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Hyperglides on top of Abyssus feet? (10 comments)
Posted by treppy @ 22:57 CDT, 21 August 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys, I have an Abyssus (jitter free, yay Razer lottery!) and the high LOD has started bothering me lately. Also, the stock feet are getting pretty thin and I can feel some of the plastic is touching the mousepad.

I was thinking of killing 2 birds with 1 stone by installing WMO hyperglides on the mouse. Obviously this will reduce the LOD since the hyperglides are much thicker than the default feet, but will the mouse remain accurate? While the hyperglides themselves are pretty cheap, the shipping cost to Canada kind of sucks and I don't want to throw money out the window.

7440 Hits
Possible to spawn bot at a precise spot? (15 comments)
Posted by treppy @ 10:37 CDT, 13 August 2013 - iMsg
Is it possible to spawn bots at a specific spot? I'd like to spawn bots on items, freeze them and lower the respawn time of the items to move around the map and see where I can hear the pickups from.

If this isn't possible, is there another way I could use to test this in practice mode?
4709 Hits
vertexlight changes the game feel? (30 comments)
Posted by treppy @ 13:13 CDT, 8 August 2013 - iMsg
I've noticed I can gain more speed with cg_vertexlight 0, for some reason. I looked around and I couldn't find anyone else experiencing this issue. To make sure it isn't placebo I tried it out on some of the strafe jump maps, and sure enough I was doing better with vertexlight 0.

Is there any science behind this? I like the uniform lightning that vertexlight 1 brings, but I'd have a hard time justifying using that if it means I will be slower.

Maybe I'm just weird :D
6878 Hits
Looking for decent duel partners in NA (6 comments)
Posted by treppy @ 12:13 CDT, 5 August 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys,

I've been playing QL on and off since about 3 years, mostly messing around in CA and CTF. I recently decided to start dueling but I have no idea what I'm doing, besides the obvious stuff such as timing items and trying not to give away free frags.

My aim is semi-decent, but is currently carrying me at 1300 elo. I feel like I sometimes get "lucky" and my aim manage to save me against better duellers, but worst aimers. I'd like to rely more on tactics than great aim. On that note, would it be a good idea to start duelling people in Europe? My 100ish ping would force me to work hard (tactically) to stand a chance.

I'd like to find partners that want to improve, and willing to give me advices if possible. I have pro and can invite people.!profile/summary/pY

(The accuracy is high on the account since I have mostly CTF matches played, I don't pull such high numbers 1v1)

gl hf!
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