take away from the more casual players. Weapon switches are fast, you can shoot before animations are completed so that it does not hinder or slow things down.

Our multiplayer is planned to have a full ranked matchmaking system with solid netcode. Our client will also have great social features so you can play with friends and easily make friends. With the right funding we plan on having esports support. So that means a replay system and a kickass observer GUI. The more funding for this the better. We want to make this happen.

What about our health system? We actually are doing something completely new for this sub genre of FPS (to my knowledge). Once we are at the next step in our campaign I can reveal it. I can say it will be much more tactile than the standard bread and butter. This isn't going to be a game that is a visual update of another game.

Project Nex will be extremely competitive but also casual friendly. To do this we don't have to make any sacrifices. There will be maps that are designed to be competitive and some that are more for fun. 1v1's will be mostly competitive, team games will have more of a mix. Maybe a map veto system like SC2 can be implemented..not sure.

We will also have a single player campaign that is an actual campaign and not just shooting bots on arena maps. Project Nex will have a deep meaningful single player campaign. (we are balancing the game for multiplayer)

That's all for now. We'd love to hear your thoughts or answer any questions you might have. As a quick note on me. I've played UT off and on since 2002 and played/commentated Quake Live for some time. Thank you for your time. :D

Follow us at:

More art:
Edited by PrettyAwesome at 04:42 CDT, 9 March 2014 - 77004 Hits
FSTV - ZTN First Spawn Decision Making (33 comments)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 23:49 CDT, 13 October 2011 - iMsg
Hey everyone, so I took into consideration the input you guys gave me on the Rapha analysis. I got some help from someone (did not want to be mentioned),, we discussed ZTN spawmpoints and such and ended up with this video. I think it is much more in depth.

8714 Hits
FSTV - Interv w/ Director of PUBMASTESRS (1 comment)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 10:24 CDT, 6 October 2011 - iMsg
Hey, ESR. I got a recent opportunity to talk to SQU1RRELLY, the creator of Pubmasters. This is my first time doing this type of interview. Hopefully some questions you guys may have had where answered! :D

Interview with a true PUBMASTER:

Edited by xou at 13:26 CDT, 6 October 2011 - 963 Hits
FSTV: Rapha v Strenx Lost World Analysis (107 comments)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 16:59 CDT, 29 September 2011 - iMsg
Hey all. I figured I'd try doing something I've wanted to do for a while, and that is to analyze games kinda in a day9esque manner.

I know that everyone has a different perspective of analysis and such. So to ME these are some of the important key elements of the match. These kind of things are largely opinion based. Without further adieu let the flame war begin. xD


Edited by PrettyAwesome at 15:10 CDT, 30 September 2011 - 18427 Hits
Plz submit ur best frags 4 weekly series (15 comments)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 19:22 CDT, 26 September 2011 - iMsg
Just like the title says (title heading is so short) please submit to me your best frags or your worst fails for a weekly video series. More info in video.
6022 Hits
Made a youtube channel dedicated to QL. (100 comments)
Posted by PrettyAwesome @ 22:38 CDT, 21 September 2011 - iMsg
Hey all. I've always felt that Quake Live was lacking in terms of video content on youtube towards strategies, community, tutorials, etc. Not sure how the more hardcore players here are going to take to it. I'd greatly appreciate any support you guys could give me.

Tell me what you guys think. :) I'm always trying to improve. (new channel!!!)
Edited by PrettyAwesome at 15:38 CDT, 23 September 2011 - 10259 Hits
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