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Operation: "KIM JONG UN" (5 comments)
Posted by troII @ 04:14 CST, 28 November 2012 - iMsg
Operation: "KIM JONG UN FOR TIME'S PERSON OF THE YEAR" Go!!!,00.html
2605 Hits
Need a config for a bad graphics card PC (35 comments)
Posted by troII @ 14:49 CST, 26 November 2012 - iMsg
Need a config for a computer with bad graphics card to get 125 stable fps
19223 Hits
Apology (10 comments)
Posted by troII @ 06:59 CDT, 17 May 2012 - iMsg

Ladies and Gentleman , im sorry that i bumped up old threads , pls give me a another chance , i promise that i never bump up old threads anymore , i will post only on the new ones , unban me pls :)

Best regards
2581 Hits
Christmas Songs ..... (5 comments)
Posted by troII @ 11:39 CST, 15 December 2011 - iMsg
wherever i go every year the same fucking shitty songs again and again and again .......


1591 Hits
Why ? Syncerror and QL Dev team (172 comments)
Posted by troII @ 21:00 CST, 12 November 2011 - iMsg
- Why is there still no anticheat , the community is crying for it.

- Why are there still no informations statement about this problem from the dev side about anticheatpr, do you guys plan to add anticheat ( if yes in the near future ) or do you guys let the commyunity dreaming about it and dont want to wake us up ?

- Why should i check everytime my demos to catch somebody cheating , im here for playing to have fun and not waisting my time ,ye there are a lot of ppl waisting their time, to catch some guys cheating because there is no anticheat.

- Why are much ppl quiting ql or dont reneving subscription ? One of the reasons is anticheat

- Why is syncerror and his ql team still ignoring us ?

ps.: rage released, ql dev team increased ?
25663 Hits
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