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xenonauts (6 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 09:47 CDT, 5 September 2012 - iMsg
its basically an x-com style of game (kind of a remake). just came across it today, im a big fan of the original x-com titles and jagged alliance this game seems like xmas. also its only 15€

official site:

you can find a lot of gameplay videos on youtube.

anyone tried it? if yes, how it compares in complexity / difficulty to the above mentioned titles? also general impression / feel?
seems like a dope game from videos tho.
Edited by Horvi at 09:49 CDT, 5 September 2012 - 1823 Hits
zed teeeh ennn (47 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 03:53 CDT, 3 September 2012 - iMsg
back in the standard map pool harosh davai

dm6 is out hf in ca =))
Edited by Horvi at 03:54 CDT, 3 September 2012 - 6762 Hits
idea for duel servers (45 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 13:26 CDT, 30 August 2012 - iMsg
so the last update killed dueling, guess they sold a lot of prem subs but still the traffic nowhere near its used to be.

sometimes there just simply isnt a standard server with a good map on it (that is dm6 and t7 currently), obv noone will play through a cringeworthy game on beyond reality, sacellum etc and hoping that from the 3 voteable option dm6 or t7 will appear (or another waste of 10 mins, rinse and repeat). joining a server with a game going was always a gamble, but especially now because the queue bug.
yes the answer is just "buy premium" (i have btw) guess by now its obvious some ppl just wont - they rather not play. maybe for id its ok to think "fuck them", but the thing is it affects me, the paying customer too, because of the downhill in traffic esp. non peak times. sometimes there just isnt a good game going on. it wasnt too easy to get a game in a reasonable timeframe pre-update thx to the ancient server browser design but now its a pain.

so here what i propose:

make 2 different standard servers. call it "standard competitive" and "standard fun".
competitive servers should only have 3 maps in pool, 1 from the usual 5map pool (lets say lost world) and 2 less popular but still duel map (say t4 and hektik or t9 etc...).
standard fun should have every other map the servers have now: sacellum, arena gate, quarantine, whatever...

everyone would benefit from that. for first i dont think anyone with duel experience would rather play on the fun server than on his most hated duel map.

noobs could go to the fun servers and enjoy playing vs same skill. these servers could be an entry point for dueling.

id wouldnt lose potential income: still who wanna play a specific map exclusively or vote a map would need to buy prem. but i suspect the traffic would grow tremendously as well as now noobs would have a playground for themselves - more potential paying customers, also many more satisfied subscribers. i dont see any setbacks of this.

for id: it would be more traffic
for standard users: more opportunity to play / (for noobs: have fun vs same skill) - some of them might sub one day
for prem/pro users: more opportunity to find a reasonable game that you paid for.
Edited by Horvi at 13:27 CDT, 30 August 2012 - 3790 Hits
PKHD beta - new Painkiller game (85 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 13:08 CDT, 2 August 2012 - iMsg
op updated: sept.5 - place to get a key, read posts etc... - official forums - stream group for finding deathmatch partners

from their fb page:

- A modern remake of the Classic shooters, Painkiller and Battle Out Of Hell
- 14 adrenaline filled levels, including 4 Boss levels
- Over 30 of the nastiest, darkest creatures from Hell
- Devastating and unique arsenal of weapons
- Singleplayer and Co-operative Campaigns spread across 4 Chapters
- PvP and PvE Multiplayer modes
- The soundtrack is forged in the same furnace as the weapons: heavy metal
- Powered by Unreal Engine 3®
- Steamworks fully integrated

Anti-Features (you know… the ones that make life EASY):
- NO Kill-streak bonuses or airstrikes
- NO auto-heal
- NO AK-47, NO M16 or that sort of sh*t; just a healthy dose of .666 calibre weapons!

More to be announced!

current mutliplayer modes:

survival is an ffa kind of mode where players also fight against mob and each other.

there is only 2 maps for dm: unseen, and unseen HD (i guess upcoming maps also will have HD version), the opera level for survival, and the cemetery level for co-op. it def. has casual appeal.


multiplayer gameplay videos: (movement & weapons)
first tricking video by mousestar:


config guide: - skip the idiot part and get to the point from page 7 (adv. tweaking). if u wanna know what u do read from page 5.

from what i figured out, to the console:
show postprocess - huge fps boost
show levelcoloration - picmip kinda thing, has effect on enemymodel too unfortunately
show fog - even more fps boost in single player

setsensitivity - mouse sens

from beta forum:

Q (random user): I just got a beta key and I can't wait to install and test the game out.

