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2k's Rocket Scientist (4 comments)
Posted by -2k- @ 07:43 CDT, 18 March 2012 - iMsg
If you like Rcam then you will love this video; it has some fantastic Rcam work and a lot of it. Vegaskill has produced a powerful and easy to use tool for filmmakers to exploit.
You would think that a frag video exclusively featuring Air Rockets would get repetitive. I tried to achieve a balance between frags, music, atmosphere and pacing. I wanted a sharp and polished 7 minutes of uT3 frag heaven.

Featuring a pounding soundtrack that perfectly captures the ebb and flow of the action. It’s a movie full of Air Rocket frags, very cool fX and a ripping pace.
I went for a quality encode and slick packaging in various formats; what more can you ask for!

You can download the full package at , this link includes the very cool 1080p version, plus 3DTV version, plus Unused Footage movie and other goodies like funny Bonus and more stuff… I hope you all like it… Cya!
10505 Hits
[VIDEO] Rocket Scientist coming soon... (No comments)
Posted by -2k- @ 06:10 CDT, 13 March 2012 - iMsg
Another Unreal Tournament 3 video coming soon...
The whole project took over 6 months.

The idea started in July as a project for Vegas 9.0 experiment.

Original intro was only thirty seconds long.

After a lot of changes and rethinks and with a lot of help from my clan mates, the intro finally took direction.

It was an extremely hard task to make a movie using only -----> Air Rockets.

Check out the Rocket Scientist Trailer.
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