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PROBLEM: xl2411t doesn't go 120hz (36 comments)
Posted by Tellah @ 06:02 CDT, 9 April 2013 - iMsg
hi there, i just bought this monitor and since i just used crt in my life looks great.

up to now i'm using an old hd 3870, waiting few days for a gtx 670 to come

now the problem is that i can't use 120hz or 144hz. I plugged the monitor with the D-sub cable. It that the prob? I mean, do i have to plug it with HDMI or DVI-D to get 120/144 hz?

(when i right click on the desktop, the monitor is recognize as beq2411t ANALOG , what that means? )

any help is very wellcome
Edited by Tellah at 06:04 CDT, 9 April 2013 - 11683 Hits
need a new monitor (20 comments)
Posted by Tellah @ 04:24 CDT, 6 April 2013 - iMsg
hi everyone

i need a new monitor. i've always used just GOOD CRT, so i really don't know what to expect from an LCD, which one to buy, brand...

I love to play fps games ( still quake3, quakelive, counter strike...), but i also love to play other kind of games ( skyrim, GTA, tretris lol ).

So please help me to pick a good one. I've heard a lots of times of the benq ones. Which one is the best ? ( i mean there are few to choose like XL2411T, XL2420TX, XL2420T ). Actually i've heard they pretty suck in terms of colors and image quality. Is that so true? So much difference with an IPS?

Other brands maybe they're better? Asus/Eizo....?

Thanks a lot guys
9180 Hits
old mouse config (9 comments)
Posted by Tellah @ 22:45 CDT, 16 March 2013 - iMsg
hi every one

i re-started to play some quake(live) after quite long break, but i got to say i haven't found my old cfg.
So i decided to google a bit and i've found that the cypher one is what suits me most.

But actually i can't really figure out what's goin on with the mouse settings.

I used to have the kind of settings like he have ( had ): so small/fast movements on the pad, acceleration for sure, but also low sens ( look when he use LG ).
But in all cfg i've found the sens is kinda high ( 4,5), cl_mouseacceloffset is 5 and it's ok, the acceleration is very low ( 0.1) and m_pitch and m_yaw don't actually change into the movement i see on the video.

So what's wrong? i mean i tried 2 different mouse ( wmo and g5 ) with all possible DPI and polling rate, but nothing change.
What i'm missing?
Probably the cfg he's using is not the one you find on internet cause no way u can have those movements with that parameters you find inside the cfg.

Some help would be much appreciated !
4215 Hits
Wheel mouse optical (3 comments)
Posted by Tellah @ 06:12 CST, 5 March 2013 - iMsg
hey guys

It's like 1 year that i'm not playing anything and so i decided to reinstall quake and have some fun. Actually i was looking to buy a new WMO couse my old one have broke down.

I noticed that in the microsoft shop there are no more WMOs. Do they terminated this perfect mouse? Is there somewhere else where i can buy one?

Well if not what mouse would you sudgest that is the most similar to the WMO??

Thanks a lot guys!
1639 Hits
MOUSE TURNS OFF (26 comments)
Posted by Tellah @ 12:59 CST, 25 February 2012 - iMsg
hi everyone

i'm pretty new in this forum so i just want to say hi and explain you my problem.

i use a WMO 1.1a to play quakelive, cs and css. About 2 weeks ago it started to behave strange ( i own the mouse since like 2y and not a prob ): during the game it happens that the mouse simply pass away and re start to be alive 1 sec after. No windows sound about usb port disconnected while this happens. It also happens sometimes in window situations; same thing pass away ofr a sec or so then come back.
I ,of course, twicked the mouse to work at 500hz ( i think all this kind of mouse are supposed to be twicked to get that "extra mile").

Anyone experienced this kind of prob? Even with other usb mouse.
Could be a mouse prob: what mouse do you suggest me to move to from this one ( i pretty much re starting playing quake )?

ps: i'm running everything in win7

thank you all
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