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Help with recording, please. (6 comments)
Posted by obnoxious @ 14:23 CST, 2 December 2011 - iMsg
Hello, i need to record a 10 min match, and youtube it.

I already have vdub, sony vegas 8 and wolfcam, but i dont really know how to start, and kittenignition detailed guide was deleted, so could anyone help me step by step? i dont need excellent quality, 360p 30 fps for youtube is fine, i just want a quick render/upload with decent quality.
1705 Hits
DREAMHACK FILES (9 comments)
Posted by obnoxious @ 20:16 CST, 26 November 2011 - iMsg
yeah i know, the title's a bit catchy.

please post anything you've got, cfgs, demos vods etc.
4002 Hits
Cypher Settings. (68 comments)
Posted by obnoxious @ 17:41 CST, 13 November 2011 - iMsg
Just for curiousity, does anybody have a recent cypher config?
And what about his mouse settings?

thanks in advance
40896 Hits
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