I personally have my PK experience from the esports side of the game in the original PK. I'm curious as to how deep Nordic is willing to go with supporting this game for esports from two point of views: the gameplay side and the monetary side (i.e., supporting leagues financially, providing servers, etc.)

For gameplay:
- Will the game feature brightskins as default for multiplayer pvp?
- Will there be in-game stat tracking where players can see their career stats?
- Will there be in-game ladders/seasons/leagues/divisions like Starcraft 2?
- Will maps be easily modifiable from weapon placement, powerup placement, etc?
- Will there be an in-game demo recorder for future playback?
- Will there be an in-game spectator mode for people who want to shoutcast matches and stream them live?

A (farm51 developer) :Most of the things you mention are already in-game (not everything accessible in Beta version) or planned. We'll be updating Beta but to make PKHD something more noticeable on pro-gaming scene, you guys need to play game also after release and communicate about profiling it toward the skillfull players

source: :


Changelog Beta Update August 6th
● lighting on Opera Level
● lack of explosion particle effects in MP
● several bugs related to to joining MP servers
● smoothness of player animations in multiplayer
● several game save small bugs fixed

● Player movement physics in MP is again closer to original PK controls
● Server list in Join Game MP menu is wider and displays additional information about the available servers (number of players, type of game)
● Brightskins in MP shader improved
● Rebalance of Soulcatcher ammo on Cemetery level
● Feedback forum link in main menu is working
● AI improvements - they don’t run in straight lines colliding with each other
● Some FX and AI animation smoothness improvements
● Demon Mode - visual warning added when you collect 64 and 65 souls and are close to starting Demon Mode

Know Issues
● Using Brightskin option in Survival MP mode makes all the monsters display colored (bug)
● When leaving the game exiting to desktop (Esc in Main Menu) game often crashes


Update 16th of August 2012:

- start screen with game logo added
- options in menu like Brightness, Mouse Sensitivity, Invert Y Axis, Dynamic Lights are working
- new blood particles and decals
- multiplayer skins are available and working (Daniel, Eve, Monk, Hellangel)
- weapon tweaking (i.e. stakegun pins enemies often) and physics balancing
- AI improved (i.e. enemies can destroy objects objects to get to player)
- several optimizations and stability bug fixes both in single and multi


Update 5th of September 2012:
- Survival map SV-Atrium Complex
- Deathmatch map DM-Cursed HD
- Singleplayer/coop map SP-Trainstation
- New weapons on SP-Trainstation
- New characters on SP-Trainstation and SV-Atrium Complex
● Menu/GUI improved, more config options available
● Another round of optimization
● Level graphics detailed
● AI adjustments
● Several multiplayer stability and performance issues fixed
Edited by Horvi at 00:22 CDT, 6 September 2012 - 15383 Hits
Posted by Horvi @ 12:02 CDT, 27 July 2012 - iMsg
altho i cant vote i support Mindy from the bottom of my hearth! dear americans, please go to the senate vote and vote for her!
2893 Hits
hal9000 cpm stream (10 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 12:37 CDT, 26 July 2012 - iMsg

just found it randomly on twitch, why it isnt in the streambox?
6116 Hits
dat muthafucka is a demon (3 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 13:00 CDT, 10 July 2012 - iMsg
2650 Hits
servers - what happened? (20 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 07:04 CDT, 10 July 2012 - iMsg
so its 2pm and there is not a single player on the servers. def. smth is up, whats going on?
3709 Hits
i want fps (33 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 11:18 CDT, 5 July 2012 - iMsg
so my psu died about 2 weeks ago, for first i didnt gave a shit but still monday will be the earlier when it arrives and im starting to miss games... currently on a laptop, (with ubuntu linux). quakelive can only squeeze out 60fps from it at best.

specs are: Intel Core 2 Duo T6570 2.1ghz, INTEL GM45, 4GB DDR2 800MHZ

please recommend smth for this config that it actually can run. at this point id be happy to play any game so it not necessary have to be fast fps... altho thats what id prefer.

Edited by horvi at 13:01 CDT, 5 July 2012 - 7631 Hits
POST FUNNY LINKS (28 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 15:36 CDT, 4 July 2012 - iMsg
title says it all
4098 Hits
donteventry? (25 comments)
Posted by Horvi @ 16:23 CDT, 19 June 2012 - iMsg
theres a very few players who wallhacking so evidently and a blatant way as him, yet i wonder how come he still didnt banned. i understand id needs every coin but please...
Edited by horvi at 16:23 CDT, 19 June 2012 - 6523 Hits
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