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15:55 CDT - 1334 users online
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Re: So who is going to Dreamhack Winter? (No comments)
Posted by pet @ 19:43 CDT, 1 November 2012 - iMsg
anyone know if cypher or dahang are going?

i know dahang probably won't but it would be cool since he was so good at qcon
820 Hits
cvar to turn off award announcements? (5 comments)
Posted by pet @ 15:08 CDT, 8 July 2012 - iMsg
i've been forced to redo my config since it got reset and i didn't have a backup. with my old config i remember i had the announcements turned off for awards, like "2 hits, impressive" and "gauntlet humiliation." i tried cg_drawrewards 0 and cg_playvoicechats 0 and neither of those worked. anyone know the right command?
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