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id is hard at work, finally - chapter 2 (181 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 04:06 CDT, 23 March 2012 - iMsg
This chapter picks up the story right after the leaked information

After that much [effortless] craving and crying from the guys in the other topic, lets discuss facts stated in the leaked material.

I'll start off with the thing that really blew the lights for me, and I literally stopped reading at the gametypes section.

"Attack & Defend

This Capture the Flag variant features teams alternating between offensive and defensive roles, with one life to live, and all weapons. Teams can score points by grabbing the flag from the base, capturing the flag, or killing the enemy team...."

That was threewave, it was played roughly between Noah and the animals on the ark basiclly, the guy posting the news sink was very careful as to not give away the screaming truth, CTFS or capture-strike, it was popular it even made it to CPMA. And now id is pulling a direct ripoff, well if they were scared to do this with wcp9, I don't know what makes this idea any different. Maybe the 2 guys developing qj in their spare time became more audacious?

Harvester and the rest of the trash that totally failed with Team Arena 10 years ago, are just the icing on the cake. Go and try to sell your bad ideas a second time 10 years later, you will surely succeed JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH FREEZETAG. Truth is freezetag had potential, becouse alot of guys played it even last year on 1.16 quake, but I guess that didn't work in ql.

Although I'm not one of them, I feel some emphathy towards real hc quakers, that feel bad when they see the game go down like this, helpless, sinking and sinking in such pitiful matter.
34634 Hits
great mx518 the 4th has passed away (10 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 16:03 CDT, 19 March 2012 - iMsg
I need a big substitute, that is as good as the upper was sensorwise and is atleast 100 grams or well over. Some mouse possibly share the sensor or similar (kinda had it with the mx)?
2518 Hits
dutra fix (2 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 02:29 CDT, 15 March 2012 - iMsg
someone tell his mom its still not too late to abort him
1064 Hits
how would you continue? (21 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 14:23 CST, 7 March 2012 - iMsg
I've got my once in every 3 years singleplayer frenzy going on...

sofar I played

Amnesia - the dark descent
Metro 2033
Condamned - Criminal origins

ps: already tried militia
5100 Hits
skill (5 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 04:24 CST, 24 February 2012 - iMsg
2344 Hits
Metro 2033 mouse sensitivity (13 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 10:05 CST, 16 February 2012 - iMsg
Is way to high even on the lowest setting. I've found a user.cfg in the game dir and in appdata... aswell, they are the same, no matter what I set for the mouse sense, it only counts what happenes ingame. Theres also a bind for the console which fails to show nomatter what I bind it to. Tried lowering winmousesens to no avail. How to fix this?
10241 Hits
Piracy baked into a corner? (16 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 15:31 CST, 2 February 2012 - iMsg
What does piracy do when backed into a corner? It morphs into a regional problem from a global problem. You'll have your tier 1 nerd hanging at home, having all the newest HDs and albums, ready to shove teras and teras endlessly to whatever you bring with yourself. Its kind of like devolution, but not degradation. I assume people that don't want to pay (or the whole price), wont be lazy to walk 2-3 corners or whatnot. So is the real goal, to backen online communities slowly under the camouflage of war against piracy?
5455 Hits
pro acc = get out of jail free pu? (113 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 16:36 CST, 18 January 2012 - iMsg
So I was dueling this random dude (I don't plan to call names), and he said ok you beat me, now lets have a rematch, he was pretty sure in his win. I was like why waste time hot stuff I know you ain't cutting it. After all we f3'ed, he introduced his 95% rail for five minutes to me:D (I've sent the wolfcame recording).
Than we chatted, and he stated none less than: he isn't giving a shit much about me sending the demo cuuuuz,
"listen up and listen good, if you don't cheat very blatantly and you have a pro acc, even 50 ppl can send demos of you, if you do your stuff good, if you're not a paying customer, they might ban you without watching the demo if the right person sends it in."
So thats about it in short form. Another thing he has a roughly 2 year old account.
15515 Hits
Saudi Arabia hands in the bill (2 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 17:27 CST, 16 January 2012 - iMsg
Saudi Arabia says: thanks, It's been fun, and a swell year concerning the arab spring. But now the world needs to pay up, thats how it goes, no hard feelings. Alot of things happened in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and so on, not to mention the sanctions against everybodies favorite Iran. Saudi minister of of petroleum and mineral resources stated that due to rising welfare expenses [so that people don't even think about sympathizing with those bad old islamists that wanto revolt all day long] in the largest monarchy, it is now time to rise the price of oil, from avarage 75$ / barrel to 100$ / barrel.
1903 Hits
So Berlusconi left, and? (81 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 12:15 CST, 5 December 2011 - iMsg
After waiting some time, it looks like the italians are not revolting. They take the european way of having technocrat primeminister totally normal. A man from the money world, without legitimate elections, okay. Do you think there will be a country that will not go in this way? Which will say no? What do you think the future of the monetary union (and basicly the whole union) will be?
17770 Hits
NvidiaGT220 fan slowdown (barelymoves) (17 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 10:48 CDT, 2 November 2011 - iMsg
The card is MSI N220GT MD1G

I have the card since more than a year, no changes to software or anything hardware has happened, the fan goes for 1-2 minutes a 100% I think than it slows down, when i touch it with mx finger it goes back to another 100 percent, than it slows down again. The fan has a 3 pin plug, although I have yet to find a software that would allow me to set the fan speed (newest EVGA / MSI afterburner)

Must I really buy a new fan? What cheap fans do work with this card? thanks
5208 Hits
Why ain't ESR fun anymore (73 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 14:06 CDT, 30 October 2011 - iMsg
I'm reading it since 2005-06 dunno. I had quite alot of laughs while doing so. Not anymore, its boring, dull, weak, just like ql with its ton of problems (sry id fanboys and others). So maybe the two cases have something incommon? QL and ESR? Or ESR has a very good reason, turning out as it is?

(Don't even care about my account, i forgot the password for the first 2, does not matter, I never was a postmachine.)
14122 Hits
empty ql servers (+awaiting connection) (7 comments)
Posted by hatelul @ 10:35 CDT, 23 October 2011 - iMsg
so dead or update?
2799 Hits
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